Vol. 1 Ch. 6 A Boring Class

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Your POV

My team and Team JNPR managed to make it to class on time just as Professor Port was about to begin his lesson. Port said, "Ahh, yes. Team RWBY and Team JNPR, so glad you could join us in time." Some of the students start to snicker while the two teams just shyly look away embarrassed, except for me. I thought to myself, Whatever we're here now.
Port said, "Well, go up and take your seats." We go up and find some open seats close to the front of the class. I ended up sitting next to Blake, with Yang in the middle, and Weiss and Ruby at the other end. Port then said, "Monsters, demons, prowlers of the night. Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names, but I merely refer to them as prey, HAHA!"
I simply shake my head at Professor Port's bad attempt at a joke, I look over a see that Ruby fell asleep in class. I crumple my paper into a ball and throw it at Ruby's head causing her to wake up. Then I whispered to her, "Come on his class isn't that boring. Just stay awake for today, for me?" Ruby nodded and said, "Mhhh....okay."
Port continued, "Uhhhh... and you shall too, upon graduating from this prestigious academy! Now, as I was saying Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world! Our planet is absolutely teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces! And that's where we come in. Huntsman and Huntresses." He pauses and winks at Yang causing her to awkwardly groan. Then Port continues, "Individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves! From what you ask? Why, the very world! That is what you are training to become, but first a story, a tale of a young handsome man, ME! When I was a boy..."
I started to not pay attention anymore because all he started to do now was talk about himself. It's been so long...... I thought to myself. Why did I have that dream again last night? I haven't had that dream in a long time.
I was still thinking about all the things worrying me, but come back to reality when I heard Weiss yell, "I do sir!" Port nodded and said, "Well then, let's find out. Step forward and face your opponent." He gestures his hand to a cage that is shaking from the Grimm trapped inside as it's red eyes glare at the Professor in rage.
After Weiss came back from changing, the girls and I decide to cheer her on in hopes of motivating her. Yang said, "Go Weiss!" Blake waved a small flag of RWBY and said, "Fight well." "You can do it, Weiss!" I cheered and Ruby joined in, "Yeah, represent Team RWBY!" Weiss groaned in frustration and said, "Quiet you two, I'm trying to focus!" Ruby gets somewhat upset and says, "Oh sorry." I just sat back in my seat and grin at Ruby before Professor Port started talking again, saying, "Alright, let the match begin!"
Professor Port swings his axe downward which caused the cage to open and the Grimm to come out into the light of the class. Everyone stares at the Boarbatusk as it charges straight at Weiss, she dodges it gracefully and strikes the Grimm's right side as she waits patiently for its next move. Then Port commented, "Haha! wasn't expecting that were you?" Ruby cheered, "Hang in there, Weiss!"
Weiss decides to charge at the Boarbatusk hoping to land at fatal strike, but the Grimm turns it's head and blocks her attack, causing Myrtenaster to get stuck between it's tusks. Weiss tries to pull away, but the Boarbatusk refuses to give in. Port then said, "Bold, new approach, I like!"
Ruby grins with excitement and said, "Come on Weiss show it who's boss!" I leaned over and said to Ruby, "Ruby, I think it's best if you leave her alone right now." She just looked at me confused, but quickly refocus on the fight. Weiss turns her head at Ruby and gives her a dirty look. With Weiss being distracted the Boarbatusk turns it's head and yanks Myrtenaster out of her hands and across the room. It then pushes her away towards the opposite direction with its tusks. Port said, "Oh no, now what will you do without your weapon?!?"
Weiss looks up and manages to dodge just in time as the Boarbatusk charges at her again. As the Grimm runs into one of the nearby desks, Weiss starts to run towards her weapon. As she reaches it she slides to grab it, Ruby said, "Weiss, go for it's belly, there's no armor underneath!" Weiss replied, "Stop telling me what to do!" Ruby becomes slightly sad at Weiss' comment and stops talking. Oddly enough, I glared back at Weiss and ended up snapping the pencil that I was holding in half.
The Boarbatusk now jumps into the air and rolls quickly into a ball. When it lands, it starts rapidly spinning, maintaining its circular shape as it charges at Weiss once again. Once it gets close enough Weiss activates her signature glyph to stop its advance causing the Grimm to land on its back. She jumps backward and lands on another glyph, which changes to black and quickly to blue, before it launches her towards the Grimm and pierces it's stomach with her rapier. Weiss is left panting on the floor trying to recover from the fight.
Port said, "Bravo Bravo! It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true Huntress in training. I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings and stay vigilant! Class dismissed!" Weiss glares at Ruby one last time before she walks away out of the classroom. Jaune said, "Sheesh, whats with her?" Ruby then said, "Um....I'll be back you guys I need to go talk to her." She stands up quickly, but as she passes by my seat, I grabbed her arm and said, "Ruby I don't think that's such a good idea, we should probably give her some time to cool off." She looked at me and said, "I don't know, Y/N. She might be like this all night, or even all year, if I don't do something." I let her go and she runs off.
Then I turned to the rest of my team and said, "Well I'll see you girls later I'm going to walk around and explore Vale on my own." Blake replied, "Alright then. Y/N, we'll see you later." Then I walked away and started to explore the city by myself.

I hope you all are enjoying this book so far. I'll be honest and tell you all that I might skip some things that I don't feel like I could change in any way.
Master out.

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