🥀?Where are you?🥀

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3rd pov
       "Wait what? The fuck you mean Will?" Bill questioned him as he shut the door. Will simply sighed and just led him to his room in which everyone else followed. As they entered the room Bill cipher felt his stomach drop about all this commotion. He simply didn't know whether to regret this or not, but he didn't question himself.
       Will and the group entered the room and walked towards a table with most of the information written down as he wasn't the best at memorization. The blue haired simply didn't make eye contact with anyone and just stared at the photos and information while replying.
       "I think that mask kid has something to do with the subject of Mabel...I mean he literally has the same hairline and eye color from Mabel on this cover, but.." he paused and turned around while holding two pictures of Mabel, one was different from the other, " I went through some old photoshoots when they weren't as proffesional- and I mean this photo has the messy hair and the body is rather similar to someones else's- mask kid- while this one is the rather more curved version with some rather round hair- bratty Mabel- it's just odd that they look different, but not as much. There's not much similarity with the bodies, but there's actually more photoshoots and albums from the Mabel with messy hair then the round haired Mabel...meanwhile the round hair Mabel is quite seen when meeting fans or something else that doesn't even involve work..odd don't you think?" He then turns around to face them and simply saw them with focused faces. He sighs and glares at the photo with the Mabel rounded haired girl. He then continued, " Its just...I don't think we should exactly trust the Mabel with rather rounded hair...I mean I never did, but we need to keep our guards up near her since she knows something...she isn't doing any work..and is a rather toxic person..I don't know she seems that person to not care about anything-" he was then interrupted by Bill.
       "Wait no Will- I can see where you're headed, but...Mabel..the bratty one I guess I don't fucking know, but she does seem like she doesn't give a fuck, but she knows what to not say...she makes mistakes on purpose or says something to ruin her career on purpose as if wanting a reaction from someone, but we don't know that someone yet she seems to.. I mean why the fuck would SHE want to ruin her career without fixing it and losing money, I mean there's someone obviously needing to help her and I don't think her personal helper would do that since with Ruby's awkwardness and honestly lack of confidence..so she wouldn't be able to even stand up for Mabel and I've never seen or heard her saying literally anything positive nor negative about fucking Mabel..but...holy shit....that kid that is um- what the fuck is it called- well a fucking assistant that I guess is fucking smart and has enough knowledge to switch someone's mindset if he wanted to or even confuse them!...so he would've been the one fixing the problems, but how...." Bill then sighs and plops on Will's bed while the others talk it over.
       "Oh wait Bill what was that thing you saw or wanted to tell us? I just remembered about that.." Will sat down on a chair near the table of information and notes as Gideon was simply staring at the photos while Pyronica was jotting down more notes, but a bit more slowly.
       "Oh shit yeah! Well um....it was just something weird I heard...like I was walking in the forest cause I didn't want to be near your asses that time and I heard some singing that REALLY fucking sounded like Mabel...it was too familiar. I think they were singing that one song we heard in the car when driving here? Yeah it was that song..and it sounded too similar so I went to get a closer look, but that area they were in was practically surrounded by fucking trees! Like they wanted to be hidden from society or some weird shit and I couldn't even see their fucking face, but...I did see their hair and..it was way too familiar to Mabel's hair..like that messy hairline and all that shit, but the only thing that was different was...they didn't have any long hair. Like it was short and I'm honestly fucking confused about this...Anyways I stepped on a fucking branch by accident and I guess they noticed as they immediately fucking ran and I tried to catch up, but damn were they fast as FUCKKK- but it's just also suspicious. Like I understand that they would be startled, but when you choose a very secured area with nowhere to be in sight and immediately run instead of asking who's there...then you better bet your ass that I'll be suspicious of that shit..it's just odd ya know?" He then gets up and looks at the group to see if they've had any luck with piecing everything together of what he said. After a few minutes of nothing Will started to get stuck deep in thought and was trying to find something within his thoughts..as if he knew what it meant, but couldn't word it out. That was when his eyes widened and immediately went to get his notepad and looked over his information again. He then looked at the group with the same widened eyes as the three of them were shocked at the sudden movements.
       "Guys...." Will paused waiting for a nod or something, they all have him the look to continue, "I think that kid you saw also has something with this situation..." He liked at Bill and kept on trying to find a way to put his conspiracy into words.
       "Mabel isn't the one singing her music. Someone's behind all these songs and we have had no clue about them."

Back to Dippers pov
       "-ipper! DIPPER!" I heard Ruby screaming at me as if...I wasn't focusing.
       'Wait..where the heck am I?..wasn't I in the forest? I thought I was...maybe I was dreaming? No..I wasn't otherwise I wouldn't have remembered the scent of the trees...and it felt so real..so how did I get here? Wait- gosh I completely forgot about everything! How could I forget that fucking guy!? He literally screamed at me- my lord what's manager going to do when she hears about this?!'
       "Dipper...NO DIPPER YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BLACK OUT ON ME AGAIN!" I heard Ruby screaming as..I suddenly felt a harsh feeling on my cheek..she slapped me. Ruby slapped me. That's when I saw everything around me clearly as it was blurry before.
       "Gosh Dipper...what the actual fuck happened? I just saw you running in and you just started screaming about how Manager is going to be pissed or something like that..you were just going nuts. You were pulling your hair so fucking much and I'm quite surprised you aren't bald...gosh Dipper are you ok?...you literally almost bashed your wrist onto a table..thank fuck I was there." I could see the worry in her face...such worry. Did I cause this? Confusion and worry filled me to the core.
       "Rub-ruby?...where am I?" I replied while putting her hair behind her ear as she seemed like she just fought a monster. My eyes felt so..dry...gosh my arms and my entire body physically felt tired as if I just beat the frick out of someone...what caused me to do such-
       ' Manager....she can't find out about that.'
       "Dipper? Do you not remember what the fuck happened?! Gosh Dipper..I've never seen you panic this much..not even near the manager." She hugs me gently as I then noticed we were sitting on the wooden floor near the front door that led to te forest...I looked around to see my surroundings..and Ruby was right. I caused such a reck. I could see some objects have fallen and the rug was so ragged as if someone ran into it and didn't flatten it out..everything around me felt suffocating. I hate this.
       "Ruby...tell me that you won't tell on me...please don't Ruby." I could feel more tears about to fall, but I kept it in..this was a serious matter that needed no tears. At least I think it doesn't...I don't know anymore.
       "Dipper what do you even mean-"
       "SOMEONE HEARD ME RUBY! THEY ALMOST SAW ME! I COULD TELL THEY WERE SUSPICIOUS! I HAD TO RUN AWAY OBVIOUSLY AND THEY RAN AFTER ME- WHAT IF THEY FOUND OUT WHERE WE LIVED AND CAME HERE TO FIND A FAMILIAR FACE!? I'M NOT GOING BACK TO MANAGER AGAIN?! I JUST GOT AWAY AND I'M NEVER GOING BACK...please Ruby...I just got away...please..please." I started to cling onto her as if my life depended on it. I knew I looked pathetic...but...I just can't seem to think right anymore.
       'When am I suppose to cry?...Manager...I know this is wrong..I know my relationship with her is toxic..but...I can't seem to let go. Mother...Mom...Mabel..father. Why? Why the fuck did you even leave me?! They all left...they're no longer the same Dipper...you're on your own now...Ruby will soon change...others will change...Ruby..I'm so sorry.'
       "Dipper...I would never even tell a fucking soul. Dipper...I know you're scared. I get it. I understand. But friends stick together. And so do siblings. Though your sibling is an..ass..that doesn't mean that I ain't your non-biological sister. Now c'mon Dipper let's go clean you up..you're probably tired. And change your clothes ok?" She then ruffles my hair while I just start to calm down...her voice is rather soothing. It's nice. Feels like home. She then helps me get up and starts to get out a tissue and wipes my face with it while chuckling due to me just hating her smush my my face. I then start to laugh along as..it just felt comfortable. She then sent me off to my room and I simply followed her orders.
      I changed out of my clothes after taking a shower and was just wearing a rather big dark blue sweatshirt with some leggings..it was comfortable. I remember when Ruby gave it to me...she just ran into my room throwing it at my face and then started throwing eggs at me...pff..thank the Lords that Manager wasn't there and on a shopping spree with Mabel.
      I sat down in my room and could tell that it was barely noon? Or afternoon? I wouldn't know.. we've never really went through the time of the day. I simply put an orange blanket over the window for some comfort as it made the room look rather physically warm and soft. I smile to myself and sat down on the bed with a loud thump when hearing the cushion. I just stared at the roof..it was all I could do. I looked over at my books and simply decided to finish some books I never had time for. Today was quite nice, but the afternoon would rather be busy as I need to set up that stage..and tomorrow is the performance..my face went pale and I shook off the nervousness as this part of the day was a break..I shouldn't waste it.

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