Vol. 3 Ch. 37 Cat Got Your Tongue?

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Your POV

Time Skip

I was just resting in Ruby and I's bed, trying to get rid of my hangover. I heard the door opened and closed, as someone walked in. I decided to ignore it, until I felt the bed move as if someone was climbing up into the bed. Then I felt a pair of lips smash against mine. I opened my eyes expecting to see Ruby, but instead I saw Blake. She was kissing me in a very lustful way. Crap! I thought to myself. I forgot the since she's also a Faunus, she's going through heat too. I'm too hungover to fight back, plus I've got just one hand right now. And I had to sleep in my underwear!
Blake pulled away from the kiss and started to get undressed. I then said, "Blake, please don't do this! I love Ruby! I don't want to do this to her! I know that we're both in heat, but I don't want to do it with you!" Then Blake took off her panties and said, "What Ruby doesn't know won't hurt her." Then I said, "But I'll know, and I don't like keeping secrets from her. Blake, please st─" Blake cut me off by sitting on my face so her pussy is on my mouth. Then I feel her pull off my underwear and she started to lick the tip of my cock. Then she started sucking it, bobbing her head up and down on my cock. I was squirming to try to get free, which was hard with only one hand. As I struggled, I involuntarily let out a moan from the pleasure. Since Blake's pussy was on my mouth, I ended up moaning into her pussy, causing her to moan as well. Then she got up and started to line her entrance up with my cock.
Fortunately for me, I heard the door open, as someone was about to save me from Blake. But unfortunately for me, the door opening startled Blake, causing her to go all the way down on my member. Then I heard a voice, one that made me glad they were saving me, but also worried about what they were going to say to me. I heard Yang say, "BLAKE BELLADONNA! Get off my sister's boyfriend now!" Blake ignored her and started to bounce on my cock, making her moan as I begged her to stop. Then Yang yanked the naked Cat Faunus off of me, knocked her out, and tied Blake to her bed.
Then Yang threw a blanket over me and I said, "Yang, it's not what you think. I─" Yang cut me off by putting a finger on my lips. Then Yang said, "Don't worry, Y/N. When I walked in, I saw that you were struggling to get free and that you weren't enjoying what Blake was doing. Because of that, I'll let it go. But I suggest that if you truly love my sister, you should tell her what happened." I sighed and said, "What am I supposed to say? 'Hey, Ruby. Blake forced me to have sex with her.' Ruby might not believe me and she will probably just break up with me." I felt a tear go down my face. Then Yang said, "If she loves you as much as you love her, she'll believe you. Trust me." "And if she doesn't," I asked. Then Yang said, "Then you could always go out with me instead." I blushed and said, "Thanks, Yang. Ruby's lucky to have a sister like you." Yang smiled and said, "Don't mention it. I mean I guess I could've said cat got your tongue?" I groaned at the bad pun. Then Yang got Blake dressed and left. I sighed and went back to sleep, exhausted from what had happened.

Ruby's POV

Time Skip

Around lunchtime, I decided to go check on Y/N. I opened the door to reveal Blake knocked out and tied to her bed. I just ignored it and climbed up to Y/N. I yanked the blanket off him and immediately screamed and looked away. I heard Y/N wake up and say, "Ruby, what's wrong?" I closed my eyes and said, "W-why are you n-naked?"

Your POV

I blushed a dark crimson red and quickly found my boxers and put them on. Then I explained what happened with Blake. When I finished, I looked down in shame. Then I felt a hand grab my chin and make me look up. I looked into Ruby's mesmerizing silver eyes and she said, "I believe you and I know that you weren't able to control Blake. I still love you. I'm just glad that Yang ran in here when she did." I felt a tear go down my face and I hugged Ruby. I cried into her shoulder and said, "Thank you for forgiving me! I don't know what I would've done if you had broken up with me! I love you so much, Ruby!" She ran her fingers gently through my hair to calm me down. Then she began to rub my wolf ears. I eventually drifted off to sleep in her arms.

Ruby's POV

After awhile, I realized that Y/N had fallen asleep in my arms. I laid him down on the bed and covered him up with the blanket. I wrote him a note and left it with his left hand on the desk. Then I left the room and headed back to the arena. As I did, I thought, I never knew that Y/N was so big down there. I'm so glad that he's all mine. Wait, did I really just think about him that way? Then I realized that I was getting kinda wet just thinking about it. I shook my head and continued to the arena.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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