Vol. 3 Ch. 43 Awakening

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Ruby's POV

1 Week Later

I opened my eyes and sat up on my bed while wiping my eyes. Then I heard a familiar voice say, "You're awake." I looked to my left to see Y/N sitting in a chair by the window as the sunlight hits against his face. Tears welled up in his eyes as he got up and hugged me. I smiled, hugged him back, and said, "Sparky." Then he said, "Hey, Rubes?" I replied, "Yeah?" He said, "Now I know how you felt when you had to sit by me waiting for me to wake up... I'm sorry it hurts so much..." I smiled and said, "I know.....I'm glad you're safe..." He sniffled and said, "Yeah, I'm glad you're safe too." Then I noticed that his left hand was different and said, "What happened to your left hand?" He smiled weakly and said, "When I woke up and your dad gave it back to me, I noticed that it had scorch marks all over it and some of the circuits were fried. I was able to repair the original circuits that were in it from when I got it, but I wasn't able to fix any of the circuits that I had added when I modified it. So it's just a plain prosthetic robotic hand now. I also spray painted it light blue to cover the scorch marks on it."
I nodded and said, "I love you, Sparky." He smiled and said, "I love you too, Rubes." Then he kissed me and said, "Let me go get your dad, he wanted me to get him as soon as you woke up." Then Y/N walked out of the room.

Your POV

After I left Ruby's room, I went downstairs and found Tai on the couch. I walked over to him and said to Tai, "She's awake." Tai's eyes lit up and he went upstairs and I saw Qrow follow him soon after. Then I went to Yang's room and found her lying on her bed. I sat down next to Yang and finally decided to try talking to her. I hadn't gotten the chance or motivation to since I woke up.
I said, "Yang, I know since the Fall of Beacon, I've been kinda distant from you. But I want to know how you're doing?" Yang groaned and said, "Terrible, I'm incomplete. I'll never be the same again."
I turned to face Yang and said, "Yang, I know how you feel. I know what it's like to lose of a part of yourself." I held up my left hand and continued, "I lost my hand during our first week at Beacon. Trust me when I say that it'll be hard to get used to. And you're right, you won't ever be the same. But you can make yourself better. I felt the same way when I woke up in the infirmary without my hand for the first time. Even when I got the prosthetic, I didn't want to even put it on. But I had someone who helped convince me to move on and be better. That person was Ruby, that's what made her finally told me how she truly felt about me."
Before Yang could say anything, Qrow and Tai head back downstairs. Then I got up and headed back to Ruby's room. Tai stopped me on the way and said, "Hey, Y/N. I want you to know that I'm fine if you and Ruby sleep together, but I expect you to marry her before I get any grandchildren, got it?" I blushed and nodded. Then I went into Ruby's room and sat down on her bed. I stretched out my arms and yawned. Then I laid back and dozed off.

Ruby's POV

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Y/N, Chibi Blake, and Chibi Zwei hiding from Chibi Weiss vacuuming the room)

I stepped outside, wearing a backpack, and quietly shut the front door. I turn around and see Jaune, Nora, and Ren. Then Jaune said, "Hey." I smiled weakly and said, "Hey, Jaune. Haven's a long way to go." Jaune nodded and said, "I know. It's the only way we have." I asked them, "Are you sure you want to come along?" Ren replied, "The journey will be perilous, and whether we'll find answers at the end is entirely uncertain." Then Nora added, "But we wouldn't be here if we weren't up for it." I smiled and said, "Then let's get started."
Then the four of us began our long trek, down the road leading away from my house, until a snowball was sent flying past me and hit Jaune in back of the head. I then heard a familiar voice call out from behind us, "So that's it? You don't even say anything at all, just pack up and leave...?"
My eyes widened as I turned and saw Y/N with an aggravated look on his face and his arms crossed Then I said, "Oh my gosh, Y/N! I'm sorry but─" He cut me off and said, "Nope, me first. Not only that, you left a letter behind for your dad to tell him you're leaving but you couldn't even bother to tell me a simple 'Goodbye' and not even a letter like you did with your Dad... not even a goodbye cookie..."
I said, "Well I─" Then he said, "What I'm most hurt by is the sole fact of how you didn't ask me to go with you?" He looked down and I said, "Huh?" He pulls out a backpack, puts it on, and said, "Look, Ruby. I know that I've been a bit off since the whole thing at Beacon, but you didn't really expect me to let you go on this journey on your own, did you?" I ran over to him and hugged him, saying, "Sparky!"
Then he said, "We need to prevent this from happening ever again. Plus, I have some experience with being outside of the city. So I'll be joining you guys. I mean, if that's okay with all of you." I smiled and said, "Of course!" Then Nora said, "Obviously." And Ren added, "You're welcome to join us." Then Jaune said, "The more, the merrier." Y/N smiled and said, "Great. Let's go!" Then we headed on our way as Y/N intertwined his fingers with mine and held my hand.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Well that's the end of Volume 3. The next chapter will be Volume 4.
Master out.

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