🌴!I've seen you before!🌴

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Dippers pov
I can see the worried and concerned face on Gideon as he sweats nervously. I simply sigh and continue walking. I can tell Pyronica and Will are still talking so I just make eye contact with them with an eyebrow raised. They immediately look away. I smile and continue walking.
After a few minutes of walking I finally saw a shack and Ruby's car. I immediately smile and run towards the shack knocking on the door quickly. I then see someone open the door...someone in there 70's or 80's possibly, they had rather different clothing, but you do you. He gives me a look and sighs.
"Yeah hey so you probably know why I'm here, but is Ruby in there?" I ask quietly. He nods and calls out for her which received Ruby running towards the door and hugging me.
"YOU DUMBO! I THOUGHT I LOST YOU MY LORD!" She yells out while I laugh.
"S-sorry Ruby...I got into a pickle so heh..." I say as I look down onto the floor.
"We'll talk about that later...anyways who are these people you brought in- oh hi Pyronica, Bill, Will, and Gideon-holy shit.." She suddenly realized I fucked up big time, but instead of looking pissed she smiled.
"Wait Ruby? Why are you here...i thought you were Mabel's assistant? Why are you here with another assistant that we didn't even know about?" Gideon asks suspiciously.
"Oh! Well this buddy here is my pal! Also Mabel is fine by herself...she can sometimes be very very smart." She says with a giggle causing me to blush in embarrassment by the compliment. I then gently elbow her and telling her to shut up while she laughed.
"...Now we both know that's false. Ok so your buddy here just scared the shit out of a father, that was about to hit his daughter, by simply stating out facts he suddenly knew by observing. He would be the one helping Mabel with those complicated things. And you're suppose to be helping Mabel with making appointments and all that shit...so what's going on here. Just because I'm a model and not the smartest doesn't mean I'm not observant." Bill says out of the blue while Will and Pyronica were both squealing by the sudden investigation. Dipper at first looked supprised, but kept on a calm face to not look rather nervous.
"Now who said we're the only ones helping, Bill Cipher. Sure you say you're very observant and I can see that, but...you won't hear anything come out of my mouth. Mabel's life is rather private and as an assistant, I cannot spill out anything unless granted. And Bill...there is a thing called internet and mailing. Also why would you care for Mabel and her situation hm Bill? I thought a few minutes ago you were rather stating your complaints about her." Dipper states while having one of his feet tap the floor in sync. Bill simply scoffs and looks at Pyronica.
"Well I actually am quite confused since, Ruby, I've always seen you with Mabel since you're like a personal assistant if I'm correct since you're always there for the interviews...so why are you here if there's no Mabel in here? Don't you like have to follow her around or some shit?" Pyronica questioned..or rather trying to get a reaction somewhat. And as I knew...Ruby isn't the best to answer those type of questions.
"Actually I'm here to teach Ruby about what I do since I need a double assistant as we already fired the one before due to an incident that I will be having to keep private. Also Ruby will be teaching me her ways since that's what I lack." I intervened before Ruby messed up. Ruby simply nods her head with a smile while the rest give us suspicious looks. Pyronica then whispers something into Will's ears and he nods and walks away? Then the others follow. I simply waved goodbye and shut the door quickly.
"We are f u c k e d." I say with wide eyes while sliding down the door. Rubby kneels down onto my level and grabs my shoulder.
"Hey c'mon Dipper isn't that good? Actually don't answer that question since I'll always know your answer...anyways we should probably get out our stuff. Your luggage is in the attic or you bedroom now I guess? I don't know. And I'll be in my room ok? It's just simply the floor below you. Anyways I need to organize my room now Dip-dots." She then stands up and ruffles my hat and smiles. I smile back and nod.
"So...I'm guessing your the Mabel. The one that actually makes the music?" The old man that opened the door to me questions. I jolt in suprise then just look at him eye widend.
"M-manager told you?" I ask in suprise.
"Yup," he then sips his cola he had in his hand, " didn't think you'd be a boy, but hey I ain't here to judge." He shrugs.
'Oh...so mother didn't tell him about the situation- well of course she fucking wouldn't. Just remember Dipper...keep that a secret- wait...no..not anymore, but I can't easily give it away otherwise manager would be suspicious and would bring me back to her home...I need to give hints, but to who...Bill basically hates me or Mabel... Pyronica and Will possibly, but they would rather give it all away in some podcast...Gideon is rather obsessed with Mabel, but I don't know which Mabel he prefers so I need to wait till Manager and Mabel leaves...just wait Dipper. You'll get out of this.'
"Well I trust you with our situation uncle-" I get interrupted by him.
"Grunkle Stan."
"Call me Grunkle Stan yeesh kid. Anyways what cha want me to call you since you'll basically be locked up in here since your mother is paranoid as hell for no reason."
"Ma-....Dipper...yeah..call me Dipper." I say with a smile. He simply smiles back and nods then goes somewhere. I then head towards the stairs where I think leads to the attic...I just simply walk all the way up till I'm at the very top..the attic I can see a door that leads me to my new room where my luggages are. I open the door and leave my mouth hanging open.
'Wowzerz...this isn't a simple white room.. different material.. different scent...a window... different structure...it's..my room?'
I then laugh quietly at my absurd thoughts and start to unpack my luggage and organize my new room.
After some few times, I finally decorated my room the way I please. My bed was in the corner with a small night stand that was left behind and inside it there's my simple things I'll be needing when being Mabel. A closet and a bookshelf was left behind so I put the bookshelf on the other side and the closet next to it..sure there wasn't much books on the shelf..yet..I also had my guitar and ukalele near my bed..and I had my personal bathroom where I put all of my necessities in there.
I sigh in exhaustion and plop onto my bed. As I was about to drift off into sleep, Ruby woke me up.
"Hey Dipper...it's time for lunch." She says as she approached my bed and sat in the edge gently. My eyes widened at the memory of what my manager said.
"N-no thank you...I'm not quite hungry Ruby.." I simply state out while avoiding eye contact. She simply sighs.
"Dipper... you're starving. And I don't know what your mother said to you, but you need to eat already." She then stands up and stands near the side of my bed and kneels down to see my face.
"C'mon Dipper... Tommorow you need to help set up the stage and then we need to look around our town since we will be needing to look for grocies since theres now four people in this house...your other uncle is just in the basement I suppose." She then ruffles my hair slowly and looks at me with a smile. I simply nod a no since...I'm not hungry.
'Mom said so. Mom said so. Mom said so. Mom said so. Mom said so. Mom said so. Mom said so. Mom said so. No breakfast. No dinner. No lunch. Only a cracker and water...but you almost revealed yourself to someone...manger would be so so so disappointed... punishment is the only way...I'm sorry.'
Ruby sadly sighs and kisses my forehead since she knows I'll be taking a nap as a distraction. I can feel my stomach eating my insides, but simply ignore it. I then hear the door shut close and look at the wall. I then see the sunset as it's been a long day and drift off into sleep while saying my last words for that day.

"Where am I now?"

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