Vol. 3 Ch. 35 Qrow's Family Welcome

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Your POV

I followed Qrow out of the room and to the courtyard. Then he stopped, turned to me, and said, "Now listen, Y/N, despite what you think I'm going to do, I'm not going to fight you. Just tell me, are you going to be there for my niece at all times?" I nodded immediately and said, "I will always be there for Ruby, no matter what. I swear on my life." Qrow smirked and said, "Alright then, I trust you to date my niece." I smiled and said, "Thank you, Qrow." He replied, "Don't mention it. Now how about I give you my kind of a family welcome. Come with me."
I nodded and followed him to a nearby Bullhead that was headed to Vale. We got on and rode it to Vale. When it landed at Vale, Qrow led me to a place called the Crow Bar. I looked up at him and said, "Um, Qrow? I'm not old enough to drink."
He turned around, smirked, and said, "I know the bartender here. So don't worry." I nodded hesitantly and followed him into the bar. We sat down at the bar counter and the bartender came over to us. The bartender noticed me and said, "Sorry, kid, but you're too young to be in here." Qrow stopped him and said, "Don't worry, the kid's with me. Get me my usual, and the kid something fruity." The bartender nodded and left.
He came back a few minutes later and handed Qrow and I both a yellow cup of what I assumed was probably some kind of yellow colored alcohol. I looked at it hesitantly and Qrow said, "It's just a piña colada. You'll like it, trust me. Now just drink."
I let out a sigh and took a sip of my drink. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I thought, This is actually pretty good. I like it. Then I took another sip and eventually finished my drink. I liked it so much, I asked for another, then another.

Qrow's POV

After Y/N had his 5th glass, I stopped him and said, "I think I should probably take you back to your dorm, it's getting late." He  nodded and said, "You know what, Qrow......I think you're right. I miss my Rubes! Can I tell you a secret, Qrow?" I raised my eyebrows and nodded. Then he said in his drunken state, "Earlier today, Ruby and I both gave each other hickeys, but shhhh..... it's a secret."
I smirked and said, "You're alright, squirt. Let's go." I led him to the landing docks and onto the last Bullhead that was heading to Beacon. When we got back to Beacon, I led my niece's drunk boyfriend to his dorm and knock on the door a few times, and said, "Come on, kiddo. Open the door."

Ruby's POV

I was laying on my bed, in my pajamas, thinking, Why isn't Y/N back yet? I hope Uncle Qrow didn't hurt him. Suddenly I heard a couple knocks on the door, followed by my Uncle Qrow saying, "Come on, kiddo. Open the door." I climbed down from my bed, went to the door, and opened it. When I did, I saw my boyfriend, who was having a little trouble standing, and my uncle, who was smiling. My boyfriend turned, saw me, and said, "There's the love of my life!" Then he stumbled towards me. I looked at Uncle Qrow and asked, "Uncle Qrow! What did you do to him?" My uncle just smirked and said, "I welcomed him to the family, my way.  I took him to a bar." I was shocked and asked, "How many drinks did you give him?" He smirked and said, "Around 4 or 5." I groaned and said, "Fine. Thanks for at least bringing him back to the dorm. Goodnight, Uncle Qrow."
I shut the door and turned to face my drunk boyfriend. I sighed and said, "Come on, let's get you ready for bed." He smiled in a goofy way and said, "I love you so much, Ruby. I just thought of a great idea. How about we both sleep together in our underwear, or better yet, why don't we just sleep together naked?" I felt my face heat up a lot. Then he took off his left hand and started to take off his jacket and his pants. I blushed as he pulled off his pants completely. Before he could take off his boxers, I grabbed his hand and stopped him. He looked at me and said, "What?" I sighed and blushed as I said, "I'm not ready to see you naked or for you to see me naked either. So let's just sleep in our underwear." He gave me my goofy grin and said, "Okay, hot stuff. What are you waiting for?" I blushed even more as I slowly took off my top and then took off my pajama bottoms, revealing my light pink bra and panties. Then we both climbed up into our bed. He pinned me down and started to kiss me passionately. He started kissing my neck and continued to kiss me on my chest until he got to my bra. Then he kissed me on my stomach as he began rubbing his hand on my inner thigh, causing me let to let out a small moan. I covered my mouth as Y/N moved his hand and started to rub my pussy through the fabric of my panties. I wanted him to stop, so I did the only thing that I could think of to stop him. I slapped him hard on the cheek. He stopped everything that he was doing to me and just looked at me confused and scared. I looked into his blue eyes, which seemed like they were a darker blue than normal. Then I said, "Y/N, I'm not ready for us to do that. I love you, but I don't like this side of you. I want the Y/N I fell in love with, my Sparky, not this version of you. I'm sorry." He looked down and I heard him let out small whimper. He started to crawl out of the bed, but I stopped him and said, "I still love you, but I'm just not ready to do something like that with you yet. But I'm willing to sleep in my underwear with you, because I love you. So much, in fact, that I want you to come back and sleep with me. I may be kinda upset and mad, but I still love you." He slowly crawled back to me, kiss me on the cheek, and said, "I love you, Ruby. I want to be with you for the rest of my life." Then he passed out and was sound asleep. I sighed, pulled the covers over us, and went to sleep.

What do you think will happen in the morning? What if a certain blonde notices you and Ruby are in you underwear?
Master out.

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