Vol. 1 Ch. 4 Initiation

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Your POV

Time Skip

I watched as I saw other students get launched from their platforms. I slid my goggles over my eyes as I got launched and used them to help calculate a landing trajectory. I grabbed Blitz Master and changed it in Scythe Mode and aim for the tree that my goggles were showing I would hit. I used Blitz Master to go down the tree and land on the ground. I slid my goggles back up on my forehead where they were before and I turned on my holographic eyepiece. Then I started running in a random direction trying to find anyone knew. I thought, Ruby would be nice to find, or Yang, maybe Jaune. I kept running until I came upon some ruins with chess pieces on pedestals. As I walked up. I heard the familiar voice of Yang say, "What about a cute little pony?" Which was followed by a less enthusiastic voice replying, "Sure, why not." "Hey girls!" I said making my presence known. "Oh, hey Y/N!" Yang said waving at me. "Hey Yang. By the way, I didn't catch your name," I said as I turned my attention to the black haired girl that with her, who I'd seen yesterday. She introduced herself, "I'm Blake, Blake Belladonna." I smiled and said, "Y/N L/N." "So you find a partner yet?"Yang said. I shook my head and said, "Not yet. I'm hoping to find another person here." She replied, "Cool."
Then I heard a familiar cute voice and looked up to see Ruby falling from the sky. I used my eyepiece to calculate where to stand to catch Ruby. I stood where it said to and caught her in my arms. She lifts her head up and sees how she didn't become a squashed bug on the forest floor.
Ruby starts to get wide eyed as she said, "Oh my god! Thank you, Y/N!!! THANK YOU!" She wraps her arms around me and hugs me with surprisingly strong grip. I smirked and said, "Eh Ruby....it's....fine....can you please....let me go?" Ruby blushes and says, "Oh yeah....sorry guess I got carried away." I then heard screaming coming from the sky again except this time it's Jaune as he crashes into the tree above Ruby and I. "Did your sister just fall from the sky?" Blake said.
Right after that, a ginger haired girl rod in on and Ursa. "Did that girl just ride in on an Ursa?" asked Blake clearly confused by this situation like the rest of us. Just as Blake said that, Pyrrha Nikos ran towards us chased by a Deathstalker. Yang and Ruby greeted each other before the ginger girl interrupted introducing herself as "Nora."
I looked at Yang who looked just about ready to snap. "COULD EVERYONE JUST CHILL OUT FOR 2 SECONDS BEFORE SOMETHING CRAZY HAPPENS AGAIN?" She yelled we noticed Weiss attached to a Nevermore and waited 2 seconds to bring it up. "Uhhh, guys?" I said pointing up at Weiss. We heard here shout something it was inaudible at this distance, but Ruby responded by mumbling, "I said jump." "She's gonna fall," Blake said. "She'll be fine," Ruby said as she brushed off the comment.
"And she's falling," I said. I watched as Jaune leaped from the tree to catch Weiss. "This should be fun" I said as I folded my arms and leaned against a pillar at the ruins. He did exactly what I expected jumping to early he landed face first on the ground with Weiss landing on top of him. "My hero," she said checking her nails completely disinterested. "My back," Jaune said weakly from under Weiss. Then Pyrrha flew in front of us, landing on the ground. "Great, the gangs all here. Now we can die together," Yang said sarcastically.
"Not if I can help it" as Ruby ran towards the
Deathstalker. "Oh no" I said with concern. "Ruby wait!" Yang yelled. As Ruby flew towards the Deathstalker attempting to strike it but getting hit in the process she than took a couple shots and started to run. Me and Yang took off towards Ruby as the Nevermore shot its feathers down catching Ruby by her cape. "No Ruby!" I yelled. "Ruby get out of there!" Yang yelled. "I'm trying!" she yelled back.
The Deathstalker was getting closer to Ruby, then a white blur passed me and Yang to intercept the attack. We watched as Weiss blocked the attack with some ice, then she gave Ruby a lecture. I was just happy she was safe. Yang ran up to Ruby and hugged her. Jaune pointed towards the Nevermore and said, "Guys, that thing is circling back, what are we gonna do?" "Our objective was to grab an artifact and get back to the cliffs, so there's no sense in staying here to fight that thing." I replied. "Run and live, that is a plan I can get behind," Jaune said. "But Y/N, you don't have a partner, you'll be disqualified." Ruby said in a sad tone. I replied, "It's better for you all to live and succeed than it is for us to wait around for one more person to show up." Then Ruby looked really sad. I just place a hand on her head, ruffling her hair as I said, "Besides, there's always next year." Then I gave her a smile, hiding the fact that part of me was going to be sad that I wouldn't be able to see Ruby again for a whole year.
"Okay, let's go" I said as everyone took off running towards the cliffs. We ran towards an old castle like structure and everyone ran towards the Nevermore away from the Deathstalker I pulled out Blitz Master, put it in Gun Mode, and took a knee beside Pyrrha as we both fired at the Deathstalker to keep it at bay. The Nevermore took out the bridge separating the group "God dammit, never split up!" I said angrily. Blake, Ren, Pyrrha, and I were fighting the Deathstalker on one side. Nora and Jaune launched themselves towards us hitting the Deathstalker. Nora slid back and hit Blake, who fell off the bridge, then swung herself towards the Nevermore to bring herself to Ruby and the others.
The 5 of us started to attack the Deathstalker while Ruby and the others kept the Nevermore at bay. Jaune and Pyrrha blocked its claws with their shields, opening it up to Ren, Nora, and I. Ren grabbed onto the stinger and swung from it firing into it. Nora fired at it from a distance as I stabbed Blitz Master, in Sword Mode, into its eye. Then I removed my sword and retreated to the others. Pyrrha threw her spear at its other eye it would be blind right now if it didn't have four eyes. On Jaune's command, Pyrrha threw her shield at the Deathstalker loose stinger severing it and stabbing it into its head, finishing the job that Ren started. Nora jumped on Pyrrha's shield and shot herself into the sky. I changed Blitz Master into its Gun Mode and started to fire at the Deathstalker to keep its attention away from Nora. She slammed her hammer into its head sending Jaune, Pyrrha, and I flying onto solid ground. She then pulled the trigger on her hammer sending herself towards us beating the Deathstalker. We watched as Ruby, Yang, Blake and Weiss basically set up Ruby as a human slingshot and sent her towards the Nevermore. Then Ruby ran up the cliffside using Weiss' glyphs and cut its head off at the top of the cliff. Then I said excitedly, "That was amazing!"

Time Skip

Ozpin announced the final team, "Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao Long from this day forth you will be known as team RWBY." Wait, they have a team member named Ruby Rose and there team name is team RWBY, that won't get confusing at all, I thought. Then I heard Ozpin say, "Lead by Ruby Rose." And she's the team captain even better, I thought sarcastically. All joking aside, I was really sad watching this, I failed and I wasn't gonna be able to see Ruby for a year because of that. I walked out of the room after the ceremony and met up with team RWBY. "Hey girls," I said slightly sad.
They all stopped and in a second Ruby turned around ran up to me and hugged me. I blushed and hugged her back. "I don't want to see you go Y/N. You're my best friend." I couldn't say that I didn't feel the same but I had to act a little upbeat to try and make her feel better. Then I said, "Don't worry Ruby, I'll be back in a year and I'll talk to Ozpin about when I can visit." "But I don't want you gone for a year. I wanna learn with you." Ruby stated. I smiled as best as I could and said, "It's ok Ruby, you've got Yang, Blake and Weiss to keep you company." Ruby looks to me saddened as they sit down, thinking that I won't be able to join.
Ozpin then said, "Now may Y/N L/N come up to the stage." I went up and Ozpin said, "Normally, someone who doesn't have a partner, like Mr. L/N here, would be expelled. But due to there being an odd number of new students this year, I'll make an exception." I saw Ozpin pull out the twelve sided die and hand it to me. Then he said, "Now if Y/N rolls a 1-4 he will join team CRDL, if Y/N rolls a 5-8 he will join team RWBY, if Y/N rolls a 9-12 he will join team JNPR." The crowd awaits in anticipation as I roll the die. I let go, knowing that I'll be stuck with whoever it is for the 4 years. I watch as the die landed on 8. I smiled and saw Ozpin do the same before he said, "Y/N L/N is the 5th member of team RWBY." Then he said to me, "I hope you understand that the team will be called team RWBY and you won't be able to fight in Vytal Festival Tournament. I hope you understand that." I nodded and walked down the stage as Ruby rushed up to me and hugged me briefly. Then we both blush and she let go. I then go sit down with Team RWBY. Ozpin then said amid the last round of cheers, "It looks like things are shaping up to be an interesting year."

Later that night...

Yang asked, "What are we gonna do about beds?" I looked at her as I said, "Already on it." I roll out my sleeping bag from last night on the floor and Weiss said, "I think that we should set some rules." I cut her off and said, "I am not going to watch you for while your sleeping, showering, getting dressed, and what not. Did I miss anything?" Weiss just looked at you and stormed off. Then Yang said, "Looks like you tipped off the Ice Queen" I smiled and said, "Yes. Yes, I did."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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