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3rd pov

       Silence. It's all you would be able to hear in the silent area, but wait- now there were noises of footsteps and a discussion going throughout the halls.

       "Ruby," a woman's sigh echoed quietly, " I've told you this enough times, but it seems like it can't go through your mind. No. I'm not going to be waving goodbye at Mason as I'm very busy right now, now remember Ruby that he's going through punishment. I better see progress when I come back, if I don't then you better suspect a month of lectures. And I don't think you want that now do you?...that's what I thought. Now help me and my daughter with some of the supplies will you?" The manager then smiled coldly at her servant who simply nodded with no emotion what so ever. Ruby didn't want to show the mother her disapproval that was begging to form onto her face, as the woman would possibly be even more angered. After some few quick minutes a noise, of an engine starting, started to echo throughout the forest and the outside world.

       Ruby then walked back in the shack with a glare, more disappointed by the fact that Mason's mother didn't dare to even inform her own son that she would be leaving this day specifically.  She then sighed and realized it was earlier than expected, it was close to 5-6 AM as both the female brunettes had to catch on their plane early. The black haired woman decided that she would be sleeping till then, she took off her shoes and changed her clothing to further on sink into the cushion of her bed and fall into her dreams. She sleepily sighed as her eyelids gave up on her...little did she know. There was a trembling brunette upstairs watching as his mother abandoned him just like his father.

       Now why was he up so early? Simple, he's use to waking up early to the point it's became normal for him. Didn't matter whether he slept early or late, he would always wake up at the same time each morning. The boy stared at the car slowly drifting away from his view, Dipper was just staring out the window he had, but right when he lost sight of them he fell onto his knees silently as small tears started to form. He then hugged himself slowly while covering his mouth to muffle his cries.

       'She left you. She left you. She left you. She le p ft y l ou...sh e e left yo a u. Sh s e doesn't c e are. She never did. Tha s t spa t rk of hope you h o ad, ha p s now disappeared. Didn't bother to say good bye. Didn't bother to tell you she would be leaving today. Didn't bother..just like father. Managers the same as him. The same as all of them. Mabel left you long time ago. Mother left you long time ago. Father left officially long time ago. Now..Manager and Mable Pines left you officially..who's next? Ruby?..Ruby? She's stressed. Stop bothering her. Managers right.. you're bro n ken. Yo o u need fixing. You need to be less fat. Start being skinnier. Be better. Be Managers dolly. Be her imagination. Don't be Dipper. Please. You aren't Dipper anymore. No..you aren't- stop. Stop thinking like this Mason. You're Mason Dipper Pines. You're alive. You're here. You're here. You're not Mabel. Nor are you Managers dolly. You're not a toy. Stop thinking like this Dipper...manager will never break you. Whether she likes it or not. You have to stand up. You're free aren't you? Get help. Please. Get help- you'll become a burden. You'll lower everyone down. You're toxic, Dipper. Be the Mabel manager wants you to be- no don't be Mabel. You will never be her. You're you.' The boy shakily sighed as his thoughts ended abruptly due to the noises of birds tweeting suddenly startling him. Dipper slowly stood up with weak legs and looked at the forest, that wasn't so far from him, he was in an argument with himself whether or not to do it, but he didn't care. He just needed some time to escape and really get the situation figured out in his head. The brunette then got a piece of paper and wrote down on it, after putting the note on his bed he then went to grab a new pair of clothes so he wouldn't feel dirty, well first we took a shower obviously, but you get the idea. He changed into a black oversized long sleeved shirt that had a white buttoned up collar and a pair of high waisted dullish- light blue jeans, he simply let the shirt reach his thigh and felt the fabric that was covering his hand. It felt nice to feel comfort.  The emotionally fragile boy then went to fix his hair, but simply just gave up after a few minutes. He was too tired. Whether physically, mentally, or emotionally. I mean what do you expect? He just got a beating, learned his mother just left him, and he woke up real early. He didn't know what he was suppose to do anymore..he just didn't know.

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