Vol. 3 Ch. 38 Mechanical Modifications

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Your POV

Time Skip

I yawned and woke up. I realized that my hangover was gone. I climbed down from the bed and put my pants back on. Then I found a note on the desk next to my left hand. I picked it up and read it.

I smiled and tossed the note aside

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I smiled and tossed the note aside. Then I thought of a great idea. What if I made some modifications to my left hand? I thought. Like a possible way to control it remotely with my Scroll like a reconnaissance drone. I'll also added a homing feature, that way if I lose it, I can locate it with my Scroll or allow it to crawl it's way back to me via it tracking my Scroll.
I went to the closet and pulled out my toolkit. I grabbed my eyepiece out of my jacket, put it on, and activated it. Then I got to work on making my modifications.

Time Skip

I finished with the modifications and finished putting my hand back together. I sat back, deactivated my eyepiece, and pulled out my Scroll to test out the new abilities. I smirked and thought, I know the perfect way to test this out. I'm going to have a little bit of fun with Ruby. But to get it to the arena, I'm going to have to wake up Blake. I set my Scroll on the desk, went over to Blake, and woke her up. She looked at me and said, "Oh, Y/N. I'm so sorry for what I did earlier to you. My animal urges got the best of me. I know I kinda took your virginity, but would you forgive me?" I sighed and said, "Since you were in heat, I'll let it go." She smiled and said, "Thank you, Y/N! Now could you please untie me?"
I untied her and she left for Amity Colosseum. I grabbed my Scroll, activated Reconnaissance Mode, and my left hand got into a crawling position. Then I had it quickly and quietly catch up to Blake and carefully crawl into her bag that she was carrying on her back.
Eventually, I could tell that she had got to the arena because I heard Ruby's voice, which was muffled slightly by the bag, say, "Hey, Blake! Y/N told me what happened, but don't worry, I know you were in heat and couldn't stop your animal urges, so I forgive you." I smiled and heard Blake say, "Thanks, Ruby."
Then I had my hand carefully crawl its way way out of Blake's bag and up the back of Ruby's cape. I smirked as I made it tap Ruby on the shoulder and crawl out of sight. I saw Ruby move as she said, "Yes?" Then she shrugged and went back to focusing on the match. I chuckled and did the exact same thing 2 more times. Ruby looked behind her after the last one and said, "Alright, who's doing that?" I bursted out laughing and Yang said, "Doing what?" Ruby replied, "Someone keeps tapping me on the shoulder." I fell out of my chair laughing. Then I had my hand crawl into Ruby's hood and hide there.
After I managed to stop laughing, I decided to take it a step further, and I texted Ruby.

After I managed to stop laughing, I decided to take it a step further, and I texted Ruby

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I laughed at how funny my prank was and how well it was working. After I got myself back together, I started pretending to look for my hand.
When Ruby came in, I carefully had my hand crawl out of her hood and tap her shoulder again. I held back my laughter. Then Ruby said, "Okay, that does it! Who keeps doing that?!" That made me lose it and I fell onto the floor, dying from laughter. Ruby looked at me confused and said, "What's so funny?" I caught my breath and said, "I've been the one messing with you!" I made my hand crawl onto her shoulder and stay there, then I said, "See? Look at your shoulder!" She looked and jumped slightly at the sight of my hand being there. Then Ruby looked at me and said, "How did you make it do that?" I smiled and said, "After I woke up, my hangover was gone, so I made some modifications to my hand." Ruby's eyes lit up and she asked with excitement, "Like what?" I smiled and told her about all the modifications that I had made. When I finished, she frowned and slapped me in the face.
Confused, I asked, "What was that for?" She crossed her arms and said, "That's for messing with me." Then she kissed me and started tracing my abs with her finger. She said, "And this is for you telling me the truth and because of something else." I frowned and said, "And what might that be?" Ruby put a finger on my lips and said, "I'm going to be honest with you about something. After what I accidentally saw earlier, I keep thinking about things that I never thought I'd think of." I raised my eyebrow and asked, "What kind of things, if you don't mind me asking?" She blushed a crimson red and said sheepishly, "Dirty things between us. I know that you're in heat and you're trying your best to resist your urges, but I think I want to help you." I blushed and said, "Ruby? Are you saying that you want to have sex with me?!" She blushed even more and nodded. I then asked, "Are you sure you're ready?" She kissed me and said, "I think I am, but I don't want to do it tonight. Maybe later this week, okay?" I nodded and said, "Okay, Rubes." She smiled and said, "Please don't tell Yang. If she does find out, let me explain it to her." I nodded and kissed her. Then Ruby said, "Hey, Y/N?" I looked into her beautiful silver eyes and said, "Yes, Ruby?" She kissed me passionately and said, "I love you." I smiled and said, "I love you too."

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Do you think Yang is going to find out?
Master out.

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