Vol. 1 Ch. 9 Unexpected Delivery

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Your POV

Time Skip

I was back in the RWBY dorm. I was just relaxing on my sleeping bag when my Scroll went off.

I sighed and thought, I wonder what Ozpin would have that so important to me that he would want it given ASAP? Guess I'll just have to wait until Ruby gets here

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I sighed and thought, I wonder what Ozpin would have that so important to me that he would want it given ASAP? Guess I'll just have to wait until Ruby gets here.
A few minutes later, Ruby came holding a box in her arms. She gave it to me and sat down next to me. I smiled and said, "Thanks, Ruby." She smiled and said, "No problem, Y/N." I smirked and opened the box. Inside of the box was a metallic robotic left hand.
I sat there in shock and closed the box. Ruby looked at me and said, "Is there something wrong, Y/N?" I shooked my head and let Ruby see what was in the box. She gasped  in excitement and said, "Y/N, please try it on!"
I shook my head and said, "It's not that simple, Ruby. I can't just put it on." Ruby looked at me and said, "Why not?" I sighed and said, "Because I'm already incomplete without my left hand, so replacing it with a new robotic one won't change that." I looked down and closed my eyes. Then Ruby said, "Nope." I looked up and said, "Don't you get it? After I put this prosthetic hand on, I won't be the same anymore." Ruby simply just said, "Nope." Then she put her hand on my right one and said, "Y/N, you'll always be the same wolf Faunus that I met the night we fought Torchwick the first time. People who truly care about you won't care if you have a robotic prosthetic arm or not, as long as you are still yourself. Trust me." I looked at Ruby and asked, "Why? Why don't you see me any different?"
She blushed and said, "Because... because... I..." I looked at her and said, "Because you what?" She didn't answer in the way that I was expecting. Instead of saying something, she grabbed my cheeks with her hands and kissed me on the lips. I sat there in shock for a moment. Then Ruby pulled away and blushed, before saying, "I'm sorry, Y/N. I just wanted to do that to show you how I feel about you. I shouldn't have done tha─" I cut her off by smashing my lips onto hers and kissing her. After a second, she started to kiss back.
Eventually we pulled away for air. I hugged Ruby and said, "I feel the same way about you, Ruby. I love you." She blushed and said, "I love you too, Y/N. Now will you please put the hand on, for me?" She gave me her cute and adorable puppy eyes, which I couldn't say no to. I grabbed the hand from the box and put it on the metal thing that was on my left arm. It attached itself to the metal thing and I felt the circuits attaching themselves to my nerves, causing me to close my eyes and clinch my teeth in pain.
Ruby must've noticed this, because she asked, "Y/N? Are you okay?" I nodded and said, "The circuits in the hand are attaching themselves to my nerves and it stings a little." Then the stinging sensation gradually stopped. I opened my eyes and looked at my new hand. I let some of my aura flow into my new hand and tried wiggling my fingers. The robot fingers wiggled exactly like I was trying to make them. Ruby looked at me in awe and said, "It looks so cool!" Then she said, "Hey, Y/N." "Yes, Ruby?" I replied. She smiled and said, "Do you want to know why I like that your hand is robotic now?" "Why?" I asked. She answered and said, "Because it makes you more unique." I smiled, kissed her forehead, and said, "That's why I love you, Ruby. You always look at the positive side of things." Then I kissed her on the lips again. She kissed me back. We pulled apart and I said, "Ruby, will you be my girlfriend?" She kissed me again and said, "Does that answer your question?" I nodded and said, "Yes." Then Ruby said, "But can we keep our relationship a secret between us until I'm ready to tell Yang and the others?" I nodded and said, "Of course, I'll support you all the way." She kissed me and said, "Thanks."

How long do you think the secret will last before someone finds out?
Master out.

Techno Wolf: Ruby Rose X Male Wolf Faunus ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now