Part 26

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Tae receives the paper work from his email and he knows how to help. He can call the owner of the resort they will stay to ask for some discount, he knows the owner.

"What's that?" ask Earth when he puts the documents for Tae to sign. Tae looks serious reading something on the computer screen.

"Tee's paper work. He wants to ask for some fund for his kindergatern's trip"

"You can just give him money without paperwork right?" Earth looks at Tae, they don't have to be so formal about that stuff. Earth is sure Tae will give everything that Tee wants and need, not like Tae will admit it.

"Huh, you think it's easy that way? You know he has his pride as tall as Everest." Tae scoffs at that, he is sure Tee will never take his money just like that, that's why he needs to do this way.

Earth chuckles, he can't deny that because he knows how much Tee hates taking money without reasons.

"Call the Star Resort owner ask for some discount, rent a bus and a mini van." orders Tae after thinking what he needs to do to help Tee.

Earth write what Tae asked him to do in his ipad.

"anything else?" ask Earth.

"Hm, make sure their meals for the trip and prepare an event for birthday party" said Tae more.

Earth looks at Tae, whose birthday party because it's not one of them.

"it's Mika's. I can't wait to celebrate it with my son. I've missed for four years" Tae said to no one but Earth can hear it, Earth can tell Tae is excited but sad too.

"Wait, so, we are going to join them?" ask Earth excited, he wants to go to the trip too. It will be awesome, he can relax there.

"sure, just make sure I'm free from 9,10,11 and 12 next month. If you guys are free join us. Okay, that's all now leave me alone for me to do some work" Tae chase Earth out of his room. He needs to settle some work to get that holiday, it's not easy because he has a lot of work to do.

"Okay" Earth leaves to do his work. He knows he needs to arrange some schedules back due to the sudden holidays Tae wanted, but he glads that Tae has something else he make a priority except his business.

At the kindergarten, Tee, Peach and Star discuss about their activities at the trip, he hopes Tae will help him.

"So we have sponsor?" ask Peach when he jotes down their discussion in a note.

"I think. Just wait two days more, I'm sure we will hear something good." answer Tee with a smile, he is sure the trip will be successful.

"so, how many parents will not join us?" ask Tee back, they need to check it properly because the kids will need to be supervised when their parent aren't coming.

"Surprisingly this year, all parents can join, 10 will come with their mom only. 2 kids and their parents can't join because of emergency." state Peach, Tee nods his head taking all the the information into his head

"some parents give some money to support the trip. We collect a lot too"

"that's good. With that money we will buy presents for them. They already pay for this trip when they registered here"

They continue to discuss without realising it is already late, Mika is home already because Tee call Sun to come and fetch Mika. Mika is a bit unwell so he doesn't want Mika to ride his bike today.

"It's already 7. Let's go home" States Star when they already late to go home.

Tee let them go first because he needs to clean up before he left. Tomorrow is weekend, no one will be here.

While he get ready to go home he gets a call from Tae, he wants to answer it but his phone decided to die because out of batteries. Tee sighs and connect his phone with his power bank.

He is ready to go, locking the gate and wearing his helmet. Already forget to call Tae back. He rides his bike calmly due to traffic jammed. There were accident in front of him and he can't move freely even though he is using bike.

Around 30 minutes he able to pass, he continues his ride like usual. He even stops at the usual shops he like to buy tom yum noodles to bring home.

Around 9 he arrives at Tae's house. He puts his helmet and walk to the door when the door opened harshly in front of him. Tae is standing there with cold and angry look.

"where have you been?" ask Tae, sounds calm but not really calm at all.

"Kindergarten" answer Tee feeling scared. He blinks a few times due to panic.

"you know Mika is unwell right?" ask Tae more, they are still standing in front of the door. Tee don't even dare to step inside the house.

"Yes. That's why I told Phi Sun to fetch him first" answer Tee gulping nervously. Tae is not giving a good vibe. He looks really angry right now.

"You should come home with him!" Tae raise his voice making Tee flinch scared.

"How is he? His fever get worst?" ask Tee trying to change the topic, he is really scared now. Scared that something bad happened to Mika.

Tee wants to get inside but Tae stops him making he glares at Tae's action.

"Now you care? What if something happened to him?! Your work are important than Mika?!" Tae yells directly to Tee's face. Tee blinks his tears away, he didn't understand why Tae is so angry with him. Just because he didn't answer the call or what.

"of course I care! Mika is my son but the kindergarten is my responsibility. My job!" Tee's voice shakes when he said that. He can't lie that it's hurt to be yelled and blamed like that.

"I can buy your kindergarten and pay you more than what you get. You can stop working and take care of Mika. I will pay you more"

Tee's head snaps when he heard what Tae is saying, it is always about money. Tae is still thinking that with money he can do everything. Tee just has some nice thought about Tae and now this, Tae insulting his job.

"I'm not rich but that kindergarten is my pride! I don't need your money!" yells Tee back, now he is crying a bit. It's hurt to know the truth about Tae. He just put his trust in Tae and now Tae shows his real self.

"huh, then choose. Mika or your work!" Tae is still in rage, Tee is shocked with the choice. Tae is a bit too much for doing this now.

"Tae, calm down!" Earth comes to calm the situation. He agrees that Tae is really too much right now. He didn't supposed to do this.

"No! If that kindergarten is important than Mika then he can go. If he can't take care of my son then don't have to be here, don't have to waste his time to be Mika's fake parent, because he has a real one now!" Tae eyes stares deep into Tee's.

Tee sobs when he heard that, how could Tae said that to him, after all this time. He never once thought Mika as a stranger. Mika is his son and he is willing to lose life for Mika.

"I love Mika! I always love him more than myself. If you are really a great father then good, I'm glad Mika has a good father. You can insult me but you can never told me how important Mika is to me. He is my life!"

Tee takes the house key inside his pocket and throw it to Tae's feets. He don't want to stay in that house anymore, he loves Mika but right now he needs to be alone to keep sane.

"You can take Mika away from me but you can't never make me stop loving him. He is my son, my life. You can take Mika to another kindergarten but just let me see him at least once a week. I will die if I can't see him. Please" begs Tee, he wipes his tears roughly. He feels stupid for crying in front of  Tae.

"Please let Phi Earth packs my stuff and send it to me. Thank you for everything, I'm sorry if you think I'm not the best papa to Mika. Please find him a proper mom."

"Goodbye Mika. Papa love you" Tee whispers softly. He wears his helmet and leave the house and his life. Mika.

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