Vol. 3 Ch. 36 Aftermath Explanation

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Yang's POV

Time Skip

I yawned as I woke up. I went to see if Y/N ever came back from his "talk" with Uncle Qrow. I saw his left hand lying on the ground next to his trench coat and his pants. He better not have had sex with Ruby last night, I thought. If he did, I'll kill him. I climbed up to Ruby's bed and saw that both of them were in their underwear.

Ruby's POV

I woke up and immediately noticed that Yang was glaring at Y/N furiously. I stopped her and climbed down from the bed. Then I said, "Yang, let me explain. Uncle Qrow got Y/N drunk last night, and Y/N suggested, while in his drunken state, that me and him sleep in our underwear together. Nothing else happened, I swear." Yang calmed down and said, "Fine. But if I find out that he had sex with you against your will, I'll kill him." I nodded and climbed back up. Then I nuzzled my face into his neck and drifted off to sleep.

Your POV

Time Skip

I woke up with earsplitting headache. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that both me and Ruby were in our underwear. Oh god, I thought. What happened last night? I hoped I didn't hurt Ruby.
Just then, I felt Ruby move. She moved her head and looked into my eyes. I looked at her and asked, "Ruby, what happened last night? The last thing I remember is Qrow taking me to a bar." She smiled slightly and said, "Well, he brought you back late last night and you were drunk." My eyes widened and I said, "Oh god, did I do something to you?" She blushed slightly and said, "Well... you insisted that we sleep together naked... but I managed to convince you to doing it in just our underwear. Then you started doing some things that I wasn't comfortable enough to do yet. But I managed to get you to stop before it went too far." I looked down and said, "I'm so sorry, Ruby. I should've known that me getting drunk would make me give in." She raised an eyebrow and said, "Give in to what?" I sighed and said, "Ruby, do you know what being in heat is for Faunus?"
She blushed and nodded. I sighed again and said, "Well, yesterday was when my heat cycle started. I was able to control myself, but once I was drunk, I think I just gave in to the urges. It's a good thing that you stopped me or I might have ended up doing something that neither of us are ready for."
Ruby kissed me on the cheek. Then she said, "I forgive you." I smiled and said, "Thanks, Rubes." Then I blushed and said, "Can I ask you something that's slightly awkward?" She nodded and said, "Sure." I continued to blush as I asked, "Would you mind if we slept like this together, from now on? I mean, in just our underwear?" She blushed and said, "Honestly, I kinda liked it better than the way that we did before. So, to answer your question, yes." I smiled and Ruby said, "How about we get dressed and get something to eat?" I shook my head and said, "I would love to, but I'm too hungover. I'm sorry, but I might just stay here for the rest of the day, if that's alright with you?" Ruby climbed down, got dressed, and said, "I'm fine with that, call me if you need me. I love you, Sparky." I smiled and said, "I love you too, Rubes." Then she left.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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