Part 43

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Seven days left, Tee already accepted the proposal from Tae and they are preparing for their wedding. Another seven days and both of them will be husband and husband.

Tee can't help but be excited about it, the moment he said yes to Tae, his heart is totally closed with Tae inside it, he loves Tae. He is more than willing to be the husband to Tae and the father to Mika.

"Peach, Star. I'm so happy that I feel like crying" said Tee to his friends, he is the most happiest man in this world at this moment.

His friends also happy with Tee's future, Tee deserves it so much.

"You can go home early today Tee. Leave everything to us. Mika already gone with his uncles. Grabs this chance to have a date with your fiancé" Peach and Star want Tee to spends more time with Tae. Just both of them, they need their moment together too.

"Go home, cook dinner for both of you. Enjoy your night together" suggest Peach and Star nods her head agree with the suggestion.

"Get some sexy time too! Seduce him and make he lost in your charms" Peach and Star giggle together, maybe imagining something inappropriate.

Tee shakes his head, this two always think about something like that. Tee is not a virgin but doing it with a man, he never done that before. Earth tried to teach him but he run away because he can't hear it. It's embarrassing for him to think about that.

"Yeah Tee, get sexy time and give Mika a brother!"

Tee smacks both of their head for being silly, Tee takes his bag and ready to leave.

Tae let him ride his bike today because Mika wants to come with Copt, his son get so much attention from everyone makes him a bit sad. He knows everyone want him to spend more time with Tae, just two of them.

Tee leaves early, it's only three in the evening.

Tee arrives at home 50 minutes later because he drops by to buy something, he is thinking about their suggestions to cook dinner for them, maybe a romantic dinner together.

There was a car in front of the house, Tee doesn't recognise the car because he never see it before. He ignores it and enter the empty house.

"I'm home" said Tee as usual greetings. Tae another car is in the garage, not the car Sun drive so he thought Tae is not at home.

Tee enter the kitchen to put out all the ingredients needed for him to cook. He arranges everything before start cooking.

"Should I choose an outfit to wear tonight first?" ask Tee to himself, he looks at him while thinking.

"yeah, do that first, I can choose one for Phi Tae too"

Tee smiles going to his room, he stops when he heard like moaning, he frowns.

"Phi Sun and Phi Earth are home?" ask Tee weird, no car out there.

Tee wants to ignore it at first but decided to listen more, he puts his ears on the door but he heard nothing, not until he hear another moans, not coming from the room.

Tee's heart start beating so fast, it can't be from his room? What happened?

Tee's hand shakes badly when he try to open the door, he has no strength to twist the knob.

"Tae..." Tee stops when he heard that, a moan, a girl's moan.

Tee stops, frozen at his track, his heart is hammering his rib loudly, he can't think rationally and he doesn't want to know what happened in there.

'open it!'


'open it!'


Tee's inner voice is battling in his head, he doesn't know what to do.

'Open it!' this one wins.

Tee slowly opens the door, he looks at the floor before his eyes widen at the view.

Marsha is naked on top of Tae's naked body. Both of them are on the bed, naked! Seems like they are still in their world, they don't even realise the door is a bit opened.

"Tae, I want yours inside me"

Tee awake when he hear that, his tears roll down freely without he knowing.

Lots of things play in his mind, he wants to barge in there and ask both of them what is happening, he also want to run away from here.

Tee walks away slowly, he is not strong enough to go in there and ask his fiance, why he do this to him. Why? After all the promises and confessions?

"You break my heart again phi" Tee runs after he said that, he throws away his apron, his phone and everything on him.

He takes the bike's key, he needs to get away from here. Tee starts the engine and it works at the first try, he leaves the house without looking back at all.

He rides without wearing any helmet too, which is really dangerous.

Sun and Earth on their way home, they almost collide with a bike and both of them curse at the rider without knowing it was Tee.

"Sun" Earth called Sun after Tee's image plays in his brain

"What?" ask Sun back, clearly still angry about the rider that can cause danger to them.


"what Tee?" ask Sun curious.

"I think, that was Tee" answer Earth, not really sure but his instinct saying yes.

"No way, Tee will not drive that careless" Sun reasons out, Tee never rides dangerously before.

"Sun, this is the only road to our house, just a few houses around there and I'm sure that was Tee" Earth still with his answer.

"why he ride like that?" ask Sun back.

"something must has happened. I will call Tae"

Earth tried calling Tae for a few times but it's not connected, keep going to the voice mail box.

"Drive faster! I'm not feeling good"

Both of them reaches the house, it's clearly something must happened because the front door is opened widely.

"is Tae home?" ask Sun to Earth, but it's too late because Earth already inside the house, looking for Tae.

"Tae!!!" that yells make Sun run inside too, leaving the door open.

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