Vol. 1 Ch. 5 First Day Of Class

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Your POV

Dream Flashback

I looked around and saw that I was in my old house back in Mantle. I saw smoke coming from upstairs as my parents escorted my little sister, Lily, and I out of our house. Outside, there were ton of Anti-Faunus League, which is a order of Faunus-Haters that despises Faunus more than anything.
My mom and dad told us to run, so we did. I heard as they shot and killed my mom and my dad. Lily and I kept running. I hid in some bushes heard another gun shot and saw my sister fall to the ground dead. But before they could find and kill me, I heard police sirens in the distance, causing them to leave. I sat there in the dark, crying at the loss of my parents and my little sister.

End of Dream Flashback

I then hear a very loud whistle and I violently wake up on the floor in your sleeping bag. What kind of asshole blows a whistle in a room of sleeping people?!? I thought as I looked over and see that Ruby was holding the whistle while talking to Weiss about plans or something. I thought to myself, Dammit Ruby!
The girls then start to organize the room the way they want it. I groan in frustration and hold my head. My heart and head were still throbbing from the nightmare about my past. Ruby noticed that something was wrong and said, "Y/N, are you okay? We're thinking about the cramped space..." I just said, "I'm sorry, just do it without me!" I grabbed my uniform and speed off into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I was breathing heavily and started to splash some water on my face to calm me down.
After several minutes, I changed into my uniform and exited the bathroom to see the girls standing directly outside the door. Weiss looked at me and said, "Uhhh Y/N, are you okay? Do you need to visit the Nurse's Office?" I shook my head and said, "No I'm fine, thank you Weiss. Just had a nightmare that's all." Blake sided with Weiss and said, "You sure you're okay...you look really... pale." I nodded and said, "Yeah I'll be okay in a couple of minutes when I'm relaxed." Ruby then asked, "Oh... what was it about?"
I sighed and said, "I'll tell you girls later, but seriously, I'll be fine." Ruby just stared at me in concern, I noticed this and just stare back at her. Ruby slightly blushes and said, "Agh well anyway... what were we doing again."
Weiss answered, "There's not enough room in here for the beds." Ruby nodded and said, "Oh yeah.. well I was think we could ditch the beds and replace them with BUNK BEDS!" Weiss replied, "That sound incredibly dangerous." Yang yelled, "AND SUPER AWESOME!" Blake agrees and said, "It does seem efficient." Weiss offered, "Well... we should put it to a vote." Ruby said, "I think we just did." Blake and Yang give their approval, while Weiss stand their shaking her head.
Then Ruby looked at me and said, "Come on Y/N, you should vote too!" I looked at Ruby in disbelief and said, "Uhhh Ruby, I don't think it matters to me because I sleep on the floor." I gestured my hand to where my sleeping bag is. Ruby shakes her head and said, "That doesn't matter you're a part of this team and also as your leader, I want to know what you think." I gave in and said, "Fine bunk beds it is!"
The five of us dashed towards the beds and started rearranging them into makeshift bunk beds until finally we managed to get it done. Ruby then shouted, "Objective complete!" We all look back at the beds and see the Blake's and Weiss' beds are on the floor, while Ruby and Yang's are the ones on top. Surprisingly, Ruby's bed doesn't fall even though it's only suspended by rope.
Ruby then said, "Alright, our second order of business is... classes. Now we have a few classes together today at 9 we've got to be..." Weiss looked in shock and said, "WHAT! Did you say 9 o'clock?" Ruby responded, "Ummmm." Weiss said, "It's 8:55, you dunce!" Weiss then runs out of the dorm and starts heading down the hallway, while Team RWBY and JNPR stare at her. Ruby then said, "Umm, to class!" The rest of Team RWBY and I run off after Weiss.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I have a great idea for Volume 2.
Master out.

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