*κησcκ κησcκ*

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       "What do you want?" The irritation tone in his voice was easily noticed, Bill simply stared at the door, glaring at it as he waited for an answer.

       Silence. No response. That's really all he got, was the person on the other side nervous or some shit? He sure as hell didn't know, maybe they were stuck in thought.

       The blonde sighed to himself, fixing his shirt as he wiped off the added wrinkles he had on it. Walking towards the door, he opened it, speaking up again in a more calm tone, maybe the guilt was keeping him down, who knows.

       "How can I help you?-" He immidietly froze, his eyes fixated on the person in front of him that was supposedly standing in front of the door, he could only feel his stomach drop as it twisted and turned with the feeling of regret and sorrow filling him.

       There stood the brunette, looking a bit startled at his approach. He seemed to have barely awoken from a train of thoughts..he looked tired, like mentally and physically- well Bill couldn't blame him.

       "..Ruby asked me to come get you..she said you were taking awhile so she sent me here.." Dipper only looked away, staring back at the ground. It was pretty awkward for him to speak to the blonde after an argument, he didn't even think Bill would stay any longer, but here he was. Was he terrified?..

       Surprisingly, no.

       He was pretty fine, sure he had a tiny bit of panic and some anxiety building up, but he was overall alright with just speaking t the blonde..unless he would have to make eye contact. Then that would be a problem.

      "Uh-..I-.." Bill could only be at a loss of words, he didn't quite expect Dipper to be here, hell, the guilt he held on wasn't helping yeesh, he continued as his tone rounded a bit more confused and gentle, "..so, exactly why did she send you here? Not that I'm complaining, but just curious.."

       He only shrugged at the blonde before responding, "She just told me, I didn't question..your crews waiting downstairs. They said it was time to go, but they're waiting so they don't ditch you."

      Bill was a bit..stunned. Stunned at how calm or even talkative the brunette was, he expected Dipper to dull on ignore him, but here he was..maybe they could make things up. The blonde wasn't too late, right?..probably was, but oh well.

       He leaned against the door frame, his hand in one of his pockets as his other hand pinched the bridge of his nose while he spoke.

       "Oh, alright..um, look Dipper, about the whole argument-"

       "Don't..", the male sighed, hugging himself slightly as a way to comfort himself, the brunette continued, "We can speak about it later if you want, but..just not now. I'm going to go rest, it's been a long day."

       "O-oh- no its fine. Um, thanks for letting me know..see you later?" Gosh Bill wanted to die at how awkward he sounded, but he just awaited for an answer..he only got a nod from the male, the two then parted ways. Dipper walked one direction meanwhile Bill walked on the opposite of his, but not before quickly catching up to Dipper to mention one last thing.

       "Wait! Dipper, one last thing, okay? I get that you're probably pissed at me, but one last thing and then I'll leave." He spoke quickly, grabbing Dippers shoulder and turning him around so the two could face eachother..gosh he felt a bit more shitty after seeing a glance of fear from Dipper, before it turned into more confusion.

       The blonde sighed before speaking again. "Just..don't go near that Vincent guy, alright? Don't go and meet up with him."

       The brunette didn't even answer, his entire expression was filled with confusion and slight concern, but after awhile he just nodded slowly. Staring as he sighed in relief and walked away.

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