Vol. 2 Ch. 18 Beacon's Investigators

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Your POV

Time Skip

We were all getting ready for our mission. "I thought that class would never end," Blake sighed. We were all wearing clothes that were a little less conspicuous. Instead of my normal light blue trench coat, I was wearing a navy blue zip up jacket.
"Alright guys, today's the day, let the investigation begin!" Ruby said, jumping off of her bed. "I'm glad to see were taking this so seriously," Weiss said sarcastically. Then Yang said, "Hey, we've got a plan that's moderately serious."
"Right. Everyone remember your roles?" Ruby asked. Weiss spoke up first and said, "You and I will visit the CCT to check the Schnee records for any other dust robberies or inconsistencies. Seeing as I'm in the family, it shouldn't be a problem." Then Blake said, "The White Fang has regular faction meetings to hand out orders and recruit new members. If Y/N and I can get in, then we can hopefully find out what they're planning" "I have an old friend on the shady side of town that typically knows everything that's going on in Vale. Getting information from him shouldn't be to hard." Yang said, crossing her arms. "Great, we'll meet up tonight near Yang to go over what we've found. Let's do this!" Ruby said. Then we all heard a familiar voice say, "Yeah!"
"Sun!?" Blake said surprised. Then Yang asked, "How did you get up there?" "It's easy, I do it all the time," he says. Then Weiss yelled, "You do what?!"
"I climb trees all the time," Sun answered, as Weiss glares at him. Then Sun flipped into our dorm and said, "So are we finally getting back at that Torchwick guy?" "We are gonna go investigate the situation... As a team," Blake answered. "Sorry Sun, we don't wanna get friends involved if we don't have to," Ruby said. Then Sun said, "Pfft that's dumb. You should always get friends involved, that's why I brought Neptune."
We peeked our heads out to see Neptune standing on the ledge of the wall near our window. "Sup," he said, like it's just an everyday thing for him. "How did you even get up here?" Ruby asked. Then Neptune answered, "I have my ways...but seriously can I come in, we're like really high up."
Once we get Neptune inside, we decide on who's going with who. Ruby said, "Alright, I'll go with Weiss, Sun, you can go with Blake and Y/N, and Neptune, you can go with Yang because she doesn't have a partner."
He seemed to stiffen to the point where Yang poked him and he rocked back and forth. Then Weiss said, "Actually Ruby, why don't you go with Yang. After all, she is your sister." Weiss said. "Well then, who would go with you?" Ruby asked. "Well, I guess Neptune could come with me" Weiss said. Ruby laughed and dragged Weiss away. "But, But," was all Weiss could say before she was pulled away. Then the rest of us went off to do our parts.

Time Skip

Blake, Sun, and I were still running away from the robot mech that Torchwick was in, when I thought of something. I stopped, jumped onto the robot, and shot a full surge of electricity into the machine's legs, making it collapse onto the road from the overload, temporarily shorting out the legs. Its arm turned around and threw me towards Blake and Sun.
The three of us kept running, as Yang and Neptune rode in on Yang's bike. They dodged around the cars flying at them, then Neptune took a few shots at the robot, before jumping at it and stabbing it. Then Sun activated his semblance, creating two golden mimics of himself, to attack the robot. Then he jumped in the air to make a strike, but Neptune was thrown at him, taking them both out of the fight. Then Weiss jumped down off of one road onto the one we were on and made the floor ice as the robot got near, causing it to slip and crash through the holo rail and onto the ground, where Ruby was waiting. We all jumped down to join Ruby as she called out a team attack, "Freezer Burn!"
Weiss created another floor of Ice and Yang punched it, making mist cover our positions. The robot started to look around as we ran around it, disorienting it as it took a shot at Yang and Blake. Then Ruby dashed towards it, took a strike and called out, "Check Mate!"
Blake and Weiss took as many quick strikes as possible before getting out. They kept dodging missiles shot by the Torchwick robot and then Weiss made a glyph under Blake that made her move faster as she cut all the missiles in half. "Ladybug!" Ruby called out.
As Ruby and Blake slashed threw the legs of the robot, constantly switching sides before dashing into the air, before taking a downward strike at Torchwick. Then Ruby called out, "Flying Static!"
Weiss used her glyphs to launch me into the air and onto the robot. Then I used my semblance to try to fry the rest of the primary circuits in the machine. But before I could get them all, the robot's hand grabbed me and threw me into the side of a nearby building. Then everything went black.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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