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Edited 7/29/22

Let me tell you about this girl I once

She was everything that's to good to be true,
Absolute Perfection, at least that's what she wanted you to think, no one ever knew what happened behind closed doors, or even questioned it, but Why would they?

Every word that left her sweet lips, was a lie. To conceal what she held so close.

She lived in a different reality, where her obedience, and Beauty marked her worth,
People poisoned her thoughts, soon she learned self punishment

And She would protect, what's hidden at all cost,
Even if she had to pay with her life.

Don't forget even a white rose has a black shadow
And hers was darker than all the rest


I had skipped to the kitchen to see if the cake was done, that's where mommy and daddy were,  they wanted to make it special, Open the large door struggling to push it open, and every day since then I wish I left it closed.

"Mommy?" Tears pooled in my eyes, As my father held her delicate body.  He turn my way, the look on his face that night, my tenth birthday it changed everything.

My world shattered, and both my parents were gone although I barely remember anything from that day, the hell I felt. It poisoned my future.

I was no longer a person, I became one of the dolls I used to dress up.

Hello, my name is Amelia Light, but I prefer Emma, I'm 17, turning 18 soon.

I attend Whitestone Academy, which is a school for the rich but also for the troubled kids. Most of which are wealthy. But some have just been kicked out of to many places so their parents have made some arrangements with the school. I go because of money. My father loves to throw it around. Anything he can do to show off his wealth. Honestly, my father is a complicated man.

I have two older brothers Leo and Liam they're in college right now, so the light manor, my house is a big, cold, quiet place but there's no difference when they're here.

Leo is addicted to drugs and drinking he's been that way since I was 9.

Liam on the other hand why it's like he's a lifeless drone, all he does is work. I don't see them very often. But it's I like being on my own

My father Lyon he owns a big company called Angelic CO. I know an interesting name, but it's named after my mother Angelica.
The company has been in my family for what's felt like ages, the company started from my mom's side. my mother had always been wealthy. She grew up with a golden spoon. My father, on the other hand, had a hard life. He grew up very poor, sometimes he had to eat out of the trash and steal clothing. Somehow they fell in love, the kind of love that makes you go crazy.

My father well he's become a different person he's obsessed with perfection and power, Greed has painted his heart. He's been like this ever since my mother died, she passed away from natural causes, a heart attack to be exact. I will always remember that day, How could I forget? The day my loving father changed. The day when he first laid his hands on me. No child could ever forget when their hero first hurt them. Because there is no pain like that, it breaks you emotionally and physically. That pain follows you everywhere you go Like a shadow. In the light, you may catch a glimpse of it. But in the darkness it engulfs you.

My father wants me to be Everything my mom was but more. I just can't, the countless hours of dance and piano. Not to mention the modeling, it's a lot harder than it looks behind the pictures. I don't want to be a pageant girl, not that there's anything wrong with it, I am in awe of the girls Who can go through with it. But it's just not who I want to be, Who am I kidding though I am simply a puppet at his hands and that is all I will ever be a puppet.

I'm rumbling, you probably don't care for any of that. Look I know what people want when they read, an escape from reality. I'm sorry to tell you but my story is a sad one, not much of a getaway.
What do you say let's get into the more juicy parts? My school life.

The Academy Whitestone, named after our small Hidden town, everyone here knows who I am, some love me or more so what I can do for them, but others don't even try to hide their hatred. 

I don't see how some people can be so cruel as to treat others with such distaste. One person in particular, who seem to despise me. Was Zack, with mesmerizing emerald green eyes and dark brown messy hair. Tall and fit, husky Italian accent. what more could you want?

Well for starters a good personality. he's a total jerk and treats girls like toys for his pleasure. You know your typical Wattpad  bad boy.

Zack has his little group of good-looking assholes. there's Sean his right-hand, platinum blonde hair, and deep-sea blue eyes. And who Ethan has jet black hair and violet eyes that bounce Beautifully off his dark skin. There are many more, but they're just toys Zack kinda plays with. Sean and Ethan on the other hand have a role in his game.
Three gorgeous guys. And I would probably fall head over heels for them, but I'm scared I don't want to get hurt any more than I already have to. You could say I'm lucky, fear keeps you safe.

There is one girl who's in with the guys, Collie. She's really pretty, she has curly purple and light blue hair, big bright amber eyes and tan skin. She's genuinely a sweet person, at least from what I can see. I don't know why she listens to Zack.

Oh and I guess there's Rachel, but that's a story for a different day

Zack. I'm not going to lie and say I'm uninfected by his looks okay yeah he's hot, kill me I have hormones. I don't know what it is but there's something so sick and twisted about the gleam of his eyes. It's terrifying yet attractive.

Hello, I hope you enjoyed the introduction of the story. Please note this is my first story. I'm going to try my very best for you guys! Please give it a chance❤️ I promise my writing will get better from here😂

Till next time I bid you fair well
Ps, I will be trying to find a day of the week to update😊 my character, aesthetic page is later in the book.

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