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       Dipper could only rub his eyes again, his vision becoming much clearer as he opened his eyes. He wasn't entirely awake, overall, he was mostly confused and couldn't seem to be able to comprehend the situation.

       The brunette noticed the male outside the window wave at him, signaling him to open the window..which is what he did. He literally didn't even question why, he just did so.

       "Morning, Dipper! Did ya sleep well?" Vincent spoke as soon as the window was open, he leaned against the frame, resting his chin against his hands as he gave the male a smile.

       "Wh-..huh? Vince-Vincent, what are you doing here?..its like- wha-what time is it?.." He shook his head quickly, trying to wake himself up, but to no avail. He saw the way Vincent grabbed his phone, turning it on as he spoke about the time.

       "Hmm, about 5:34! Kinda shocked you weren't awake.."

       "Wh- Huh?!" The sleepy male soon was surprised, he didn't even think he was capable of being able to sleep a bit more! He then sighed, a small yawn escaping him as he began to question Vincent, yet again.

       "..why-..why so early? Like why- not to sound rude, but why ar-are you here at 5 in the morning?.."

       "Isn't it obvious?" The black haired male tilted his head slightly, but the brunette only shrugged, causing him to chuckle before he answered. "Well, jee that hurts, Dipper! Yesterday I said we would meet up, so here we are! I didn't exactly set up a time date so I just came here when I thought you would already be awake."

     Dipper stared for a moment, trying to see if there was any joke in his wordings or even a hint of sarcasm..nope, it was the real deal. The guy seriously woke him up in the morning to hang out- well at least he still woke up early, right? He sighed to himself, before completely opening the window and taking a step back, getting off the nightstand.

       "Just-..um, just come in, I'll go take a shower to wake up, but yo-you can wait here if you'd like.." He muttered, letting out a yawn as he went to grab clothes meanwhile Vincent freely went through the window, entering his room. The guy didn't do much, he just stared at the brunettes tired movements, well he did go sit on the bed, but that's it.

       Dipper didn't bother staring back, he just finished grabbing an outfit and went into the restroom, completely unaware of yesterdays memories..it was odd. He had a good amount of sleep for once and he was still tired, he felt so..lazy? He wanted to go to sleep again, maybe that's what waking up a few minutes later does to you. He didn't know, but he just went along, he didn't want to really care. His memories and overall sight was a bit hazy in a way, he felt the need to close his eyes again and just sleep on a comfy surface in which was covered with fluffy blankets and such..gosh he would die to have that.

       Looking the door and setting his clothes on the counter, he later went to turn the shower head on, watching as the water hit the wall in front of it..he always enjoyed the warmth the water carried, the way it created steam around the room, the way it felt like he was being touched by warm hands, the way he just felt comfort from warmth in general..he felt pretty stupid for liking the feeling of the temperature, but he couldn't handle it!

     After stripping himself, he went into the shower, slightly shivering when the cold air hit his skin, but his shoulders immidietly became less tense when he felt the water hit him..it was odd to him. The way he described the liquid, the water could either be harsh or..soft in a way, it could either be deadly cold or overly hot. Or maybe in between.

     During his whole shower session, he was..slowly waking up? His vision was becoming a bit more clear, but he was still yawning, maybe be could take a nap later on in the day..jee, after actually taking a well amount of sleep from his prediction, it actually took a whole lot of energy out of him. Maybe that's why he also slept late, but woke up early..because he would still have the same energy, because he would still be conscious and aware.

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