Vol. 3 Ch. 41 No More

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Your POV

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Ruby gently petting Chibi Y/N's wolf ears)

Ruby, me, and the other students exited the arena entrance and gathered together in front of Ironwood. Then Ruby said, "What's going on!?" Ironwood answered, "Grimm are crawling all over the city. The White Fang's invaded Beacon, and to make matters worse, some... vagabond has seized one of my ships. Until we regain command, the skies are out of our control. So I'm─" He's interrupted by a sneak attack from a Creep, which is swiftly dealt with from a bullet to its head. Then he continued, "─going to take it back."
As Ironwood turns for his ship, he is stopped when Jaune asked, "What should we do?" Ironwood turned, faced us, and said, "You have two choices. Defend your Kingdom and your school... or save yourselves. No one will fault you if you leave. Ironwood then proceeded to climb up on the dropship in front of him, as he addressed the crowd, "Let's move out!" As Ironwood leaves, the students look at each other and murmur before a certain monkey Faunus speaks up, and said, "I mean... come on!" Then I said, "We can take a ship to Beacon!" Then we all to the nearest airship.

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Y/N laughing as Chibi Ruby tries to reach for a book that's too high on a shelf in the library and keeps failing)

Ironwood's dropship suddenly loses altitude, plummeting from the ground as two flashes can be seen from the cockpit. We all watched in horror as we saw the dropship fall from the sky. Ruby then ran to the bay doors of the Air Bus. Concerned, I called out to her and said, "Ruby! What are you doing!?"
Without answering me, Ruby jumped off the Air Bus as it barely takes off, using her Semblance of speed to safely land on the runway after freefalling in the sky. Before I could jump out to join her, a Giant Nevermore screeched and was making a beeline for the airship we were in. I sighed, jumped onto the back of the Nevermore, and started attacking it with Blitz Master in Scythe Mode. The others cheered as I finally killed it, only for it to evaporate into black ashes beneath me, causing me to fall.
As I was falling, I used my stored electricity to strengthen my Aura a little before I could hit the ground. When I hit the ground, I left a small crater on the ground. I felt a tremor and heard the roar of a huge Wyvern. Then I see Team CFVY and Weiss, along with some other students fighting some out of control Paladins. I rushed over to help them, using my semblance to fry some of the Paladin's circuits. Then Velvet goes after one Paladin and Weiss helps destroy it. But before we could take a breath, another advanced Paladin rushes in from the corner and begins to charge at us. Then I said, "Seriously?"
Then we all stood prepared to fight the Atlesian Paladin that was charging toward us. However, electricity arcs across it and it suddenly powers down, collapsing and sliding to a stop in front of us. Weiss looks at me and I said, "Don't look at me, I didn't do that." Weiss doubles over, exhausted, leaning on Myrtenaster to keep herself standing. I ended up doing the same with Blitz Master in its Sword Mode. Then I see Yang run up to Weiss and she said, "Weiss! You're okay! Have you heard from Ruby?" I sighed and said, "I have." Yang looked up and saw me. Then she ran over to me and said, "Where is she then?" I scratched my head and said, "We got separated, while trying to leave the Colosseum." Yang nodded and said, "Okay." Then Yang turned back to Weiss and asked, "What about Blake?" Weiss answered, "She went after an Alpha..." Then she pointed in the direction that Blake ran and continued, "and some members of the White Fang." Then Yang said, "You two look for Ruby. I'll meet up with Blake." Yang hurried off in the direction that Weiss pointed, while the heiress gives a thumbs up.

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Cinder marveling over how well her nefarious plan is going)

Port said, "That's it! Everybody on board! This is a mandatory evacuation!" Then Oobleck added, "A safe zone has been established in Vale! Please, remain calm and listen to Atlas personnel!" Weiss and I stared at what was in front of us, in disbelief. Zwei barks suddenly, causing Weiss and I to turn around to see Ruby running up to us. Then Weiss and I said, "Ruby!" Ruby responded, "Oh, I found you!" Weiss said, "Ruby, where have you-" I cut her off and said, "Ruby, don't ever do that again without telling me." Then Ruby said, "Don't worry, I'm fine! What's going on?" Unsure of what to say, Weiss and I lowered our gaze sadly. Ruby then said, "Weiss? Y/N? What is it?"
Weiss and I stepped aside, giving Ruby a clear view of Blake and Yang lying on the ground. Both girls had bandages wrapped around their wounds, and the latter is unconscious. Behind them sat Nora and Ren, who are also too battered and bruised to fight. Blake reached over. placed her hand on Yang's, and said, "I'm sorry."

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Y/N pranking Chibi Weiss with his left hand remotely)

Ruby and I watched in horror as Pyrrha gasped in pain, the wound in her chest emitting a red glow. Cinder approached her fallen foe and placed a hand on Pyrrha's head, using her powers to flash incinerate her. Pyrrha instantly ceased all movement and sound, her body glowing orange and then scattering as embers. Her headdress remains in Cinder's hand, and the villain drops it on the floor. I get up and started to fire rounds at Cinder with Blitz Master. Cinder then used her powers to knock Blitz Master, along with my left hand, flying off the side of the tower. Then Cinder stabbed me in the stomach with her sword, knocking me down. As Cinder was about to attack me again, I coughed up blood, looked at Ruby, and said in faint voice, "I love you." Then Ruby clenched her fists, curled her arms to her body, and then suddenly flinging her arms out to the sides, she began to levitate slightly off the ground. Brilliant white light flows from her eyes as she screams out the name of her dear friend. Then everything went from a bright white light and faded to black.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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