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(back to bills and the crews perspective during the presence so Dipper situation already finished.)

3rd pov
"No" Bill repeated again for the millionth time.
"Oh c'mon Bill let's get the backstage tickets!! Cmonnnnnnnnn billlll!" Pyronica and Will said in sync as they were driving. You see Bill got a call the night before to meet with his manager, or his Bud. Tad strange. Strange fellow, but a real good buddy. He called them last night to discuss something rather important.
"Guys shut the fuck up I'm this close to killing yo-" Bills threat was interrupted by a ringtone which was from his car..since he is rich. Bill then answers.
Call:. (T: tad strange, and y'all already know the other dudes)
B: Yellow!

T: Hey Bill! Um how are you and are you doing alright?

B: Oh well I'm doing "swell". Just dealing with a couple of brats right now.

P & W: HEY-

B: Shut up, my fuck.

T: Haha I see you guys are still the same. Anyways um I wanted to talk to you about some issues going on.

B, P, & W: What is it?

T:..um well you see most of our company and crews got sick thats spreading so we're going to take a break till we get better. And we don't want more people to get even more sick..which is why I got sick so yayyyy. Anyways our building is near you and I don't want my models or crews getting even more sick so I'm sending you guys off somewhere. Alright?

B: Well theres no complaints sir, but exactly where are we suppose to go? And who the fuck are we staying with??

T: Language Bill. My Lord. Anyways all of you three will be staying with Gideon Gleeful. Ya know my old model? He's pretty rich and has extra rooms just for all of you so yeah.


T: Calm down Bill jeez. He's changed surprisingly. Not the same brat from last time heh.

B: Ugh fine, but if he's a brat then I'm just going to rent a hotel. Anyways where does he live? Also I need to go back to pack up my shit...

T: Oh! You guys will be staying in Gravity Falls so have fun. Ok imma go now and drink medicine so byeeee-

End of call
Will and Pyronica then stare at each other and then start smiling while squealing.
"Guys we're not going to break the fucking law you dumbasses. Anyways lemme drive back home to pack up." He groans in annoyance.
They then arrive at home and start packing up then buy the tickets near an annoyed Bill.
"Hey uh so what do we do here? Ya know right over uhhh there?" Pyronica says as she points at something specific in the website.
"Oh my fucking God just move. You've overall asked 19 fucking questions in just 4 minutes. My fuck guys you should know this shit for now." He then pushes Pyronica off the chair and sets himself on in while typing on the computer.
"Aaaannndddd...done. There. Now stop bothering me and let me pack up my Lord." He then leaves the room while Pyronica and Will stare at Bill I'm amazement and adoration as if they just won something. They then start jumping around cheering.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP GOD DAMNIT!" Bill shouted from the other room. They then laugh and start to pack up as well.

Bills Pov (have I ever done his pov?)
As usual I was packing up getting ready while those two brats were packing up..was I excited for this trip? No. Absolutely not. I would have to breathe in the same air Mabel breathes in. Fucking disgusting. Now why do I loathe her so much...well she's a fucking brat. And such a manipulator. She's an asshole then suddenly becomes an angel..no one does that. She's a whore and always liked to basically wear bikinis anywhere..except her performances or just random times..which is odd.
'Why are they so interested in that Mabel? Theres not much to even see. She's just a simple model that's it. And so what if she has flat chests at random moments..and is sometimes skinnier...and has different personalities strangely..different body shapes somewhat..different hairstyles...different clothing..different smile...and she sometimes doesn't have braces- holy fuck. HOKY FUCK. HOLY SHIT- I almost forgot my toothbrush..oh but also Mabel..wtf. Ok maybe Pyronica and Will are kinda right?? But there's not such a big thing going on..right?'
I then go to the bathroom to get my materials.

Time skip qwq
So um everyone finished and Pyronica had a full on house in her suitcase so fuck. She's carrying that not me..like I get I'm suppose to be a gentleman, but c'mon I fucking drive them. Part of my crew then exists the house with me alongside. I then put my house on lockdown mode so no one would break in..yes there will be gaurds gaurding this place..but better safe then sorry.
"You guys ready?" I say as I put on my seatbelt.
"YUP!" They both say in sync..gosh they're gonna give me a headache. I then just simply nod while dying inside. I start the car and drove off to gravity falls..

Dippers pov
After that whole situation I took a short nap, but not so long since I had a schedule to finish. I get changed into a simple white button up long sleeved and a black skirt with a belt to keep it from falling.
"Are you ready?" Ruby asked with obvious concern..and that's Ruby to me. She's an angel. What did I do to deserve her? What did I do to deserve a practical sister?
"..yeah..let's go. We can't let them waiting now can we. Also we'll be having to talk with my relatives earlier than expected since I also have to train and exercise as manager says." I explain while putting on my extensions of hair. Or wig? I don't know.
"Ok..let's go Dipper. Oh..and one last thing." Ruby says as she faces me.
"Hm? What is is Ruby?" I look at her in confusion as I exit out of the doorway...she then puts some of my hair behind of my ear and kisses my head.
"Oh nevermind. Just wanted to see your beautiful face and wonder how lucky I am to be here." She says with a motherly smile..she was either a mother or a sister..strange right?
"..pfff. Gosh Ruby that's so cheesy." I joke while giggling.
"Oh c'mon ya gotta admit that, that was the best thing I've said before!" She states as we're walking out of the building. I then just laugh and calm down...it was nice to have someone...sure it wasn't a lot, but it sure was at least some human contact...some interaction. It was comforting. Really calm. Anyways we started to head towards the car again while ignoring my mother's stare and creepily grin...she seemed jolly..maybe she just doesn't need me. Ruby opened the door for me and I just causally entered.
Time skip cause who wants to read sign contracts?
After those long rides and signing my hand hurt so fucking badly. Yeesh who knew you have to sign so much papers just to use an area for a day...actually I kind of saw that coming so I shouldn't be as surprised.
"Hey so..um Ruby how will we exactly be contacting my relatives back in Gravity Falls?" I ask as my eyebrows furrow.
"Well as you were signing papers I had a talk with your mother and supposedly she already called them and turns out you'll be living in some sort of shack? You'll be with two of your uncle's and some people that work there, but you may be working there as well, but we'll find that out later. You'll also be sleeping in the attic while I'll be sleeping in one of your uncle's old rooms that's unoccupied. Right now we'll be needing to pack up and drive towards Gravity Falls since tomorrow will be a rather busy day and you need to help people set up the stage since they don't practically know what you'll be doing even though you'll just be sitting on a stool. You'll also be having to get ready later on so I'll just drive us home so we can start early ok? We have to squeeze in a lot of things into that schedule of yours!" She says while giggling. I simply smile at her then look back at the window genuinely worried and rather terrified of the new environment I'll be living in.
'What if they loathe me...you never know..and what'll Ruby do?..what about those towns people. Does the shack live in a town?..they won't find out would they?..yeah..no on will find me.'
"Dipper..are you alright? You've been spaced for a worryingly amount of time?" She asks as she holds my hand tightly.
"..Yeah I'm fine..just thinking about the things I'll be doing. Don't worry." I say in a mone-tone voice while still not making eye contact.
'You've bothered her enough Mason...stop letting her carry your problems..don't let her anymore. Just like mother says...stop hurting others Mason. You're such a toxic person.'
We then go home and start packing up while Ruby starts to give me tips.
"Look Dipper I know this is oddly strange for you, but don't worry yourself. It'll be alright. But sadly..we still need to hide your identity. When people ask for your name just go with your nickname. The one I call you by..also you'll be needing to have a mask that covers half of your face and a cap. You'll still be bringing your wig, but you won't be able to wear it outside so that's good news...I know you're probably stressing right now, but..hey..they have forests in there..I know you really want to see that. Ever since you were locked out. It's finally that time you'll be free. So we better hurry to see that town alright dippy?" She giggled as she ruffled my hair.
"Dippy? I see we're coming up with new nicknames now Rubbers?" I smile softly at her.
"Pfff what kind of nickname is Rubbers? I could make so much more better nicknames! Try me!" She says while closing her luggage.
"Pff please don't!" I laugh out.

We then get start to head out.

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