Vol. 2 Ch. 27 The Night In The Ruins

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Your POV

Time Skip

Yang, Blake, Weiss, and I were all inside the building that Oobleck told us to set up in. Yang, Weiss, and Blake were by the fire, while I was sitting in front of an opening in the wall, watching Ruby and Oobleck talk. "I can't believe we didn't find anything," Yang said kinda frustrated, but more just disappointed. "We've always been at the right place at the right time. Our good luck was bound to run out sometime." I said, getting up and walking towards the girls and sitting by the fire.
There were a few seconds of nobody talking and the only sounds being heard were the crackling fire and the wind outside. "That's not what I meant," Weiss said, breaking the silence. Confused, the rest of us responded, "Hmm?" "Earlier. About upholding the legacy, there's more to it than that," she continued. Then Yang said, while looking dejected, "Yeah. No, me too I mean. I don't know."
"Me neither. I know what I want to do, but I figured I would always take things one step at a time," Blake said, standing up. "My entire goal was to hopefully find some people who I know that I can trust to have my back no matter what, and to help others to the best of my ability. But now that I have people like you guys in my life. I never really thought about what else I would do," I said also standing up. Then I thought about how much I love Ruby, and said, "But I might have an idea." Yang responded, "Well it doesn't matter. We know why were here. Right?"
We all looked around and at the ground in silence. "Ahh wonderful, a textbook camp fire," Oobleck said, dashing into the room. "Fire!" Ruby yelled as she jogged up to it and knelt down by it. "Soo warm," she said as she warmed her self up. Then Oobleck said, "Very good! Eat your dinner and hurry to bed. We have a lot of ground to cover tomorrow and I need you to take turns watching over our temporary abode. So any volunteers for first watch?" Ruby raised her hand and said, "Yo." She started walking over to the watch point that I was sitting at before Yang got Ruby's attention, by saying, "Hey. Did Oobleck ask you why you wanted to be a huntress, I mean what did you tell him?" "Hmm, No, he didn't. Weird, oh well, good night guys," Ruby replied, walking the rest of the way to the watch point.
The rest of us finished eating and went to bed, thinking about what Oobleck asked us that day. We all tried to sleep for hours, but to no avail. Ruby was the only one that fell asleep, even though she was the only one that needed to stay awake. I saw that she had fallen asleep and I got up and went over to her.
I poked her gently and woke her up. Then I said, "If you're that tired, I'll take over for you." Ruby looked at me, smiled, and said in a tired voice, "Thanks, Sparky." Then she got up and laid down on my bag. I sighed and smiled. Then I sat down at the watch point.

Time Skip

I was asleep with Ruby in my arms on my bag. Suddenly Zwei woke us up. Ruby said to Zwei, "Zwei, it's late. Go back to bed." Then Zwei runs off, causing Ruby and I to get up and chase after him. Ruby called out his name a couple times, "Zwei! Zwei! Ugh!" Ruby and I wandered out of the building, looking for Zwei. Then I said, "Zwei! Zwei, where are you? Zwei! Huh?" Then we spotted Zwei urinating on some ruins. I sighed and Ruby said, "Zwei, this is a wasteland! You literally could have done that anywhere!" He barks in reply and then Ruby and I heard someone say, "What was that?" We quickly hide behind some of the ruins and peaked out to see 2 White Fang members. Then one says, "What was what?" The other one replied, "I thought I heard a Beowolf or something." The first one then said, "Hmph. Let's just finish our patrol and get back to base. This place gives me the creeps."
As the White Fang Guards walk away, Ruby, Zwei, and I sneak around while following them. They eventually reach a ruined building with a pair of metal doors, and we hide behind a corner, with me holding Zwei out to watch them. I whispered to Zwei, "Did they go in yet? One bark means yes." The sound of the door closing echoes out, then Zwei barks once. Then Ruby said, "Oh! This is it! This is it!" She pulled out her scroll and tried to call our teammates. However, the screen says Low Signal. Then she said, "Aw man! Come on, we gotta get the others!"
Ruby, Zwei, and I hurried off down the street. However, the asphalt beneath us suddenly sinks before caving in. I grabbed onto a ledge and catch Ruby, who catches Zwei. She tosses him up out of the hole and I start to attempt to pull us up. However, the ledge I was holding onto breaks off, and we plummet into a huge cave filled with ruined buildings, far below the surface. On the way down, I hit my head on rock, knocking me unconscious.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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