Vol. 1 Ch. 8 Relief

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Your POV

Time Skip

I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a bright room that looked like a hospital room almost. I was in a hospital gown in a hospital bed. I looked down at my left arm where my hand should be and I saw nothing but a stub with a metal circular cap on it. I sighed and said to myself, "It wasn't a dream." I saw my jacket was laying on one of the chairs in the room and looked as though it had been cleaned from any of my blood that I had gotten on it.
Just then, the door opened, revealing Professor Ozpin holding a mug. He took a sip from it and said, "Ahh, Mr. L/N. I'm glad to see you're awake. You gave everyone, especially your team, quite the scare. Do you remember what happened? Or who did it?" I nodded and said, "I was kidnapped and tortured by the Anti-Faunus League." Ozpin nodded and said, "I see. Well, you've been excused for all of the classes that you have missed, so don't worry. I should also tell you that your team was quite worried about you, especially Ms. Rose. She was in here every day whenever she could. It seems that she cares about you."
I felt my face heat up slightly at the thought of Ruby caring for me. I thought to myself, I mean Ruby is kinda cute. But I doubt that she feels the same way about me. I looked at where my left hand should be and sighed. Ozpin noticed this and said, "As for your hand, I believe that I have a solution for that." I looked up at him and said, "What do you mean?! My hand is gone! I can't even use my weapon properly anymore." Ozpin just stood there and said, "That was true, but due to your ability to control your semblance so well, I managed to pull some strings." I looked at him confused and asked, "How so?" He smiled and said, "I managed to get General Ironwood to agree to make a robotic prosthetic hand that you can attach to your arm and use exactly like your real hand. I believe that Ironwood said that your new hand would be ready for you in a couple of days." I smiled and said, "Thank you, Professor Ozpin." He took a sip from his mug and said, "Not a problem. I've got to go now." Then Ozpin turned and left the room, closing the door behind him.
I turned and saw my Scroll sitting on the table next to the bed. I reached out and grabbed it. I saw that it was dead and put it back on the table. I sighed and decided to go back to sleep.

Ruby's POV

Time Skip

After we got back from the trip to Forever Falls Forest to collect sap, I immediately went back to the infirmary to see if Y/N was awake yet. I miss him badly, I thought to myself. I think I might've gained some feelings for him. But I doubt he feels the same way about me. I just hope that he wakes up soon. I got to his room and went inside. I sat down in the chair next to the bed. I looked at him and held his right hand in my own. I felt a couple tears run down my face as I said, "Y/N, I miss you so much. I care about you and my team. More than you know." I sighed, and said, "I'm right here, Y/N. Just please wake up." I looked at him and closed my eyes. Before the accident, I never really noticed that he was a Faunus.
Suddenly I felt his hand tighten its grip around my hand. I looked up and saw him open his eyes. I smiled and hugged him tightly.

Your POV

Ruby was hugging me so tightly, that I couldn't breathe me. I started to gasp for air and said, "R-Ruby....I........can't.......breathe. Can....you....let....go?" She let me go and blushed. Then she said, "What happened to you?" I let out a sigh and told her about what happened to me.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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