Part 32

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Tee slept on Mika's bed, both of them get cramped on the small bed, Tae sighs and lift Tee to his bed. He scoffs at how stubborn and difficult Tee is last night.

"Mika" mutters Tee in his sleep and he stirs looking for something.

Tae hurriedly take Mika to Tee's side, three of them can fit the bed. He bought the big one because he knows this will happen.

Tae lays beside both of them, Mika is hugging Tee tightly, Tee face turns to Tae's side while sleeping. Tae's fingers plays with the strand of Tee's soft hair.

"how can a man's hair this soft?" comments Tae can't relate because his hair will never be this soft no matter what type of shampoo he use.

"I'm sorry for hurting you Tee" Tae still feels guilty for blaming Tee that day, how can he blamed others because of his weaknesses.

Morning come, surprisingly Tae awakes first before Tee and Mika because he needs to see his friends. He is outside the house, at the lawn having breakfast with a couple, together with the husbands.

He never jealous of this before, having no one at his side but now he can feel it, feel how empty his loner self and how much he wants someone to fill his side soon.

"So Kim, any news?" ask Tae to his friend, Kim.

"Not yet Tae. Your father is really smart, it's hard to go through his matter" answer Kim a bit dejected, he has been spending so much time to dig something from Tae's father but he still get nothing.

Tae sighs hearing that, he can't blame Kim because he knows how smart and mischievous his parent is.

"I've tried to use your brother, August, but he is..." Copt release a deep sigh too.

"useless?" ask Tae while laughing, his  brother is really useless. All he knows is how to spend money, not working.

Sun and Earth also laugh at that, August is really useless, nothing can be beneficial from him.

"Daddy!!!" a shout make five men turn their head, Mika comes running to Tae.

Tae smiles and catch Mika before he put his son on his lap. Mika looks around at the strangers. He blinks a few times before he looks at Tae asking for answer.

"Mika, this is Uncle Kim and Uncle Copt" Tae introduces his friends, Mika politely bow and wai making the couple smile broadly.

"Your son?" ask Kim, Tae nods his head while smiling proudly.

"Mika! Eat your breakfast first!" another voice come yelling to the lawn. Tee come out with a bowl in his hand.

Kim and Copt smiles knowingly who is the man that appears. Tee blinks looking at the strangers, he can't decide to enter the house back or go to the guests.

"Come here Tee" calls Tae.

Tee wears his slippers and go to them, he takes a seat beside Tae and wai to the guests, smiling.

Kim and Copt look at Tae, Mika and Tee repeatedly.

"wait, how come your son look like you and Tee?" ask Kim curious, three of them really look alike, like a same family.

Earth and Sun just laugh at that, that mystery can't be explained with any theory.

"Skip that, Tee, this is Kim. He will take care of our safety and this is Copt, his husband. Guys, this is Tee, Mika's papa"

Tee turns to look at Tae when he said that, he is really happy with that.

"I will prepare proper breakfast for us. Having biscuits and coffee are not enough. Mika, come with papa" Tee holds Mika and both of them left to the house. Tae's eyes follow those figures until they disappear.

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