Part 38

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Marsha is coming back to Tae's side and act like she cares about Mika. She is playing and acting as her roles very well. She even dare to go to the office and make a scene, begging Tae to let her meet Mika. It's really outstanding, her acting is.

The stories about it explode in the Internet and tabloids, people talk about it, some even pity Marsha for being treated harshly by Tae.

Tee can't do anything besides keep quiet, he can't even say any word in this matter. Tae needs to play safe to make sure it's not going out of hand, that's why he can't act recklessly like chasing Marsha clearly in public. He doesn't want any bad move from him affected his son's life.

Tee leaves the living room where all of them are discussing about the matters, he feels like an outsider.

Copt see Tee, he also walks to Tee. He knows Tee is thinking about something useless right now. Copt sits beside Tee on the bench, Tee releases a deep breath.

"Don't think unreasonable things" said Copt watching how Tee react.

"I'm useless Copt. I don't know what to do"

"it's not just you, everyone doesn't know what to do but they keep being strong because we are together" Copt grabs Tee's hand in his.

Tee looks up at Copt and smile, he can feels better a bit.

"You are not an outsider, you are Tae Kreepolrek's fiancé. You are his family too" Tee blush at that, he still can't act like he is the fiance of that man. It's moving so fast for him.

"I know Tae for years, I've never thought someone can steal his heart but you, he gives you his heart and half of his life. You and Mika meant world to him Tee"

"Thank you Copt, I feel better now" said Tee and both of them share a warm hug together.

Copt turns to look at Tae who is leaning on the door frame. He leaves to give space for Tae and Tee to talk.

Tae comes and take Tee into his laps, it's easy for him to do so. Tee frowns uncomfortable with their sitting but Tae doesn't care about it.

"I know you still conscious about my feelings to you and I understand that. I don't blame you, it's okay to feel so because even I will feel like that too. I know honesty can't be told by words but by actions, I still want you to know. I love you, so much Tee"

Tae puts his face on Tee's chest, he really mean it, it makes Tee's heart beats faster than normal.

"I want to trust you, give me some times to adapt" ask Tee while hugging Tae's head. Tae smiles and nods his head. That is more than enough for him.

"thank you" Tae looks up and kiss Tee on the chin making Tee blush harder. Tae grins teasingly.

"I think you already fall for me" said Tae while lifting Tee with him. Both of them go to the bed for Mika.

"look, even our son wants us to spend time together" Mika is sleeping on his bed alone like a good kid.

Tee huffs and go to Mika, take the boy to sleep in the middle of them. Tae just can laugh at how Tee acts.

Tae, Tee and Mika awake at the same time because Tae's phone is ringing loudly so early in the morning. It's only 6.40 a.m.

Tae grunts unhappy with the disturbance but he still answer it because Kim is the one who called. It must be something important that Kim called him this early.

"August is here" that's all Tae needs to hear.

Tae leave the bed, making Tee and Mika curious. Tae wears his robe fast, Tee follows Tae's act. He prepares both of them and follow Tae.

"Stay in the house with Earth" Tae stops them when they are following him to the main door.

Tee looks at Earth, Earth nods his head to make Tee obeys Tae's words. Tee looks sad but Tae smiles and drops a kiss on each of their head.

Tae leaves the house with Sun. Three of them sit on the couch, they just can wait to know what's going on. Mika starts to feel drowsy and sleep on top of Tee.

Earth keeps fondling his phone, typing something that Tee doesn't know what.

"They will be okay right?" ask Tee to Earth. Earth smiles reassuring Tee.


Tae hates to get help from his step brother but he doesn't has any choice anymore. The only person who can go close to his father's office is August alone. In there, there are lots of documents he can use to threatens his father.

August smirk smugly, he is proud that Tae is asking a help from him.

"Take the documents in the safe box for me, I will give you a house and a car. Money too" offers Tae directly. He knows all August want is money, he is a materialistic.

"You know it's not easy to do that, besides I don't know the password" August puts his reason, August is just afraid that his father will make his life suffer if he failed.

"I know the password." answer Tae easily, he can read it after few times watching his father open it.

"why you need me? I'm sure you can do it yourself. Hire someone professional" suggest August, he never brave enough to go behind his father's back.

"I want to play it safe. Using you is better" answer Tae back. August huffs angrily.

August knows he is useless in his family, his parent never care about him, all they care about are money. His girlfriends always prefer Tae than him, he hates Tae for existing in his life.

"If I don't want to help you?" ask August challenging Tae.

Tae relaxes his muscle and cracking his bone, he really want to punch August, at least once.

"I can make you suffer. If father knows you are here, you are done" Tae moves in front of August's face. Eyes glaring into August.

"Fine, I will do it but I want another thing from you. Three wishes, dear genie bro" August bravely make an offer.

Kim shakes his head disagree, so do Sun but Tae wants to hear it. What else August wants from him.

"I want a house, lots of money and..." August smirk evilly.

Tae waits patiently, he can give everything August want.

"You sure you can give me this?" ask August challenging. Tae tsk and nods his head.

"Your fiancé"

Tae stops moving, his heart is full with rage.

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