🌻Don't go near me🌻

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3rd pov (this is when Dipper was in the bathroom so theres no confusion-)
       The rest saw the brunette and white haired guy leave closing the door. Silence filled the air, only thing you can really hear would be Will jotting down notes. That is when Pyronica got out of the bed and spoke up.
       "What. The. Actual. Fuck. Bill. You scared the flying SHIT out of sapling! GOD DAMNIT BILL! Now he probably doesn't even want to be near us!" The female shouted at Bill who was rather surprised by her sudden outburst. He then scoffed and glared at her replying.
       "Oh please! It's not my fucking fault that Pinetree was basically answering shit with riddles! And Will was asking shitty stupid questions that don't even MATTER! My fucking lord I'm just going straight to the point you dumbass." Bill and Pyronica then kept on bickering back and forth as Will was still focusing on writing some things down.
       "Oh yeah yeah SURE! You fucking sounding pissed TOTALLY helped us questioning sapling! WOW THANKS A LOT YOU FUCKING DICK! WHY THE FUCK DID YOU EVEN ASK ABOUT HIS MOTHER AND MANAGER?!"
       "GEE I DON'T FUCKING KNOW PINKIE MAYBE ITS BECAUSE THE CONVERSATION WILL AND PINETREE HAD WHEN WE WERE WALKING HERE AND BECAUSE PINETREE ALMOST FUCKING FELL WHEN I SIMPLY MENTIONED A WORD THAT WAS SIMILAR TO THE WORD 'MOTHER'! So..how come YOU can be fucking curious and all that shit and just annoy everyone and I can't do a SINGLE shit about anything huh PINKIE?!" Bill was about to shout yet again, but was then interrupted by Will.
        "Wait! What happened when you talked about his mother?!"
        "Well damn ok," Bill then sighed and leaned against the wall and continued, "while your asses were being slow as fuck I tried to strike up a conversation with the kid and he was shaking crazy I'm not kidding! Fucking weird I know..but anyways I asked him what the fuck he was shaking for and he basically told me to mind my own business. And you know I then told him why and asked if his mama would be pissed, as a joke by the way! And his balance almost fucking died and he almost tripped, but caught himself. And you know it can be a coincidence, but when you're fucking shaking a lot because I'm about to question you and almost fall when I mention your parent then you bet your ass I'm going to question you about it." Bill then looked up at Will who was looking over his notes yet again. The blue haired boy then looked up and stared eye widened. He then sighed and ran his hands through his hair until he spoke.
       "God damnit! This is so fucking confusing! Fuck...Saplings manager and his mother...Mabel might be different people...and Sapling has been hidden for who knows how long?! Why can't that boy just answer, UGH!... Obviously he has a horrible relationship with his mother and by the way Bill that's the most retarded question to ask someone, anyways his manager...I haven't really seen her have I? Holy shit...I just realized. No one has ever even seen the manager except during concerts...barely in any interviews..it's always Mabel? The fuck? And who even is saplings mother? Like what's his last name o actual name to be honest?! Holy fucking shit! Fuck!" Will then flops onto his chair once again and sigh. There's then silence yet again as everyone's debating whether to say something or not. That was until Pyronica spoke.
       "Guys...it's pretty obvious he doesn't want to talk about his mother..so pretty fucking obvious he's been through shit so we can't just remind him and question him such personal questions like that! Y'all's brains need rewiring or some shit I swear to fuck...but still. I know you guys want answers, but it seems Sapling doesn't trust any of us..even me! That's pretty surprising to be honest..and yeah Sapling can make us impatient, but if we really want answers then we have to earn his trust. I'm not the smartest, but I use something you guys don't..your heart. Feelings. Empathy. Pity. Something none of you guys seem to even know about, but I know sapling has never had that in his life probably..I mean he seems pretty distant! I know that if we become closer he'll trust us enough to talk about everything-" The pink haired female got interrupted by the door opening revealing a rather worried Gideon.
       "What is it piggy?" Bill questioned with a glare. That's when he noticed..how long have the been talking? Overall if it was an estimate then possibly 30 or more minutes and..Pinetree was still in the restroom?
       "Guys..you know how I sometimes get fucking lost so obviously it took me some minutes and I procrastinated a lot to get here cause I fucking hate you, but..it's been too long for Sapling to even stay in the restroom and I don't know what happened. He obviously locked the door so if he doesn't answer us then I want one of you to break the door. C'mon dumbasses I don't want a dead body in my bathroom!" The Gideon entered out speed soaking as the others followed.
       "Gee fat ass why the fuck didn't you stay to ask if he was ok?!" Bill questioned as his rage was building up.
       "OH SHUT UP AND JUST FUCKING FOLLOW!" The rest then started walking quicker and quicker to the point it wasn't even walking. They were sprinting not knowing if the brunette would escape or do something he could regret.
       They finally arrived and stopped in front of the door. Will was the first to knock and asked if he was ok. No response. That's when they repeated the same thing yelling louder and knocking harsher fearing for the worst. That's when Bill had enough. He's had enough hearing pleading cries in the bathroom.
       "ALRIGHT FUCK IT IM KICKING THE DOOR OPEN PINETREE!" Bill shouted and immediately pushed himself towards the door repeating until it finally opened. It hurt Bills shoulder, but he honestly didn't really care..he could take care of his injury later. The group immediately ran in and looked around quickly..there were no signs of the boy. Just nothing. The bathroom just looked as normal as ever..yet they heard muffled cries that were way too silent which surprised the rest. The group then looked at Bill as he was looking towards the bathtub. The Blondie looked back and put a finger in front of his lips as a signal to stay quiet. They then nodded and stood behind him quietly waiting. Bill then slowly walked as quietly as possible and slowly opened up the shower curtains to reveal a brunette. The boys hands were covering his mouth harshly to the point he could've suffocated himself, his knees laying against his chest, the boys back going further into the wall trying to hide.
       Bill was honestly bewildered yet surprised. He didn't expect to see the boy like this..bill was stuck staring dumbfounded. That was until the brunette looked up quickly as his eyes showed fear. The boys eyes widened as he backed away even more harshly into the wall, his feet trying to push him back, but failing as there was a wall stopping him. Bills stomach dropped as he suddenly felt guilty when the brunette was shaking his head repeatedly as if he was saying no. The blonde then remembered when he frightened the boy with his stare and glare..it didn't help the guilt building up in his stomach.
       "Hey..Pinetree..it's ok. C'mon tell us what's wrong-" Bill was putting out his hand towards the brunette, but his sentence was interrupted by Dipper.
       "DON'T GO NEAR ME-... IM SORRYIMSORRYIMSORRYIMSORRY!" Mason interrupted himself and repeating apologies as if he would die if he didn't. The boy looked terrifed. Traumatized. He wanted to disappear. The group was worried for the boy and didn't know what to do..no one knew how to handle it. Bill then decided to make a move and got into the bathtub with boy and sat in front of him. The brunette was still crying, but immediately stopped himself when the Blondie was infront of him. Dipper tried to be as silent as possible..he was on a different mindset. A mindset where he was afraid of his mother finding him.
       "Pinetree." Bill said in a demanding tone. He wanted the boy to look up to him and realize he wasn't in danger, but..that didn't happen. The boy instead hugged himself harshly as more tears were falling..Bill now wasn't even thinking. He didn't know what snapped in him, but he didn't like seeing the boy like that. Bill did the unexpected. He grabbed Pinetree by the shoulders and hugged him wrapping his arms around him protectively. Dipper was shaking still in a state of shock and fear. The boy was trying his best to get out of Bills arms, but failed as nothing budged. The brunette was now muttering apologies repeatedly. Bill simply sighed and knew that he couldn't snap him out of whatever was happening. So he picked him up and held him. He then grabbed Dippers arms and forced them to go around Bills neck so he wouldn't fall, he did the same with the boys legs and put them around his waist. The Blondie then looked at the others as a way to tell them they should leave. The group nodded and walked along with Bill as the brunette was still panicking and shaking. Dipper wasn't..use to this kind of affection. He was use to hugs, but only by Ruby. Any other ones were odd and he honestly thought he would get attacked. Yes he know he could fight against them, but..not when he was in this type of state. Dipper wanted comfort. Loving words to be whispered into his ears, but now...he didn't know anymore. His manager has teared him apart so much to the point the boy couldn't handle such affection.
       The group was looking at the boy worryingly as curiosity kept on building up wanting to know what caused this. Dipper was still shaking as usual, but he became tired. He remembered when Ruby would play with his hair..he missed that feeling. He wanted to feel something. Anything. He wanted something to soothe him or at least someone, but how could he? He was in a room full of strangers that could possibly tell his manager about this..he didn't want that to happen. He's already had enough of her punishments. He was starving. Disappointed. Feeling insecure about himself each second. His mother was slowly killing him in any way possible.
       "..do-don't tell man-manager about th-this ple-please...I wo-won't do it ag-again..just please.. don't tell her.." The brunette said out of nowhere. Both Bill and the group were startled by his quiet voice interrupting the silence. No one responded for awhile as they were stuck in though, but Dipper thought for the worst. He clung onto Bill as if he let go he would fall into the pits of hell.
       "I promise! Ple-PLEASE! I'M BEING GOOD! IM TRYING PLEASE!" Dipper shouted as he just clung onto Bill even harsher and everyone was now wondering what happened. Everyone was panicking not knowing what to do.
       "Pinetree! Hey calm down we won't tell your manager alright?" Bill exclaimed trying to soothe the boy. The brunette was simply shaking harder and just nodded while laying his head against Bills collar bone. Dipper really didn't know what was happening. He was lost in panic. He wanted Ruby. To calm him. He wanted his motherly figure to soothe him and tell him everything will be alright, but..that wasn't the situation. Yet Dipper didn't care. He wanted to feel something. So Dipper slowly looked up and reached for Bills hand that was holding onto him for extra support as the other did the same. Bill was rather startled when he felt a soft hand hold his gently. The Blondie then looked up towards Pinetree as the brunette grabbed his hand and laid it against the top of his head. As he finally positioned it he laid his head on Bills collar bone yet again. Bill had widened eyes as he didn't think he would see this sight of Pinetree. He was stunned. Shocked, but overall his heart fluttered at this sight. At first he didn't like it, but he then felt the brunettes soft hair. Bill simply sighed and started to slowly play with Dippers hair as a way to calm him down. Sooner or later..the brunette fell asleep on Bill as they arrived towards Will's room.
       "He's asleep...so shut the fuck up retards. Or just whisper I don't know..I'm looking at you piggy." Bill glared at Gideon who in which rolled his eyes as a response.
       "Look Bill. I don't think he should be in my room or really anyone's cause I mean you think he would still be calm when he wakes up? No I don't think so I mean..did you see him in the bathroom?! I don't even know what was happening, but holy shit I don't think I've ever seen something like this!..I'm worried Bill. He's scared of his manager so much and same for his mother...he was apologising so fucking much. Gosh.." Will then finished off with a sigh as the rest nodded in agreement.
       "How about we just lay him on the couch as I don't think he'll feel any better if he wakes up on a strangers bed. " Pyronica jokingly said as a way to lighten up the mood. Will simply smiled and nodded as Bill just nodded still having his attention towards the boy in his arms. They then walked downstairs as they reached the couch. Bill then gently and slowly got Pinetree off him, but..he wouldn't budge. The boy was still clinging onto him as if he was a koala. Bill then sighed and looked at the group giving them a questioning stare.
       "Well gee..haha this is akward...uHh- ok um sorry to break this to ya Bill, but I think you'll have to be on the couch with him..heheee." Pyronica them laughed awkwardly as she then left to get them blankets.
       "Fuck...c'mon Pinetree just get off. I don't think you'll like waking up to some stranger holding you.. c'mon," Bill was then trying to pry Pinetree's legs off of his waist, but nothing worked, Bill then sighed, "Fine..guess I'm staying with you Pinetree." The Blondie then laid on the couch as Dipper was now on top of him still snuggling. Bill didn't really know what to feel about the situation..either it was a heartwarming moment or it was awkward. He couldn't seem to find out so he just skipped that subject playing into his mind.
       Pyronica finally came downstairs with a fluffy grey blanket that would be big enough for the two. The pink haired girl gasped at the sight of Dipper snuggling onto Bill. Pyronica squealed mentally as she laughed softly in real life. Bill simply rolled his eyes as he reached his hand out for the blanket waiting for Pyronica to give it him. As she did, Bill immediately took it and covered himself and Dipper with it. Will simply smiled at Bill and thanked him as he left to his room to then write some things he noticed about Dippers actions. Pyronica just went to her room with some food so she could continue her day. Though everything was an exhausting event, they finally knew the commotion ended and they could now calm down. Gideon on the other hand was sitting on the other couch staring at Dipper.
       There was some moments of silence between the three in the living room until Gideon then interrupted it.
       "Who would've thought Sapling had curves hm? And who would've thought he would stick his ass up in the air pff." Gideon smirked at the sight of Dippers curves showing off into the blanket. Was the brunettes ass in the air? Somewhat, but that was for comfort as it was usual for him to cuddle like this not really wanting to make so much contact between their crotches. Bill was pissed. He was tired of Gideon being an inconsiderate ass so he glared into his soul and responded with venom filling his voice.

       "Stop fucking staring at my Pinetree fatass."

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