🌱good morning 🌱

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•Dippers pov
*G a s p*

       My eyes shot open, only to squint due to the sunlight hitting my eyes harshly. I look around my surrounding and my own reality...all I see is white. And a few colors that can be noticable. My room is just rather white and has very few furniture. I only have my bed, bookshelf, and the table next to me. You may be thinking, what kind of room do you sleep in? Well it's not like I wanted my room to be like this...it was my mom's- I mean mother's decision...
       The alarm clock is the only thing I can hear out of all the suffocating silence. I groan in annoyance and turn off the alarm clock, I look over to see the time. ×× 5 : 2 0 ×××
       My ears immediately perk up due to the sound of knocking, disturbing the suffocating silence.
       "C-come in!" I shouted gently.
       "Ah! Sorry sir if I disturbed you, but it's time to do your schedule. I can let you take a nap if you like due to your lack of sleep and-" My assistance/friend or "maid" gets interrupted by my soft giggling.
       "Hey, it's alright ruby. No need to worry 'bout me. I'm perfectly fine."
       "O-oh. Heh sorry..but um! Anyways it's time to wake up and get ready for a new interview! Sorry sir, but I've been informed by your mother that your sister will be busy with something..so you'll have to replace her for today...again. Sorry if this was out of the blue, but I'll be waiting in the kitchen while making your food." Ruby replies with a soft voice.
       "No worries ruby. It's not like you can see the future..you see the present and you focus on that. So don't worry about what'll happen after. Focus on right now. And yes I'll be down by 7 minutes- oh! Also please remember what you need to feed me today. Im still going through punishment." I look back at her and she nods her head in sorrow and pity.
       She enters out of the room and I start to get clothes. Now I know I'll sound like that typical kinky, fetish gay person that everyone makes , but that really isn't the reason why I wear what I wear. I decided to wear a simple white dress, a baby blue sweater, and some simple sneakers...I then put on my wig..or extensions of hair. I look at the mirror to reveal someone......that I don't know.
        Since when did this all happen? Gosh is she really me?..or is it.. Mabel? God damnit DIPPER! THE PERSON YOUR LOOKING AT IS MABEL. NOT YOU. NOT YOU. NOT YOU. NOT YOU. NOT You...Dipper Mason Pines..calm down. You right now are Mabel. Not Dipper. As mother says. It's for the fame and money...do it for mother. Make her proud...Proud. The word I never heard from that womens mouth-
       "Dipper? Sir are you ok? You've been there in your room for quite a long time." Ruby comes in and interrupts my thoughts.
       "O-oh..yes I'm fine ruby. I'll be down in a minute...I'm just thinking right now. Nothing to worry about." I reply in a monetone voice.
        "Oh ok sir!" She says kindly. I can hear her smile already.
       I sigh in relief and exhaustion. I quickly clean my face and went out of my room to walk towards the kitchen. I encounter Ruby already waiting...I sit down behind the counter to see my food in front of me...a granola bar and half a cup of water. I was about to eat my breakfast when Ruby stopped me. We make eye contact and I could just see the worry in her eyes..as usual.
       "Yes?" I question her while rasing an eyebrow.
       "D.. Dipper. We should talk." She respond in a serious tone.
       Ruby was always a worry some person. Always caring. Always nice towards me and towards her peers. She a good women...I remember when she came here. I was 10 at the time and she was 12. My mother wanted me to start my career already so she wanted to get me an assistant or a servant. Though I didn't know why she got me someone that was real ass young, but I didn't question it. Gosh that day felt just like yesterday...I was crying in my so called room because me and my mother had an argument.
Flashback 3rd pov
      Lil Dipper was just sitting in the corner of his room. Knees brought up to his chest while whimpering and crying due to the pain on his cheek after his mother slapped him.
Knock knock
       The sound of the soft knocking made Dipper flinch. His head perked up as he coward towards the corner thinking it was his mother...he heard knocking again. But then there was a voice.
       "Can I come in?..I'm not your mother. I'm your friend." A mysterious voice said. It sounded like a female..or somewhat of a female.
       "Y-you can..c-come in..doors alr-ready open." He replied while sniffling.
       He sees the door opening slowly while revealing a girl that looked his age a bit. She had black long hair that reached her waist and a somewhat pale yet tan skin, she had green eyes that can glow in the dark, and she was wearing a long sleeved shirt with a black skirt that reached her ankles.He sees her smile softly while walking towards him. Dipper flinches at her sudden movements and starts trembling while new tears start to perk out of his eyes. The girl notices this and she sighs. She sits down next to him with her legs crossed each other.
       "It's alright. I'm here. And your here. It'll be alright soon. Don't worry." She suddenly says...and those words made Dipper cry even more. He was rather never use to comfort due to being neglected. The mysterious girl hugs him by the side and starts playing with his hair to soothe him....after an hour or 40 minutes Dipper finally calmed down. He was rather tired, but still awake.
       "What's your name?.." The Little brunette asks.
       "I'm Ruby! Your new assistant. Well I don't see it like that..I'd prefer you call me a friend since I'll keep you company." She says quietly with enthusiasm.
       "..Aren't you a little young to be an assistant? Wheres your mother and father?" Dipper asks due to confusion on why a 10-12 year old would be an assistant.
       "..Let's just say my mommy and daddy don't like me.." She replies sadly while looking at the floor still playing with Dippers hair.
       "Why don't they like you?" Dipper replies. He sees the hesitation with her answering.
       "..That's something you'll learn later on ok? Now let's go clean you up and I'll let you take a nap. I'll wake you up in the morning early since we need to set things up..it'll be alright." She replies with a sincere voice.
       "Ok.." Dipper replies in disappointment due to the lack of an answer.
       He remembered when he finally realized what she meant when she said he would learn later on...

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