Vol. 2 Ch. 16 The Date

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Your POV

I held Ruby's hand in my left hand, intertwined our fingers and started walking with Ruby towards our destination. Ruby looked at me and said, "Hey, Y/N. I meant to ask you, how is your robotic hand warm like a real hand?" I smiled and said, "That's because I have my Aura flowing throughout my robotic hand. That's why it's warm." Ruby nodded and said, "Oh. That's cool."
I took her into the Forest of Forever Falls, to a small cliff where we could see the majority of the forest and the leafs blowing through the air. Ruby smiled and said, "This is beautiful Y/N!"
I climbed up a tree as she said this and grabbed a small basket and blanket that I had hid up there earlier. I had packed the picnic basket of all her favorite foods. I had picked out a picnic blanket with a flower pattern on it.
I laid the blanket down, put the basket down, sat down and patted the ground beside me while smiling at Ruby. She sat down next to me and said, "This is nice." I set everything around her and let her choose what she wanted to eat. I figured I'd eat whatever she didn't want. It really wasn't that big of a deal since I liked everything she did.
We were enjoying each others company, telling stories while we ate and admiring the view of the forest. Ruby was resting her head on my shoulder as the date went on. There was a couple of moments of silence before Ruby asked a question that was on her mind, "Hey Y/N?" I looked at her and said, "Yes, Rubes." She then asked, "What was Lily like? I know you said that you two were close and I was just curious about what she was like?"
I was silent for a couple seconds, and Ruby said, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I was just curious." I took a deep breath and said, "No, it's ok Ruby, I'll tell you. In a way, you kinda remind me of her, she was pretty energetic and was very open and honest." I felt a tear go down my face, but Ruby wiped it away and kissed me. Then she said, "Well, if you ever want to tell me anything, you can. I'll be here for you, always." "Thanks Rubes" I gave her a kiss that lasted about 10 seconds.
We continued our conversations and laughed until it started to get dark. I could tell Ruby was getting really tired, so I offered her a ride on my back for the trip back to the dorm, which she gladly accepted. She placed her hands on my shoulders and I placed my hands under her legs to make sure she didn't fall. We eventually made it back to the dorm and I put her down and we walked back into the dorm and she said, "Well, that was fun."
I smiled and kissed her. I took off my jacket, climbed into her bed. Ruby changed into her pajamas and joined me. I kissed her forehead and said, "Goodnight, Rubes." She nuzzled her head into my neck and said, "Goodnight, Sparky." I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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