Vol. 2 Ch. 21 Surprise

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Your POV

I had gotten released from the infirmary and changed back into my normal clothes. I walked into the fighting area where Mrs. Goodwitch had class. I walked into the stands, without letting Ruby see me. As I walked over, Yang and Weiss noticed me, but I put a finger on my lips. They nodded as I went behind Ruby, who was distracted by Pyrrha fighting Team CRDL by herself.
Then I wrapped my arms around Ruby's waist. She tried to get loose and said, "Let go of me, whoever you are! I have a boyfriend!" I smirked and said in her ear, "I know." She turned around to face me, then she hugged me, and said, "Oh, it's just you." I sat down next to her and said, "Hey, Rubes. Will you go to the dance with me on Sunday?" Ruby kissed me and said, "I would love to."

Time Skip

After Blake ignored us insisting that she take a break from worrying about the White Fang and Torchwick, she left the room. Then I remembered that Pyrrha had asked me to help her train Jaune tonight. I kissed Ruby on the cheek and said, "I just remembered that Pyrrha asked me earlier if I could help her with Jaune's training tonight. So I'll be back later. I love you, Ruby." Ruby nodded and said, "I love you too, Y/N. But don't be gone too long." I smiled and said, "I won't." Then I left and headed towards the roof, where Pyrrha had told me.

Time Skip

After Jaune left Pyrrha and I on the roof, I looked at her and said, "You should just tell him." Pyrrha looked at me and said, "What do you mean?" I smirked and said, "I can tell that you have feelings for him." She blushed and said, "He just cares about Weiss and I just want him to be happy, even if that means that he's with another girl." I replied, "But Weiss doesn't feel that way about him." Then Pyrrha sneezed, accidentally causing my left hand to fly off of my arm. I sighed and said, "Bless you." Pyrrha replied, "Thanks." I smiled and said, "You're welcome. Now could you give me my hand back?" She nodded and said, "I'm sorry! Here you go." She handed me my hand and I took it. Then I said, "Goodnight, Pyrrha." Then I went back to my dorm, holding my my left hand in my right.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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