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3rd pov (tw: abuse)

"Every mistake..needs punishment. Lecture. Whatever it takes to fix you darling." The mother was stood in front of Mason. The brunette was now shaking. Trembling in fear under his mothers- managers stare. The mother always believed in perfection. Didn't care what it would take as long as it made them perfect. It was a reason she adored her daughter for some odd reason..to her eyes the female brunette would seem beautiful and perfect to her. Just some few surgeries to fix her and then bam..perfect. Which is what happened years ago. All that plastic surgeries stacked up..it just caused the woman to love her daughter even more. Not in a romantic way, but more in an admireable way. Mason on the other hand..was a different case. To others he would be seem as gorgeous enough and was good enough..to the mother he seemed hideous. Fat. Horrible to look at. An embarrassment..why? Because..it reminded her of her divorced husband..so much. She hated both of them with all of her soul. She hated the way the brunettes hair would curl up, the way his eyelashes would hit his cheeks whenever he blinks, his curves and similarities to his sister's body, his doe brown eyes, his small soft hands, everything. She despised how he would be so "disobedient" and "immature". Everything. She thought she needed to fix every. single. inch of the boy.

"Let's take this privately now..shall we?..go upstairs to you room Mason. I expect you to be there before I finish counting..one," right as she said the first number, Mason immediately ran up the stairs and was already there when she counted to two. Who ever knew that would be possible huh?

"Oh, darling... you're so fucking lucky that no one's home..haha..I have you all to myself don't I baby?.. remember that game we played...where you would hide and I would find you..oh it was such a wonderful game. Why don't we try again Mason?" She walked slowly up the stairs..you can hear her high heels making the clicking noise against the wooden material as her laughs echoed through the shack. She always never forgot to call the boy sweet names a caring mother would use..a mechanism to remind him the mother he would never have because of his mistakes and way of living. The boy immediately knew what was going to happen..so he tried his best to stay hidden. There were..rules to their game. No hiding in the bathroom. No locking anything you're hiding in. No running away when the seeker has found you. If you followed these rules then the punishment wouldn't be as harsh..if you did break the rules..then you better prepare your funeral. First time they played this game..his mother screamed out the rules as he went to hide. This type of game was something they use to play..when there wasn't any violence included..it use to be a game Mason admired as he would always get tackled in a hug by his mother or father..now anytime he hears his mother mentioning the game..he'd rather die. The brunette decided to hide under his bed..it wasn't the best hiding place, but where else would he hide in? Next to the book shelf? Hell no. Everything was open except the bed, so he did his best to seem as small as possible and sinked into the corner of the bed where his back would hit sooner or later. The mother started cackling as she got no response from the brunette.

"Oh darling...you know that I don't like you being late baby. You know I worry..right darling? I missed you so much Mason..I started to ask Ruby where you went, but she said you were out with friends..you don't have any baby. You're lonely remember?!" The woman screamed as Mason had tears rolling down his face. He was terrified...oblivious to what type of punishment he would get. He's never been late..ever. Always been on time whether right on time or earlier. It was never later.

"HERE I COME DARLING!" She shouted as she opened the door, to the brunettes new room, harshly as she then slammed it shut while locking it during the process, she turned around with a wide smile as she continued her welcoming, "COME OUT, COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE! DON'T YOU MISS MOTHER, BABY?! I THOUGHT YOU WANTED TO SEE ME!" She laughed out as she then turned her giggly expression into a rather serious pissed one.

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