Part 9

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Tae grins when he saw a file on his desk, he open it and look at San, San always reach his expectation. He opens the files and read the info slowly.

Thanapon Jarujitranon, 25. Kindergarten teacher.

Other info listed on the paper.

Tae can't believe Tee is only five years younger than him, because he thought Tee is in early twenties.

"Satisfied?" ask Earth, he really want to nag at Tae but when he see Tae's condition he stops his mouth. He knows Tae didn't get any sleep last night.

"Yeah" answer Tae with a smile.

"San gonna take a day off today. He didn't sleep at all last night and he told me to ask you, if you want to know Tee's health record too" said Earth. Tae understands he demands things as he want but that's him.

"No need, it's enough. He has a clean record. Nothing special too" comments Tae.

"I will sleep all day today. Cancel all my meeting" With that Tae press the blinds button, the curtains close, turn the room dark. Tae takes off his suit, opens a few buttons of his shirt and lay flat on the sofa. He needs to sleep now.

Earth just left the room to give Tae some privacy. He tells Sara to not disturb Tae today. He go to his table and doing some work. Not all of them can take a day off just like that.


Tee waves to the kids that going home. Mika is playing alone while waiting for Tee to go home together.

"Tee" calls Peach and Tee look at his friend.

"Prin asked for your number, should I give her?" ask Peach, Prin is the girl that try to hit on Tee at the bar.

"please don't. I already reject her properly. I don't have time to date" answer Tee firmly. He really not interested with dating anyone right now.

"you can be friends"

"No Peach. Please respect my answer" Tee go inside after answering that.

Peach knows she shouldn't force Tee anymore that's why she gives up. Star also told her to give up.

Tee and Mika left first, leaving them to prepare for class tomorrow before going home. Mika is on Tee's back, he wants a piggyback ride home.

"Papa, what cook today?" ask Mika.

"What Mika want to eat?" ask Tee back, they can stop at the convenience store to buy some stuff.

"Pizza!" answer Mika excited.

Tee grunts softly, he knows Mika will choose fast food, he is a kid after all. They prefer something like that compared to rice and soup.

"should we make one?" ask Tee back. They can buy the instant dough and make the topping. It's not difficult.

"Papa can make pizza?" Mika looks really amaze, for him Pizza cannot be made at home. They always need to buy them.

"of course. So, wanna make one?"

"Yesh! Can Mika put candy on top?" ask Mika excited, Tee chuckles. Kids is always a kid.

"No candy. We can put egg, sausage, chicken, beef and tomatoes"

"no vegetables. Not delicious" Mika is pouting thinking about his future pizza with tomato. Tee laughs again.

"it's okay baby, you can give the tomatoes to papa. Papa will eat it"


"Promise baby" Mika cheers and kiss Tee's cheek repeatedly.

They stop at the store to buy a few things before going home.

They change to more comfortable clothes and start making the pizza together.

They take a bath together while waiting for the pizza to cook. It took 20 minutes sharp for the pizza to be done. They serves it on the table properly.

"Papa, someone ding ding the door" calls Mika while running to the kitchen.

Tee can hear the bells, he wipes his hand on the apron and walk to the door. He didn't expect anyone today, maybe his parent because they always come anytime they want without calling first.

Tee opens the door and almost slams the door back but a hand stop it.

"I don't know you are rude" Tee sighs and open the door a bit. He never expect Tae to be in front of his house.

"what do you want Mr. Kreepolrek?" ask Tee lazily.

"Uncle! Papa, let uncle in" Mika pulls Tee's hand away from the door. Tae smiles a bit and enter the house without invitation.

Mika looks happy looking at Tae. Tae gives a giant toys to Mika, makes the boy jump in happiness. Tee wants to object but when he see how Mika thanking Tae he gives up.

"Come in" Tee invites Earth and San that still standing outside. They come already.

After all the fuss, five of them are having dinner together, Tee end up making fried rice as the additional food, he can't make any pizza soon.

Mika is enjoy playing with the big turtle plushies. After the dinner Tee cleans the table and dishes, Mika stay at the living room with others.

"Papa, cute?" Mika comes to Tee when Tee sit on the sofa, he hopes he can chase all of them away right now. They shouldn't extend their stay after dinner.

"Cute, but Mika is cuter" praise Tee and kiss the chubby cheeks. Mika giggles and climbs on Tee's laps.

"No. Papa is cuter" said Mika and Tee smiles brightly. He kiss his son's nose and hug the boy. They kind of forget the others there.

"We should go, thank you for dinner" said Tae while standing up.

"at last" mutters Tee, very clear to Tae and Tae dislike it so much. For him Tee is rude and challenges his pride.

"Thank you for lovely dinner Tee" said Earth and Tee smiles kindly. Tae frowns hard when he see Tee can treats others better, it's like Tee just hate him so much and he can't stand that.

"uncles, please come again!" begs Mika cutely. Earth laughs and kiss Mika's cheek.

Mika waves excitedly when they are leaving. Tee just stare at the car, clearly avoid looking at Tae.

Tae grunts when they are away from Tee's house, he can't believe Tee is brave enough to show his dislike clearly like that.

"did he has any problem with me?" ask Tae, San chuckles.

"because you are not the best man he knows. You abandoned your wife and son, you offers him money to chase him away, you don't accept Mika as your son. There, it's clear why he dislike you" Earth just stating the truth, Tae ignores it while San laughing like crazy. His husband really know which button to press.

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