Vol. 4 Ch. 44 Hard Times

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Ruby's POV

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Tai and Chibi Yang making very bad puns)

Jaune, Nora, Ren, Y/N, and I were sleeping in sleeping bags for the night. Y/N and I ended up sharing a bag together, not that we minded. I woke up and it was still in the middle of the night. I realized that Y/N wasn't in the bag with me anymore. I listened and heard a faint sound of someone crying. I got up and followed the sound. Eventually the sound led me to clearing with a lake in it, and I saw Y/N sitting by the water, crying. I walked over to him and sat down next to him. Then I placed my hand on his shoulder. He flinched briefly and realized that it was me. I looked at him, wiped his tears away, and asked, "What's wrong, Y/N?" He sniffled and said, "Today would've been Lily's 13th birthday. This day of the year has always been the hardest for me." I hugged him and said, "I'm sorry. I didn't know. I know you miss her and your parents, but I understand. My mom, Summer, disappeared on a mission and was eventually announced to be dead. But I had Yang to get me through it. So I'll be here for you." He replied, "Thanks, Ruby." I kept hugging him as he cried into my shoulder. I started running my fingers through his hair to calm him down and soothe him.
When he stopped crying, he looked at me and kissed me on the lips. It eventually turned into a heated make out session. When we pulled away for air, I looked into his beautiful light blue eyes and he said, "Ruby, I'm so glad that we met. I love you." I smiled and said, "I love you too. Now let's get back to the others before they notice we're gone." I nodded and we both went back to our sleeping bag. I nuzzled my head into his neck and felt him put his arms around my waist. I smiled and drifted off to sleep.

Your POV

As Ruby fell asleep on my chest, I thought back to what I had been thinking about doing since before we left. I already had asked Tai and Yang, and they both gave me their blessing. I had also managed to somehow get Ruby's mom, Summer, to give me her blessing.


I had asked Ruby if I could join her to visit her mother's grave. After Ruby talked with her mom and introduced me, Ruby started  to head back. I looked at Summer's grave and said, "Hey, Mrs. Rose. I love your daughter with my entire heart. I know that you probably won't be able to answer me, but could you give me a sign of some sort to let me know if I could have your blessing to marry Ruby?" I suddenly saw a ghostly figure that looked like Ruby, but older. The figure smiled at me and nodded. Then I heard a faint whisper say, "I trust you with my daughter." Then the figure disappeared. I smiled and ran to catch up with Ruby.

End of Flashback

I had gotten a nice ring with a beautiful ruby that had Ruby's emblem engraved into it. I had been hiding from Ruby by keeping it in a secured pocket on the inside of my trench coat. The only thing that I had left to do was find the perfect opportunity to propose. I smiled to myself and slowly drifted off to sleep.

I know that this chapter was kinda short, but I hope you all enjoyed it anyways.
Master out.

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