Part 39

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# I'm amaze with u guys imagination and plot of the story, I'm sorry but mine is just simple, hahaha

-mistakes everywhere, not edited -

"What?" ask Tae clearly angry, August is really trying to play with fire. Sun and Kim already prepared for the worst for August, how dare he challenges Tae.

"I want your fiancé just like how you steal my girlfriends from me"

"Repeat it again, your last wish" Tae takes off his robe and get ready to fight someone.

"At least one night of him satisfying me, in front of you" August laughs like a maniac.

Tae fly his punch directly into August's face, he wants to keep punching August but Kim stops him before he done the worst.

"I will kill you!" yells Tae seriously angry and in rage, how dare August say that to him.

"Listen here August, you are on my land, in my area. If I kill you and buried your body here no one will know but, I will not kill you easily. I have a basement where I can torture you till you pray to god to take your life"

Tae grabs August's collar and push him to the couch.

"take what I offered and run to another country with new identity. I can help you escape from father, but if you try to harm my family, I will make you suffer the most!" another slap on August's face.

Tae is breathing hard due to anger, he feels like killing August at the moment but he doesn't want to dirty his hands. He wants to have a good moment and relationships with his life. The owners of his life, Mika and Tee.

August is shaken up with the threat, Tae never lose his composure no matter how angry he is, this time he almost book his own grave. If he can has one.

"Now tell me, what will you do?" Tae grabs August's hair tight in his hand.

"I will take the documents and take anything you give me" answer August shaking, scared to death.

Tae lets go of August, that's what he wants to hear at the first time.

"I want it tomorrow" August wants to protest but when he saw how Tae look, he just agree.

"Here!" Tae inject something into August's body.

"This is a micro bomb, you late you die, you try to run, you die. 24 hours"

Tae takes his robe back and put it on, he leaves the hut.

Kim make sure August leave the area, Sun follows Tae's steps.

When Tae opens the door, only Earth is awake because Tee and Mika is sleeping again on the couch. Tae wants to lift both of them to the room but Sun stops him.

"You should take shower first. Cleans the blood" suggest Sun, Tae looks at himself and he can't argue, his hand is a mess.

Sun told Earth everything while Tae is taking his shower. Both of them leave to their room too.

Tae punches the wall when he remembers what August told him.

"Tee is mine!" Tae yells to the wall and finish his shower fast. He wants both of them in his arms. Only them can make him calm and peaceful.

Tae covers his bruise with bandage, he walks to the living room to his life. He sits beside Tee and pull both of them to lean on him.

Tee stirs in his sleep and look at Tae.

"are you okay?" ask Tee still sleepy.

"I'm better now" Tae smiles to Tee, Tee smiles back and let himself return to the warmth of their body, he needs more sleep.

"sleep more Phi" mutters Tee before going back to his dreamland.

Tae secures both of them in his arms, he is really happy with Tee and Mika in front of his eyes.

"I love you both" Tae close his eyes and trying to get some sleep and rest.

Tee awakes and he feels a lot better now, he looks at the clock on the wall, 2 in the evening. He has been sleeping for long.

Tee looks at Tae and Mika, both of them are still sleeping soundly. Tee ruffles Mika's hair but his hand stops when he see the bandaged hand.

Tee slowly takes the hand into his, he is sure something must happened when he is sleeping. A hand pats Tee on the back makes Tee look at the man.

"He is okay, go shower and eat lunch" said Earth. Tee nods his head and go to his room.

When he is done, Mika and Tae already awake. Both of them are having a cute conversation together. Mika sits on Tae's stomach while telling Tae a story, Tae enjoys every words his son told him.

"Baby, go take shower with daddy, then we can eat" Tee leans to kiss Mika on the head but Tae takes the chance to kiss Tee on the cheek.

Tee frowns hard, he is glaring at Tae but Tae never care, he takes Mika into his arm and walk to their room, he send a wink to Tee making Tee gags. Mika laughs when he see how his parent react to each other.

All of them are having late lunch together, like usual, Mika is the one who talk so much at the table. Others just respond to him and laughing.

"Tee, can we talk?" ask Tae to Tee when all of them done eating, Tee is washing dishes at the sink.

"Yeah" answer Tee, even though he is not looking at Tae, he is all ears to hear what Tae want to say.

Tae looks a bit sad, Tae walks to Tee and hugs Tee from behind. Tee is surprised and feels awkward but he knows Tae need it so much right now.

Tae puts his head on the crook of Tee's neck, he is having a peaceful moment there.

"I'm serious about us, I love you" a kiss lands on Tee's nape making Tee shivers.

"I can't imagine if you choose someone else besides me. I know I don't deserve you but I still want you. I am selfish but I still want to have you" Tae is pleading to Tee to trust his feelings.

"I love you and I want you to accept me. I'm sorry for being selfish" begs Tae more.

Tee smiles, he kind of understand what Tae means. This is the first time Tae wants someone in his life. He knows Tae never have this feelings before, it's all new to Tae.

"I'm accepting your feelings now. I know I'm not showing it much but I like it, our relationship now" Tee wash his hand and turn to look at Tae, Tae's eyes are red, Tae almost cry.

"I can't promise to return your feelings soon but I can promise you that I will love you back. I'm moving there, my heart is opened for you."

"what if it's not opened for me?" Tae seriously concern with this. Tee smiles assuring Tae.

"No one is stubborn like you, it's opened because of you. All you need to do is, enter it and lock it from inside" Tee encouraging Tae to do so.

Tae smiles widely, it means he already has Tee's heart, all he needs is to lock it so that no one else can has it.

"I will put the best lock in the world."

"I know" Tee giggles at how serious Tae looks right now. Tae leans forward makes Tee leans backwards surprised.

"let's seal it" Tae kiss Tee full on the lips and Tee already tired fighting this sensation, he likes it so he let Tae do what he wants, he enjoys it too.

"Your son is here" Sun covers Mika's eyes, Mika already see it and he is happy for his fathers. Tae glares at Sun for disturbing his moment with Tee.

"I'm going to office, love you" Tae kiss Tee's forehead and leaves the kitchen. He needs to get ready, he punches Sun on the ribs as a punishment. Sun only can grunts in pain.

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