Vol. 1 Ch. 7 Tortured And Drained

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A/N I put a reference in this chapter.

Your POV

As I was just walking through Vale, I heard some noises from behind me. I turned around and didn't see anything. I heard more noises behind me. Then I turned around again and saw a gang of Anti-Faunus League members. They surrounded me and one of them knocked me out.
When I woke up, I was strapped to a table. I watched as the door opened and one of the League members walked in. He saw that I was awake and said, "Faunus are the worst things to have ever existed. When I'm done with you, you'll wish you didn't exist."
He grabbed a saw and started to cut off my left hand. I screamed out in pain as he continued to cut off my hand until it was completely separated from my arm. As he finished, I tried to shock him with my semblance. He dodged my attack and smiled. Then he hooked me up to a machine. He grinned and flipped a switch before leaving the room.
The next thing I know, the machine started to feed on the electricity that my body was generating and suck it out of my body forcefully. I was already in so much pain from my hand, but that was nothing compared to the pain I felt from the machine. I tried my best to break free from the machine and the restraints on the table.
Eventually I managed to somehow break free. I made my way out of that building as quickly as I could. I got outside and saw that it was late at night. I held my left arm where my hand used to be, then I went back to Beacon and the RWBY dorm room as fast as I could.

Ruby's POV

I was woken up by Weiss walking into the room. I then said, "Ahh... Weiss... I was studying and then I fell asleep. I'm sorry." Weiss covered up my mouth with her hand so that I don't wake up Blake and Yang. Weiss said quietly, "How do you take your coffee?" I muttered, "Uhh.. I don't..." Weiss said, "Answer the question!" I panicked and said, "Ah cream and five sugars!" Weiss groaned and said, "Don't move."
Weiss then ducks beneath my bed for several seconds before coming back up with a cup of coffee in her hand. Weiss offered it to me and said, "Here." I took it from her and said, "Thanks, Weiss." Weiss looked away at first, then back at me and said, "Ruby, I think you have what it takes to be a good leader. Just know that I'm going to be the best teammate you'll ever have." I just continued to look at her with adoration and happiness. Weiss said, "Good luck studying." She was about to leave the dorm when she stops herself once more. Then Weiss said, "And Ruby." I replied, "Yeah." Weiss smiled and said, "I've always wanted bunk beds as a kid." Then she left and I noticed that Y/N's sleeping bag was still empty. I thought to myself, I'm surprised that Y/N isn't back yet. I wonder where he is.
Suddenly the dorm room slammed open, waking Yang and Blake, then I saw Y/N, who was clutching his left hand, collapse onto the floor and pass out. I hopped down off my bed and rushed over to him. That's when I saw that his entire left hand was completely missing and he was bleeding badly. I felt a couple tears form in my eyes. Then I said, "Yang, Blake, help me get Y/N to the infirmary immediately!" They nodded and helped me carry Y/N as fast as we could to the infirmary.

Time Skip

I had brought his trench coat back to him. I had washed the blood before I placed it next to the hospital bed he was in. Thankfully, Yang reminded me how to wash out blood. She had said, "Use seltzer water and lemon juice for blood."
I did exactly that and put Y/N's trench coat on the chair next to the bed. Professor Ozpin told us that he had managed to get General Ironwood to quickly make a replacement robotic hand for Y/N. The doctors said that he was going to be okay, but that lots of his energy and aura had been severely drained and that Y/N probably wouldn't wake up for a couple weeks.

Well, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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