Vol. 2 Ch. 24 Ballroom Blitz

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Your POV

After a few seconds, the two of us separate for air. Then I stared into her breathtaking silver eyes as she stared into my blue eyes. Then Ruby hugs me tightly for several seconds, surprising me with the act. I said in amazement, "Oh wow, I didn't know you had this passionate side to you, Ruby. I like it."
She smiled before letting me go. Then she said, "Shut up, Y/N. I just want to make one thing clear with you." I kept looking into her eyes and said, "What is it?" She smiled and said, "I love you, Y/N L/N, for who you are. I don't care if you're a faunus or not." I kissed her and said, "Thanks, Rubes. That means a lot."
Then she said, "Let's go outside now, Y/N. It's too cramped in here." Ruby grabbed my arm and dragged me outside, onto the balcony. The two of us enjoyed the crisp cool air as it blows in our face. Then I said, "Aww, come on, Ruby. We should've stayed in there. Team JNPR is dancing. We should've joined them." Ruby shook her head and said, "No, I don't wanna dance again, my feet still hurt." I sighed and said, "Fine, I guess we can enjoy the night like this."
Unfortunately, it doesn't last long, we both spot a mysterious figure jumping over roofs and heading towards the CCT tower. Ruby turned to me and said, "Hey Y/N, did you see that?" I nodded and said, "Yep.... what do you think we should do?" She answered and said, "Let's go check it out." I replied, "Alright m'lady. Let's go." I put my earbuds in and hit play on a song on my Scroll as I jump off the balcony with Ruby.

Then I follow Ruby, as we both run in the direction of the where the woman was heading. When we finally reach the entrance of the CCT Tower, we spot several guards unconscious. I then said, "Damn. We just can't catch a break, not even on these types of nights." Ruby and I then called for our weapon lockers. We each grab our own weapons before heading inside the tower and taking the elevator up.
When the elevator doors open and the two of us stepped out quickly, scanning the room for the intruder and I activated my eyepiece to help. Within several seconds, it detected another person in the room. Then I called out, "It's no use, step out from behind the counter!"
The women calmly steps out and stands there. Then Ruby said, "Excuse me, it's not a masquerade party so why don't you take off..." Before she could finish what she was saying, the woman cut her off and summons glass shards and fires them at us. Ruby blocks them all while I charged at the woman. She then summons two glass swords and blocks any incoming strike from me. Ruby fires her rifle and propels herself over me, and attempts to slash the woman, but she jumps into the air and fires explosive arrows forcing the two of us to back off.
Just then the elevator dings and opens revealing it to be General Ironwood. I looked back at the woman, but unfortunately, she had escaped already. Then Ruby said, "Wait... no where did she go?!" Ironwood looked at us and said, "You two want to start explaining what is happening here?" I nodded and said, "Yeah, sure General, but we don't have much information."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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