Vol. 1 Ch. 12 Faunus Fiasco

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Your POV

My team and I were walking through Vale and we all looked across the street from the docks and saw the shattered windows of another dust shop with caution tape covering the windows and entrance of the store. As we all walked over to the store, I saw 2 detectives examining the crime scene. Ruby asked them, "What happened here?" The detectives told us it was a robbery and one of the detectives thought it was the White Fang.
As we were walking away, Weiss spoke up and said, "The White Fang, what an awful bunch of degenerates." Blake responded, "What's your problem?" Weiss answered, "My problem is I simply don't care for the criminally insane." Blake seemed to get defensive as she said, "The White Fang is hardly a bunch of psychopaths. They're a collection of misguided faunus."
Weiss was furious and said, "Misguided?!? They want to hope humanity off the face of the planet." Blake replied, "So then they're very misguided. Either way, it doesn't explain why they would rob a Dust shop in the middle of downtown Vale!" I then said, "Blake is right, they used to be a group of non-violent protestors. Maybe they're being influenced by false promises or something like that." Ruby added and said, "Also, the police never caught that Torchwick guy that me and Y/N ran into a few months ago. Maybe it was him."
Weiss then said, "That still doesn't change the fact that the White Fang are a bunch of scum. Those faunus only know how to lie, cheat, and steal." Yang responded, "That's not necessarily true." Then we all heard someone scream, "Hey, stop that faunus!"
We all ran back over to the docks to see what all of the commotion is about. We saw a monkey faunus running towards the edge of the ship that he is on as two other sailors run to catch him. Then he said, "Thanks for the ride, you guys."
He jumps off the boat and lands on the docks, still running away from the sailors or any other authorities. Sailor then yelled, "You no-good stowaway!!!" The faunus replied, "Hey, a no-good stowaway would've been caught. I'm a great stowaway!"
As he says this, he peels and eats a banana while hanging upside down on a lamppost. A detective looks up at him and said, "Hey, get down from there this instant!" He simply just throws the banana peel on the detective's face which makes him growl. The monkey faunus then curls up on top of the lamppost and jumps back onto the dock again. He runs up the stairs and past all of us before we could do anything. Yang then said, "Well, Weiss, you wanted to see the competition and there it goes." Weiss said, "Quick, we have to observe him!"
Blake and I stayed behind due to the small shock we were both in. I turned to Blake and said, "Uhh, do you know that guy cause I saw that he winked at you?" Blake shook her head and replied, "No, that was a just weird thing for him to do. Come on, let's catch up with the others." Then we ran up to catch up with the rest of the team.
I quickly caught up to my teammates, but what they weren't expecting was for me to run pass them as well. They all looked at me in shock at how I kept running after the monkey faunus. I was literally a few feet away from the detectives and the monkey faunus, when they turned the corner. I turned the corner as well, but quickly ran into something hard and metallic causing me to fall over.
I groaned and said, "Ahhh....damn that hurt. Man, I hate it when I run into poles." I looked down and saw a girl underneath me, who was smiling back at me awkwardly, which caused me to jump back in surprise. Then I said, "Oh, you're not a pole!"
I tried to catch her scent, but I realized something odd. She doesn't seem to have a scent, I thought. I instantly became cautious and start glaring at her, as I said, "But you're not human either. What are you?!"
The girl then became slightly nervous about my sudden question. I was about to ask her again when my teammates came around the corner. Weiss said, "No, he got away." Then Yang said, "Uhh, Y/N, who is that?" She points to the girl who's still on the floor.
The girl then said, "Salutations!" Ruby said, "Um... hello." Then Yang asked the girl, "Are you okay?" The girl replied, "I'm wonderful!" Yang asked, "Do you wanna get up?" The girl answered, "Yes!"
She then jumps back on her feet quickly that my team jumps back in surprise. I stood there and started subconsciously growling at her, still cautious about the weird girl. Ruby noticed this and brings out a newspaper and hits my head with it, saying, "Hey! No! Bad boy!"
I looked at her and said, "RUBY! Why did you hit me with a newspaper?! I'm not a dog!" Ruby answered, "Well then, start behaving." I said, "Argh! Ruby, I swear if you hit me with that newspaper one more time, I'll─" Ruby giggled and said, "Oh yeah...come on, finish your sentence. Go on, finish it." I said, "Okay, you know what, it doesn't matter. I'm not gonna tell you, just so that you don't see it coming." Ruby laughed and said, "Haha, sure."
Yang interrupted, "Okay, enough you two, can we just deal with...this girl for right now?" We all turn back to the girl who was just oddly standing there before she introduced herself as Penny. Then the rest of us introduced ourselves. We said our goodbyes and started to walk away.
Out of nowhere, Penny appears in front of Weiss, surprising all of us once again. Penny asked, "What did you call me?" Yang apologized, "Oh, I'm really sorry, I definitely didn't think you heard me." Weiss just looked behind, and then back at Penny, trying to figure out how she got in front of us without any of us noticing. Then Penny replied, "No, not you." She then pushes past all of us and stopped in front of Ruby. Then Penny pointed at her and said, "You!" Ruby looked confused and said, "Me? I don't know." Penny said, "You called me friend. Am I really your friend?" Ruby responded, "Umm..." Ruby looked over Penny's shoulder, trying to see what the rest of us thought.
Blake, Weiss, Yang, and I were all shaking our heads, in hopes of just getting away from Penny. Ruby answered, "Yeah, sure. Why not?!?" The girls just fainted in disbelief, while I just stood there staring in shock at Ruby's answer. Penny then said, "Sensational! We can paint our nails, and try on clothes, and talk about cute boys, like Y/N over there. He's so cute and dreamy, isn't he?"
I blushed and heard Ruby say, "Uhh, Penny? That's my boyfriend that you're talking about." I blushed even more because I wasn't used to hearing Ruby say that in public. Then Weiss and Blake said, "Boyfriend?" Ruby came over to me, grabbed my robotic hand, and said, "Yes, Y/N is my boyfriend."
Then Weiss and Blake started arguing about Faunus and the White Fang again. Yang, Ruby, and I decided that we should probably head back to the dorm. The three of us said our goodbyes to Penny, but even on the way back to Beacon, Weiss and Blake still continued to argue.
Eventually, their nonstop arguing is started to get on my nerves, especially with the constant yelling. Even though we're all back in the dorm, they still continued to argue. Weiss said, "I don't understand, why this is causing such a problem?" Blake replied, "That is the problem!" Weiss then said, "You realize that you're defending an organization that hates humanity, don't you? The faunus of the White Fang are pure evil!"
Blake replied, "There's no such thing as pure evil! Why do you think they hate Humanity so much? It's because of people like Cardin, people like you, that force the White Fang to take such drastic measures!" Weiss said, "People like me?" Blake replied, "You're discriminatory!" "CAN YOU TWO JUST SHUT UP ALREADY?!?!" I yelled as I smashed my left hand against the wall, causing a small crack to form and the makeshift bunk-beds to wobble a little.
Everyone just stared at me in shock at my sudden outburst. I then walked in front of Blake and said, "Blake, I'm happy that you're still standing up for our....I mean my people, we have endured many obstacles and struggles over the years, but the White Fang are not the same people that you may have known once before. Some of my faunus brethren in the White Fang are really committed about killing every single human on the planet that they would sacrifice their own children to achieve their goal. They are far beyond even the slightest drop of redemption, Blake."
Blake just looked at me in shock almost in tears as I walked away and stopped again in front of Weiss, and said, "Of course we can't forget the little princess in the room, now can we. Yeah, I get it, that your little family company has been hurt by these robberies. That doesn't give you the right to hate and discriminate every single faunus that you see out in public. You have no idea what it's like to live in constant fear everyday, hoping that you won't attract the wrong attention from some faunus hating human, especially the Anti-Faunus League."
Weiss then said, "I'm a victim! You want to know why I despise the White Fang? Why I don't particularly trust the Faunus? It's because they've been at war with my family for years. War, as in actual bloodshed. My grandfather's company has had a target painted across its back for as long as I can remember. And ever since I was a child, I've watched family and friends disappear, board members executed, an entire train car full of Dust, stolen. And every day, my father would come home, furious. And that made for a very difficult childhood."
Ruby said, "Weiss..." Then Weiss said, "No! You want to know why I despise the White Fang?! It's because they're a bunch of liars, thieves, and murderers!" Then Blake responded, "Well, maybe we were just tired of being pushed around!"
Silence slowly fell over the three girls as they all realized the secret that Blake had just revealed. Still in shock, Blake looked around the room trying to find a way out. Then she quickly dashed out of the room before anyone else could do anything. Ruby then called after her, saying, "Blake! Wait, come back!" Ruby ran to the door, looked out into the hallway, but didn't see Blake anywhere, and just came back into the room.
Then I went over to Weiss again and stopped in front of her, inches away from her face so that she couldn't look away, and said, "Damn, I was stupid to ever think we could get along. You're just another pathetic and arrogant Schnee, who complains about how hard their life is behind the mansion walls. You may have had a terrible childhood, but thanks to people like you and the Anti-Faunus League, us faunus have terrible lives."
Then I walked out of the room before Weiss could say anything else. Just as I was walking away, Ruby grabbed my arm and stopped me. I could feel her looking at me with her pleading eyes as she said, "Y/N, please don't go. I know you're mad, but please stay. Please....Just please stay." Her voice started to break towards the end and I swore that I could hear her tearing up, but I didn't look back at her. Instead, I just said, "I'm sorry, Ruby, but I don't want to stay in the same room as her right now."
I gently pried my arm out of her grip and started walking away again. I went up towards the roof in order to catch Blake's scent, but I had no luck. I activated my eyepiece and used it to track down the location of Blake's Scroll. I went to the building that I had tracked it to, which was a motel, and looked at it from across the street. I searched the windows and balconies for any sign of Blake.
Then I saw her with her faunus cat ears out for the first time. I made my way to the balcony that Blake was near. When she turned her back to the balcony, I quietly hopped down onto it and said, "I always knew that you were a cat faunus. But now I know why you were hiding that."
My voice startled Blake, making her turn around and face me. When she saw me, she said, "Oh, Y/N, it's you." I walked in and saw the monkey faunus from earlier. I looked at him and said, "Hey, it's you again." He looked up and said, "Who are you and what are you doing here?" Blake came into the room and said, "Sun, it's alright, he's from my team." He calmed down and said, "Oh, well, the name's Sun. And you are?" I smirked and said, "Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you."

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. This chapter is the longest chapter I've ever written (I think, if not, it's the second longest chapter I've ever written) at 2263 word (not including this little bit at the end).
Master out.

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