Vol. 2 Ch. 23 The Dance

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Your POV

Time Skip

I was in Team JNPR's dorm getting ready with the guys, while the girls were getting ready in Team RWBY's dorm. I was wearing my suit that I had gotten tailored at the Kingsmen Tailor Shop. It was a navy blue suit jacket with a red trim on the sleeves. I had black suit pants. I also had a red bowtie as well.
I was pacing back and forth. Jaune put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Y/N, why are you acting so nervous? You've been dating Ruby for a couple months now. You two love each other. You're both perfect for each other." I took a deep breath and said, "Thank you, Jaune."
I straightened my bowtie and went to the my dorm. I knocked on the door and said, "Are you ready, Rubes?" Then I heard her say, "Yeah! Just give me a second." She opened the door and I just stood there in awe at how beautiful she was.
She started blushing and said, "Quit staring at me." I blinked a couple times and said, "Sorry, I couldn't help it. You look stunning and gorgeous." Ruby blushed and said, "Thanks. You look very handsome in that suit." I scratched the back of my neck and said, "Shall we head to the dance now, Rubes?"
She nodded and started walking. I now realized that she was wearing high heels. She was struggling with them too. But each time she was about to fall, I caught her before she hit the ground. I chuckled and said, "You can hold onto my arm for balance if you want."
Ruby immediately grabbed my arm and we both start walking to the ballroom. Along the way, I had to stop and catch Ruby several times from falling over since she doesn't have the balance to walk in high heels. We finally managed to reach the ballroom and I opened the door for Ruby.
Yang sees the both of us and squeals with
excitement as she said, "Oh, you guys look so cute together!" Then Ruby said, "Thanks Yang."
Then Ruby almost falls again, but manages to catch herself this time and said, "Ugh, can we have a serious talk about how Weiss fights in these?!?!" Ruby struggles to get to Yang, but manages on her just fine. Then I said, "You wouldn't believe how many times I had to catch her."
Yang giggles at Ruby's struggling attempts of standing up. Then Yang said, "Come on Ruby, they're not that bad, once you get used to them." Ruby replied, "Yeah, whatever." Then I said, "Well, come on, Rubes. Let's go dance a couple of songs, so you can get used to your heels." I drag her onto the dance floor, Ruby still hesitating about the whole idea as she said, "No wait.....I'm not ready.... I don't know how to dance either." I looked into her silver eyes and said, "That's okay, just follow my lead. We'll be doing a slow waltz just like everyone else."
I grabbed her right hand with my left and hold her waist with the other. Then I said, "Alright, now put your left hand on my shoulder." Ruby puts her hand on my shoulder and said, "Okay." I smiled and said, "Now we just slowly step from side to side. Remember, just follow my lead and go slow." We both side step and dance in perfect sync with each other. We managed to keep it that way for several minutes. Then I said, "See, you got this, Ruby." She smiled and said, "Yeah.... I guess I do."
After dancing for several songs, Ruby loses her footing and almost falls. I managed to catch her in time and help her regain her balance again. I said, "Let's take a break from dancing." Ruby nodded and we both find a table, near the punch bowl. We sat down watching the rest of our friends dance. Ruby turned to me and said, "That was actually nice, Y/N... You know, dancing with you." I smiled and said, "Yeah, it was fun dancing with you, even though you walked like a klutz."
Ruby stared at me, before punching my arm and saying, "I hate you right now." I laughed out loud while rubbing my arm, before returning my attention back to Ruby. Then I said, "And I will always love you, Ruby."
I put my hands on her cheeks and pulled her into a kiss. Then Ruby leaned forwards, lengthening the kiss. A perfect start to the young night at the ballroom.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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