Part 30

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

"Your parent?! No way, are you sure?"  Tee's eyes almost leave the socket to show how much Tee is surprised just now.

Tae sighs, he knows normal people like Tee will never believe something like this might happen, like in some of dramas in tv. Tee lives in a happy environment, nice people surround him.

"Remember I told you that my parent not as nice as yours?" ask Tae to Tee, he still remember the day he spill almost everything to Tee for the first time. He surprised himself that day for exposing himself but he feels relief today because he doesn't has to tell about that once again.

"Yes, I remember it but why they want to kidnap Mika. It's sound absurd to me" Tee has a nice heart, so he will never think that someone from families will do something like this.

"Let me tell you a story, I'm sure you will understand it later" Tae grins a bit, telling  a story? So not his type of person.

"Okay. Tell me" Tee takes port near Tae, he wants to listen to the story like it is the most interesting story in the world.

"My grandparents are super rich, they have lots of wealth that even I don't know how much, I don't even care about it. People fight for the inheritance, some admitted that they are related to them. My parent also desperate for their wealth." Tae stops for a while, drink his drink and look at focus Tee. It's really amusing to see Tee this interested in him, well, in his story. Can't let his hope rise too much.

"My grandparents are smart, they know my parent want the wealth so they make a will. A really weird will"

"what kind of weird will?" ask Tee absorbed in the story.

"Not that weird but a bit weird. They give all of his wealth to my son. My legitimate son from a marriage. This will already made even before I am an adult myself."

"Mika?!" ask Tee surprised.

"Yes. They forced me to get married, have a heir, a son. I don't know about this before the marriage but I investigate and know the truth. That's why when I know I might have a son, I feel scared. I don't want the wealth and I don't want Mika to has it. I'm afraid of his future" explains Tae sounds exhausted, really exhausted.

Tee feels bad for Tae, he has so much things to think. Being wealthy and rich is not a good thing at all if their lives are on the line.

"That's why I'm not saying anything about Mika yet. My parent is trying to have Mika and make Mika stay with them. Once Mika reach 18, they will manipulate Mika for the wealth."

"oh my, pity Mika. What should we do phi?" ask Tee worried, he wants all of them to be safe.

The situation become more complicated now, he needs to do something before anything bad happened to Mika.

"Right now, I'm trying to investigate and get some proof about my father's business. I need to find his weakness to make him stay away from us." Tae is planning something right now and he is making his move in silent.

"I hope I can help phi" Tee looks sad because there is actually nothing he can do. Tae smiles a bit, Tee really is a nice man.

"It's okay. Keep being safe is enough Tee. I hope for the time being you can stop going to the kindergarten, hire another teacher for help"

"Okay. I will tell my friends to do something about it,but I need to settle about the trip first"

"It's okay. I've called the resort, they will give 40% discount with full meals. I already arranged the transportation and some money for you to use" said Tae already clear, Tee wants to object but Tae stop him.

"Just accept it Tee. I have money and I want to use it for good. Okay?" Tae wants the positive answer from Tee. Tee gives a small nod to Tae,not like he can do anything else in this situation.

"I'll send every details to your email, the cheque I will give you later"

"okay phi. Thank you so much"

"No problem. Don't worry Tee, you will join the trip together with Mika" Tae can see Tee is worry about that, he already take measures of everything in the future, he thinks it will be okay for them to join the trip, he will be with them too.

"Thank you again phi!" Tee smiles broadly at that. Tae can't believe that he can feel really proud right now because he can make a person happy. A person that he can't even stand to stay in a room together before.

Time sure change people.


Tae and Tee move to their new house, Tee doesn't even know where they are going right now. He is conscious but his mind is full of Mika. He miss his son so much.

Tae glances to Tee, he knows Tee is scared riding a car because Tee seems doesn't realise how tight he is holding Tae's sleeve.

"I can imagine how happy Mika is when he see you" Tae wants to distract Tee's attention from being scared.

Tee looks at Tae and smiles widely, he  is happy too, just thinking about Mika makes his mind and heart feel lighter.

"Do you have someone now?" ask Tae, he just remembered the day a lady approach Tee in the bar. That memories pass through his mind in a blink.

Tee frowns, he looks at Sun and Earth who act like they didn't pay attention to the conversation but Tee knows, they are all on alert. They are a busybody.

"Yes" answer Tee short.

"Yes?! Who?!" ask Tae angry, Tee feels weird, Tae don't have to be that surprised and angry.

"My parent, Mika" answer Tee with a sheepish smile, he understands the question, he wants to play with Tae too.

"I know you understand my question" said Tae lazily, not in mood to join that lame joke. Tee huffs loudly, he just want to play some joke.

"No. I told you I don't want to get married. I have enough now" answer Tee a bit upset, he look out to the road. That question is sensitive to him, even he doesn't know if he want to have someone in his life now.

"okay" Tae smirks, he is happy that Tee has no one right now.

Tae is a bit frustrated with how forgetful Tee is, before Tee knows everything, he clearly said his feelings but Tee seems can't grasp and understand it. Tee still act like nothing happened. All Tee think about is Mika.

"Why phi? You want to give Mika a mom?" ask Tee curious and scared. Scared that he will lose Mika in his life.

"I don't know yet. If Mika likes that person, I will" Tae smiles to Tee, their eyes meet for a few seconds.

Tee averts their stare first. He feels a bit weird in his stomach knowing someone might replace his place. Mika will have a real mother and he doesn't needed anymore.

Without Tee realise, he is gripping the sleeve too tight again that his knuckles turn white, the sleeve wrinkled badly.

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