Part 2

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Tee is busy handling the kids eating with two other workers, both of them are girls, Star and Peach. This two is like a twin and Tee's best friend. Three of them work well together.

"Tee!" calls Star panics, a boy is crying really loud right now and refuse to eat.

Tee left other kid and take the boy, Star apologise because she can't console the boy. Tee just smiles and take the boy outside to get a fresh air.

All of the students in the Kindergarten are around 4 to 6 years, so most of them can talk really well and understand what they are talking about.

"What's wrong Danny?" ask Tee softly. Danny's eyes is full of tears and red because of crying.

"Mika no want friend. Sad" said Danny and Tee can't help but chuckle, Danny is really cute right now.

"Why? Mika unwell?" ask Tee softly, Danny is calmer now, only crying slowly.

"No know. Mika sad, Danny sad" Tee hugs the boy and lift him, he enter the class back and take a look at Mika, Mika is not eating and playing with his food.

Tee sits in front of Mika and take the boy in his arm. Mika smiles a bit with glassy eyes. Oh, Mika will cry too. Tee decides to take both of them outside because, commonly when some kids start to cry, all of them will cry.

Tee safely put them on the bench. He wipes their tears and give his healing kiss on the cheek and forehead. For them, Tee's kisses is healing, a medicine.

"Now tell me what's wrong?" ask Tee to Mika and Danny.

"Mika no want friend" said Danny sadly. Tee turns to see Mika.

"really Mika?" ask Tee.

"want friend. Mika sad, mom not home" answer Mika and Tee sighs, nothing bad happened.

"see Danny, Mika just worried because his mother is not at home. He just miss his mother. Now, go inside and eat and play together. Okay?"

"okay!" both of them giggles and run into the building.

Tee shakes his head and take a seat, it's really easy to be a kid, they cry, they laugh, they sad, they happy, just in the blink of an eye. Their emotions is really easy, Tee hopes he can feels like that too, without the heavy feelings.

Tee settles everything after the kids get their afternoon nap. Star and Peach are cleaning the tables and floor.

"Tee, I saw a bruise on Mika's thigh" said Star when she approaches Tee.

Tee glances up and frowns a bit, it not the first time this stuff happened and when he ask the person who take care of Mika, they said he fell.

"again? It's bad?" ask Tee worry, he hopes it's not something serious like abuse.

"Just a blue black bruise like usual. I asked Mika if it's hurt but he said no. What should we do?" ask Peach.

Tee looks at both of them before he go to Mika's bed, he takes a look and the bruise already look like it almost gone. Tee massages it softly to know whether it's hurt or not but Mika keep sleeping.

"I've been trying to get in touch with his parent but none of them available. Always the maid, should we make a police report?" Tee asks their opinion.

"I don't know, I'm scared it backfired, you know, the parent might blame us" states Peach and Tee can't help but agree. That's true.

Three of them sigh and continue their job.

When it's time all of them go home, Tee waits till all of the kids home first before he left. He waves goodbyes to the kids.

Mika and Danny are the last one to leave because Danny's parent always late because of their job as doctors and dentist, but Danny's parent already informed Tee beforehand.

"Mika, can ajarn ask something?" Tee sits in front of them, they are playing together.

"yeah!" answer Mika loudly and Danny laugh at that.

"have your mom hit you before?" ask Tee softly, Mika looks up and blinks. He looks confused.

"yeah. But no hurt much. Mom hit here" Mika shows his bottom and thigh.

"urm, why?" ask Tee more.

"because Mika naughty, because dad not here. Mom no like daddy" answer Mika again, the kid looks innocent and understand nothing, that makes Tee sad. So, Mika's parent has problem at home.

"Mom never hit you hard right?"

"no. Mom no home too. Mika likes aunty, aunty is home always" that must be the maid.

Tee smiles and kiss Mika's forehead, he hopes the kid get the loves around the world. Mika is not a naughty boy and he always the considerate one. Never make trouble like other kid.

"Danny want kiss!!!" yells Danny when Tee only kiss Mika.

Tee laughs and take both of them in his hug and kiss them repeatedly that they laugh aloud.

"Ajarn, I'm sorry for being late again" Bbas take his son into his hug, he kiss his son and smiles at Tee.

"it's okay. At least Mika has a friend for a while. Where is Godt?" ask Tee to Bbas, Bbas and Godt are married even though both of them are men.

"he has work, I should do something about our work schedule, Danny is always alone" said Bbas looks tired.

Tee can't understand much because his work is only during days and he doesn't has a family like Bbas right now.

"maybe you can start thinking to open your own clinic, with that you can arrange your time better" suggested Tee, he doesn't know whether it may help or not.

"Yeah, I'm thinking about that too, maybe in the future, not soon because I still a new doc"

"yeah. All the best for both of you" wish Tee.

Bbas say thanks and leaves the Kindergarten, now only Tee and Mika are alone together.

Tee looks at Mika who is sad after Danny left with his father.

"Ajarn, why Danny has two daddy but Mika has no daddy?" ask Mika sad and Tee obviously surprised, he thought Mika has both parent.

"what do you mean Mika?"

"Mika not know daddy. Mom said don't talk about daddy" Tee hugs Mika tight, he never knows about this before.

Mika snuggles close to Tee to seek comfort and warmth.

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