Vol. 3 Ch. 39 Not What It Seems

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Your POV

Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and I were watching Yang's battle against Mercury. She beat him, but suddenly she punched him in the leg, breaking it. Everyone started booing. I just sat there in shock, that's not like Yang to do something like that without being provoked.

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Ruby chasing after Chibi Y/N, who's running off with her cookie jar)

We were in the dorm room, comforting Yang. I sat down beside her and said, "I believe you Yang. I think someone else made you see something that wasn't real. I think whoever did that was cheating." Yang then hugged me tightly and started crying into my shoulder. I glanced at Ruby and she smiled, letting me know that it was alright.
When Yang let me go, Ruby grabbed my arm and said, "We'll give you some time with yourself, Yang." The rest of us left the room. Then I heard Jaune ask, "She doing okay?" Blake replied, "She's doing the best she can." Ruby said, "I heard Mercury and his team rushed back to Haven to be with his family. So, until they land, no one can really question him about what happened." Then Ren said, "If there's anything we can do, please don't hesitate to ask." I smiled sadly and said, "You be sure to win one for Beacon, okay?" Weiss added, "It's what Yang would want." Pyrrha said, "I'll... do my best." Ruby said excitedly, "I'll be sure to watch tonight in case you're picked!" Pyrrha's smile dips down into worry as she looks away. Blake said, "Sorry but, I think I've had enough fighting for one year." Weiss nodded once and said, "Ditto. Coffee?" Blake replied, smiling, "Tea."

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Y/N playing with Zwei)

Ruby and I walked up to the end of the line waiting to get in the transport up to the arena. I looked around and saw a familiar rabbit Faunus snapping photos of Sun. Ruby and I stepped out of line and approached her from behind as she continues taking pictures with her camera until she notices who's behind her. Velvet turned around and said, "Ruby! Y/N! How you doing?"
I smiled and said, "Hi, Velvet! What're you up to?" Velvet rolled her eyes happily and said, "Oh, you know. Just working on my photography. Do you wanna see?" She offers her camera to us, looking extremely delighted. Ruby and I immediately noticed that Velvet didn't even get all of Sun in her picture, cutting out his head and feet. Ruby said, "That's... better." We stepped away as we grinned in forced approval. Velvet looks at Ruby and said, "I'm... sorry about your sister. Is she doing okay?"
Ruby looked away and replied, "Yeah, she's fine, heh. Thanks." As Velvet puts her camera away, she said, "I think it's just awful what people are saying about her. Yang's such a nice person." Ruby laughed a little as she rubbed the back of her head and said, "Well, I'm glad someone thinks so." I looked at Ruby and said, "Do I not count?" She smiled at me and said, "You know what I meant, so hush!"
Velvet shook her head, crossed her arms, and said, "Most people don't know what it's like on the battlefield. I mean, even experienced fighters can get scared and start seeing things. If it happened to Coco, it can happen to anyone." I cocked my head to the side and said, "Coco?" Velvet replied, "Yeah. She swore she saw Yatsu with her in the forest during the fight with Emerald and Mercury, but he never even made it out of the geyser fields. Stress-induced hallucinations, apparently." Ruby said, "Yeah..." Ruby turned her head to face me, probably remembering what I had said to Yang earlier. We looked back at Velvet after a quick flash startled us. Velvet lowered the camera from her face, smiling apologetically as she said, "Oh! Sorry."

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Y/N chasing after Zwei who has Y/N's left hand in his mouth)

Ruby and I sat down in the stands of Amity Colosseum. I put my arm around her and she grabbed onto my arm. I smiled at how cute she was being. I looked around and something caught my eye. Then I said, "Emerald?" Ruby looked at me and said, "She's here?" I point to where Emerald was and Ruby spotted her as well.
Suddenly Emerald gets up with a worried expression and runs towards the exit tunnel. Checking to see if no one's around, she enters a door labeled with a yellow maintenance sign and finds herself inside of the Colosseum. She walks forward with determination as the announcers' voices are heard, muffled behind the brick walls.
The sound of the roulette is heard faintly, but what makes Ruby and I stop in our tracks is the sight of another unexpected "friend" stepping out from a nearby tunnel, completely unharmed and definitely not going home. I got angry and said, "Mercury?" Then I heard Port say, "It looks like our first contender is... Penny Polendina from Atlas..." Ruby asked Mercury, "What are you doing?" Then Port said, "And her opponent will be... Pyrrha Nikos from Beacon!" Then Ruby said, "No..."
Mercury put a hand to his chin and said, "Ooh, polarity versus metal. That could be bad." Ruby and I glared at our new opponent, she reaches back to grab Crescent Rose, only to remember she doesn't have it on her. Mercury simply grins maliciously and sets himself up in a fighting pose. Then Ruby and I do the same.

3rd Person POV

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Neo stealing Chibi Roman's Bowler hat)

There is a moment of darkness, cut by the wire slicing through the electronics in Penny's torso to reveal a shocked Pyrrha, and the entire stadium watching the now unmoving swords drop to the ground. A piece of fabric flutters to the arena floor, only to be pinned by the point of a falling blade, away from the torn halves of Penny Polendina. Pyrrha stares in abject horror, eyes wide and mouth agape.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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