Part 21

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Tae glances at his parent, he is a bit curious why his parent is here today, in Thailand because his parent has life in London, their business was there.

"I know you have a son, from that woman" states his mother clearly without beating around at all.

Tae sighs, he can't believe his parent is still the same like before. All they think about is money and wealth.

"So what?" ask Tae clearly dislike this matter, he really want his son to has a normal life, far from people who thirst of power and money.

"I want to raise him, he is the heir of Kreepolrek family after all" said his father, Korn.

Tae looks up and shakes his head in disbelief, he will never ever let his son grow up like him. Where nothing else matter except power and money.

"He is my son, I will raise him by own with my way. I'm not gonna teach my son how to be rich and powerful. Please step out of my family matters" Tae warns his parent clearly but of course his parent didn't budge at all. They know their son.

"We make what you are today, don't be cocky just because you has your small business" comments Mia, Tae's mother.

Tae scoffs, it's true his parent teach him a lot about money and business, he can't fully deny his parent influence but, everything he has now is by his two hands, not even a cent from his parent.

"I work for your company for five years and I reach tons of money for you. I don't take any cent of it. I suggest you teach your son to take over your company. August got nothing to do after all" Tae smirks watching his mother flinch when he mentioned August name.

August is the son from his father's mistress, it's really bad in his family, his father has another woman and his mother chose to cheat on his husband too. They sure fit each other very well.

"Mother, father I advise you to stay away from my son, my family or I will make you regret it. Remember this, I know your company weak and strong point" Tae put money on the table and left.

He never wants to be rude but that's how his family are. They don't talk if it's not necessary and Tae stop imagining to has a family like in drama since he was 10. All he do as kid was study. He never knows what love means.

Tae reach his home after driving, he hates every second he is alone in his car but that hateful moment disappears when he saw his son and Tee is playing around in the house. His house is a place he can call home now.

"daddy!" Mika is the one who see Tae first, he runs to Tae embrace.

"Hey, aren't you supposed to be in your bed now? Not running around" ask Tae while walking to Tee.

"But Mika wants to tell daddy something" Mika pouts cutely.

Tae looks at Tee wondering what his son wants to tell him tonight.

"Oh, what is it?" ask Tae and sits on the sofa with Mika sitting on his laps.

"Doctor said, Mika and papa's teeth is healthy and strong!" Mika smiles showing off all of his teeth, Tae can't help but laughs with his son's cuteness.

"Wah, my son is really cool!" praise Tae and Mika smiles proudly.

Tae looks at Tee who is looking at them, when their eyes met Tee turn away and make his way to kitchen.

"Phi Tae" calls Tee when he returns from kitchen with cold water to Tae, Tae accepts the glass and say thanks.

"Mae and por invite us to dinner tomorrow. Are you free?" asks Tee, he hopes Tae will be busy so that he can take time to think why his heart beating so fast when Tae is around.

"Yes, I'm free tomorrow." answer Tae with a soft smile. He needs that after his meeting with his parent. He needs to know that not all parent treat their kid as money maker.

Tee kind of can see the difference from Tae tonight, it's like something has been lift from his shoulder and he is better than before.

Tee carry Mika in his arm and walk to their bedroom, Tae follows behind them slowly.

"Phi Tae, I'm sorry for thinking badly about you before but I believe you can be the best daddy to Mika. I mean, Mika can't get love from his mother but he still can get it from you. He talks about you a lot lately and I can feel he already accept and love you as his daddy. Not everyone can be a good father in one day but slowly, they will become better" Tee looks at Tae and smile the sincerest smile he has ever give to Tae.

Tae stands on the stairs while looking at Tee and Mika, both of them look like angel at the stairways of heaven.

Tae nods his head and return the smile to Tee. Tee blush a bit and rush to his room. He can't believe his heart stop beating for a moment seeing that kind of smile from Tae.

Tae walks to his room to take shower and get some rest. He really thankful hearing such a good words from Tee. Well Tee is not that bad as he thought and what people think of us can change anytime.

After a good and long shower, Tae lays his body on his soft bed, he can't stop smiling but at the same time worried, worry about their parent in Thailand. His parent really loves money more than family. He is sure his parent will do anything to make sure they get close to Mika. They never play nice, it is always dirty.

Tae switch off the lamps and cover himself in the thick blanket, he hopes he can get the best sleep tonight and maybe he can has a very good start tomorrow morning. He wants to be a good father to Mika and he wants to be a better person.

He needs to stop playing around with girls and set up new goals and schedule. More times to Mika, he waste five years already, he needs to pay every second he passed.

It is not easy for him to build a new life from a bad past but now he has two new persons in his life that he can make as aim to build a new and better life.

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