Vol. 2 Ch. 29 Something's Wrong

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Your POV

Time Skip

I woke up in a hospital bed again. I opened my eyes and saw that nobody was in the room. I sat up and saw that I was still wearing my usual clothes. I heard some commotion from outside. I got up and rushed to the window to see Torchwick being towards an Atlesian airship. Thank goodness he's not going to be a problem anymore, I thought. I feel like I'm forgetting something important. Oh well, I hope the other 3 members of my team are okay. I went back to the bed and sat down.

Ruby's POV

Time Skip

After we get back to Beacon's main campus, I went to check on Y/N. I went to the room hs was in. I opened the door and saw that he was watching something on his Scroll. I smiled and said, "Y/N! You're awake!" Then I ran over to him and hugged him. I let go and he looked at me confused and said, "Who are you?"
I frowned and said, "Y/N, it's me, Ruby." He just stared at me, puzzled, and said, "Ruby who?" I felt a tear go down my cheek and said, "It's me, Ruby Rose. Your girlfriend and your team leader." He just frowned and said, "My team doesn't have a leader, and I don't have a girlfriend." I sniffed and said, "Yes, you do! It's me, Ruby!" He shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, but I don't remember ever knowing anyone like you before."
I nodded and said, "I'm sorry for bothering you. I'll leave you alone." Then I left the room, tears running down my face.
I got back to my dorm and went inside, still crying. Yang noticed that I was crying and said, "Ruby, what is it?" I rubbed my nose and said, "Y/N is awake." She looked at me and said, "Then why are you crying?" I sniffed and replied, "He doesn't remember who I am! When I came in, the look in his eyes was as if he had never met me before. He didn't even care or ask about this." Then I pulled out his robotic hand. Yang hugged me and said, "I'm sorry, Ruby. Maybe he just has temporary amnesia. Let's just hope that his memories of you come back." I hugged her back and said, "Thanks, Yang." She rubbed my back and said, "Until he remembers, I suggest that you try to become friends with him, again. And if it helps you, you can hold onto his robotic hand until he either asks about it or you feel like you need to give it to him." I nodded and got into my bed. I laid down, with my fingers intertwined with Y/N's robotic hand's fingers, and silently cried myself to sleep.

Your POV

I was still in the hospital room, trying to figure out what was up with that Ruby girl earlier. Just then, Professor Ozpin walked in and said, "Welcome back, Mr. L/N. I'm surprised that Ms. Rose isn't here with you." I raised my eyebrow and said, "You mean that Ruby girl? Why would she be still in here? I barely know her." Ozpin looked at me shocked and said, "What do you mean? Last time I checked, you and Ms. Rose were dating." I scratched my head with my only hand and said, "What do you mean by me and her were dating? I don't even know her, Professor Ozpin. I just met her when I woke up." Ozpin frowned and said, "Hmm. I'll be right back." Then he left the room.

Ozpin's POV

I left the room and went to the nurse's station and a nurse turned to me and said, "Good evening, Professor Ozpin. How may I help you?" I smiled slightly and said, "I was wondering what is going on with Mr. L/N?" The nurse nodded and looked through her papers, then she stopped at one and said, "It says that due to the bump on the back of his head, Mr. L/N has a possible case of slight amnesia. If he, in fact, does have a case of slight amnesia, it is unclear whether or not his memories will ever return." I nodded and said, "Thanks." Then I went back to Y/N's room and asked him, "Mr. L/N, do you remember any of the people on your team?" He nodded and said, "Sure I do. There's me, Yang Xiao Long, Blake Belladonna, and Weiss Schnee." I nodded and said, "Okay, just wondering about something. And you confirmed it. This may be had for you to hear, but you seem to have a slight case of amnesia from your fall during your mission. Trust me when I say that you and Ms. Rose are very close. I understand that you don't remember her but I recommend that you spend some time with her and your memories might come back." He nodded and I said, "Good night, Mr. L/N." Then I left and went to team RWBY's dorm and knocked on the door. Yang answered and said, "Hello, Professor Ozpin. How can we help this evening?" Then I explained Y/N's condition to her and my suggestion. She agreed and I left.

Well that's the end of Volume 2. The next chapter will be Volume 3. How long do you think you'll be before you possibly remember anything? What do you think could possibly bring back your memories of Ruby?
Master out.

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