Vol. 1 Ch. 1 The Chaotic Evening

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Your POV

I was out for a nightly stroll through the city of Vale. When I heard some noise from up ahead and looked up to see a girl with a red cape, who looked around my age, crash through the window of a dust shop. I pulled out Blitz Master and put it in Sword Mode and rushed over to help the girl with the criminals.
As Cape Girl was fighting the robber's henchmen, I saw a henchman that was about to attack her from behind. I ran up used an electric bolt to take down that henchman. Cape Girl quickly thanked as we fought another henchman. Suddenly the robber said as he dropped his cigar and crushed it with his cane, "You were worth every cent. Truly, you were."
I recognized who the guy was right away. It was the criminal known as Roman Torchwick. I could hear approaching police sirens in the distance. Then Roman said, "Well, Red and Blue, I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening, and as much as I'd love to stick around..." He raises his cane and opens the bottom to reveal a rifle with a cross grid, "I'm afraid this is where we part ways."
Roman unleashes a red blast at Cape Girl and I, causing both of us to fire at the ground to leap over it. When we both land and look up, Roman isn't there. Instead, he's climbing up a ladder on a nearby building.
Cape Girl turns to the onlooking shopkeeper and asks, "You okay if we go after him?" The shopkeeper gives a short "Uh huh." Then Cape Girl and I set off after Roman. He makes it to the roof, as Cape Girl and I used our weapons to launch ourselves to the top of the roof, both of us landing right behind Roman. She called out and said, "Hey!" Roman stopped at the edge and said, "Persistent..."
Just as Cape Girl readies to fight him, a getaway Bullhead rises up and opens the hatch to allow Roman inside. He turns around, holds up a red Dust gem, and said, "End of the line, Red and Blue." He throws it out at us feet and fires at us, resulting in a large explosion. Roman laughed, "Whoa-ho-ho-ho! Huh?"
A woman in a purple cape is now in front of us, casting a circle of protection over us with her wand. As Cape Girl looks on, the Huntress waves her crop and summons several streaks of purple crystals at the craft. Roman is thrown around in the back until he goes to the cockpit and says, "We got a Huntress!"
The Huntress glows purple for a moment and aims another blast above the craft, resulting in a dark storm-cloud right over the jet. Then with a flick of her wand, large jagged hail starts falling that pummels the jet and even breaks through the window, narrowly missing Roman's head.
A woman appears where Roman was in Bullhead. She reaches the back and her arms and chest light up like fire, aiming a burst of energy at the Huntress. She blocks it, but the flame splatters behind her and glows hot with the enemy's raised hand. The Huntress backflips out of the explosion, which destroys part of the roof, and magically gathers the shards to create a large arrow, which she throws at the craft. The fiery woman shatters the arrow with several blasts, but it reforms just in time to hit the side of the jet due to Roman's quick aerial lean, The wreckage separates and reshapes into more arrows that encircle the jet, but the woman summons several glowing rings around herself that expand and destroy the shards.
Cape Girl, finally acting, reverted her scythe into its rifle form to fire at the woman, as I now join in firing shots from Blitz Master, with it in Rifle Mode. The woman blocks each shot from both of us and creates several blazing circles around us. Then the Huntress telekinetically pushes us and rolls herself out of the explosion radius, as she looking up to see the hatch close and the craft fly away.
Cape Girl looked at the Huntress with a pleading, awe-stricken face and said, "You're a Huntress! Can I have your autograph?!"

Time Skip

The Huntress, who had introduced herself as Glynda Goodwitch, looked us and said sternly, "I hope that you realize that your actions tonight will not be taken lightly, young lady. You put yourself and others in great danger. That goes for you too, young man." Cape Girl tried to defend us both and said, "They started it!"
Goodwitch replied and said, "If it were up to me, you'd both be sent home.....with a pat on the back..." She noticed our smiles and said, "And a slap on the wrist." She demonstrates with her riding crop, which Cape Girl barely avoids as she gives out a small "Eek!" Then Goodwitch said, "But... there is someone here who would like to meet you two."
She moves out of the way so a surprised Cape Girl can see a man in green come through the doorway, holding a mug and a plate of cookies. I recognized him as Professor Ozpin, the Headmaster of Beacon Academy. Then he said, "Ruby Rose and Y/N L/N..." He leans in to look at Ruby's face and said, "You have silver eyes."
Ruby was as confused as I was as she said, "Uh, um..." Ozpin said, "So! Where did you learn to do this?" He then gestured with his head at the tablet showing Ruby's fighting. Ruby stuttered and said, "S-Signal Academy." Ozpin questioned her and said, "They taught you to use one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed?"
Ruby answered, "Well, one teacher in particular." Ozpin responded, "I see..." He puts the cookies on the table in front of Ruby. She tentatively picks one up, eats it in a single bite, and then, not seeing any rebuttal, shovels the rest into her mouth. Ozpin said, "It's just that I've only seen one other scythe-wielder of that skill before. A dusty, old crow..."
Ruby mumbles through her full mouth, "Oh! That's my uncle!" She then swallows, wipes her mouth, embarrassed and said, "Sorry. That's my Uncle Qrow! He's a teacher at Signal. I was complete garbage before he took me under his wing. And now, I'm all like- Hoowah! Witchaaaa!"
Ozpin replied, "So I've noticed." Then he place his cup on the table as he leaned in, then sits down opposite Ruby, and asked, "And what is an adorable girl such as yourself doing at a school designed to train warriors?" Ruby answered and said, "Well.. I want to be a Huntress." "You want to slay monsters?" Ozpin questioned.
Ruby replied, "Yeah! I only have two more years of training left at Signal! And then I'm going to apply to Beacon!" Ruby began talking faster and faster with her enthusiasm growing, "You see, my sister's starting there this year, and she's trying to become a Huntress, and I'm trying to become a Huntress 'cause I wanna help people. My parents always taught us to help others, so I thought, Hey, I might as well make a career out of it!" She giggled a bit before continuing, "I mean the police are alright, but Huntsmen and Huntresses are just so much more romantic and exciting and cool and really, gosh, you know!" She flips out at the last part, staring at the two with a wide, crazy smile.
Goodwitch and Ozpin studied her and then Ozpin asked, "Do you know who I am?" Ruby answered, "You're Professor Ozpin. You're the headmaster at Beacon." Ozpin smiled and said, "Hello." Ruby responded, "Nice to meet you." Ozpin asked her, "You want to come to my school?" Ruby answered, "More than anything." Ozpin exchanged glances with Mrs. Goodwitch, who showed her disapproval with a "Hmph" before he turns back to Ruby and said, "Well, okay."
Ruby smiles, wide-eyed and open-mouthed. As she rushes out the door saying thank you as Ozpin turns to you and says, "And you, Y/N, despite your young age, you seem to have mastered your semblance completely. Seeing as your semblance would take a long time to master, you don't seem to have any problems with it. But I must say I'm impressed. I'm also aware that you ran away from your home in Mantle several years ago and have been on your own since. I'm not interested in why you did that right now, but I am interested in knowing if you would like to attend at Beacon like Miss Rose?"
I nodded and said, "I would love to." Ozpin smiled and said, "Well, then. I'll notify you when you need to get on a Bullhead to get to Beacon."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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