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One cannot describe the amount of rage and pure shock the brunette male was currently experiencing, his heart was pratcially running circles as it beated faster than his own breathing. It rang through his ears, like his body was slowly turning off.

He couldn't even bare to hear what Mabel said, it sounded muffled, yet so clear to him in a way he couldn't describe. It's like he already knew what she would answer.

From the other end, his sister replied again. "Moms sending Ruby over here, for the meantime of this quarantine. Since she seems to be having some issues and needs her help.."

"An-And..she hasn't told me because..?" He sat up, staring into the floor as if it would make anything better.

Of course, his mother just HAD to ruin everything for him. It was almost stressful, she was always involved in his life only to watch it crumble beneath her own fucking eyes. It wasn't a surprise, of course she would take someone important to him as of now.

But..Ruby, out of anyone else? Ruby? The one be pratically grew up with, the one who supported him throughout everything, the one who was the only one he could even run towards when in need of a hand? Seriously? She was like another sister!

She pratically RAISED him since his mother wasn't even acting like one! It..was difficult to comprehend in this situation. Someone, who he was emotionally attached to pratically, just leave? And even worse since it would technically be by force..unless Ruby actually considered going-..but she wouldn't, right? No. No, she was too nice to be doing so..

He began to pay attention after Mabel finally spoke. Her voice sounding soothing as if to comfort him.

"Look, Dipper, I understand you and Ruby are closer than ever, but moms basically ordering her to come over. And quick, quick as possible since she can't seem to handle even her own daughter.."

With an eyebrow raised, he questioned her. "Is-..is Ruby coming there to take care of you?"

"Technically..I may or may have not been on schedule. And also not so caught up with work. Annddd also waking up during the afternoon regularly..AND also forgetting some meetings I may have. Moms been getting kind of pissed of that and me starting to hang out with..ahem- someone more than I should be, so she needs Ruby to remind me of stuff and wake me up at the time I should be already awaken. Since she supposedly can't do it.."

Of course.

Was he pissed? Yes, but he had reasons. No he wasn't pissed at his sister, he understood what she meant, and she had her own issues. It seemed like she didn't even have motivation to move so of course she'd need support, but..their mother would obviously neglect that. Like she always did.


"Look, I'm sorry about this, I know it's all my fault so I'm sorry-"

He interrupted his sister quickly, shaking his head as he replied with a gentle tone. "No, no, no! It's fine, you're not at fault, Mabel. Don't worry, you shouldn't be apologizing.."

She sighed. "If you say so..but- do you have anyone you can still talk to? You know, if I'm busy.."

He and his sisters conversation was abrupted by a knock from Dippers door, his attention quickly averting towards it as he stared. Speaking back to his sister to hold for a moment, in which she complied. Both needed a moment to breath, so it wasn't bad.

Walking towards the door, he opened it, expecting one of his Uncles just checking up on him..

Well- what he wasn't expecting was a tired Bill just waiting, eyes almost falling asleep as a blanket covered him, his hands lazily held a pillow.

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