Part 20

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Tee end up giving up calling Tae Mr kreepolrek so, he calls Tae as Phi Tae now. He hates it so much but it's weird for Tae to call him Mr Jaruji.

"Phi Tae, I will bring Mika to dentist today" informs Tee like he normally do. They eat breakfast and dinner together nowadays and sometimes lunch too. Mika is getting closer to Tae since Tae spends more time to his son. Tee needs to bring Mika to Tae's office for lunch.

"okay. I can't eat dinner together today. I need to meet my parent" informs Tae too. Tee feels weird, this is the first time he heard Tae talk about his parent.

"why not bring Mika too? I'm sure they want to know their grandson." suggests Tee but Tae shakes his head. He knows his parent well.

"No Tee. I will not introduce my son to them. He is not like your parent Tee. He forced me marry Mika's mother just to get a heir. Mika's mother marry me because my parent give her money to give a son to them. They are not the nicest parent, I don't want them involve with Mika's life like how they raise me. The family is loveless. I don't want Mika to be raised like me"

Tee blinks listening to Tae, Tae also raise his voice a bit in anger. Tee sort of feels guilty for blaming Tae all this time without knowing what actually happen.

"how come you don't know your ex wife is pregnant?" ask Tee really curios.

Tae doesn't want to open the past but he already blurted it out to Tee. He will tell Tee the whole story and Tee can judge him how he wants.

"Marsha, my ex wife was paid to marry me and produce heir,but after a year married, she still can't get pregnant make my parent blame her. At first I don't know about their agreement but I overheard they talk and I get angry. I mean, it's really weird to have sex so much, I thought she just like it but she had a reason after all." Tee blush a bit when he heard about sex, he can't imagine how much Tae mean by so much.

"I also wrong in this matter, I married her because of my family, not love. She falls in love with me, or maybe liking me or something. I built my own company and stop working for my parent, that time I realise she break the agreement with my parent. I really thought she loves me and want to try build a family with me but I was wrong. It's all about money. I started to reject having sex with her but sometimes she drugs me without me knowing. She is crazy. I know she cheated on me with other guys, that's why I can't believe when she said Mika is my son at the first time. I divorced her when I saw what he makes me eat to make me feels high and having sex with her. I confused at first because when I woke up in the morning I can't remember anything, I just know we have been together. I get tested and I was drugged"

"There, I keep this story for myself. I'm not trying to say I'm nice because I'm a bit of player but when I was married to her, I never cheat. I don't care if you don't trust me, I just don't want my son to live or raise like me" said Tae and get his stuffs to leave for work.

Tee sits there for a moment to digest everything that Tae said. Of course he feels guilty for always thinking badly about Tae.

Tee runs to the door, watching Tae is wearing his shoes. Tee blinks and smile a bit. When Tae stands up, Tee hugs Tae tightly for a few seconds, making Tae a bit surprise.

"Oh, uhm. I'm sorry for everything. You know, Mika is my son too and my parent are their grandparent too, so, uh, you are his daddy, uhm, my parent is your parent too" mutters Tee panic and nervous, Tae smirks widely.

"are you proposing me Tee Jaruji?" ask Tae with an annoying smirk. Tee huffs angry, he means good thing.

"You know what? Your attitude is not something from your parent but yourself! A jerk!" scolds Tee and Tae laughs, Tee really can change his emotion in a  second.

Tae hugs Tee this time, he glads that Tee try to make him feel better.

"Thank you. I will accept your proposal. I need to meet and greet my future parent" tease Tae and Tee gets angry again. Tae runs to his car and leave the house still laughing.

"A stupid old man!" mutters Tee and enters the house to see the sleepy Mika walking to the living room.

Tee smiles with the cute sight and holds Mika in his arms.

"Daddy hug Papa, why?" ask Mika and Tee feels his cheeks warm, Mika saw that?

"Nothing, Daddy just think papa is a really good man"

"Papa is good, nice, handsome, kind, cute, pretty, good" Mika kiss Tee's cheeks repeatedly along each word of compliment. Tee smiles widely, he sure this trait is not from him but his daddy.

"Who you want to be when you grow up? Like papa or like daddy?" ask Tee and both of them walks to bathroom to wash Mika's sleeping face.

"I want to be big like daddy but kind like papa. Mika want to be both. Can Mika not choose?" ask Mika sadly, he really can't think to choose anyone.

"Of course you can be both" Tee kiss Mika's cheek make the boy giggles happily.

"Daddy is nice to Mika now. Mika happy. When papa sleep, daddy come to play with Mika hair and say goodnight. Daddy kiss Mika too" Tee is surprise, he never know about it. How can he sleep like a log?

"oh, daddy carry papa and Mika to bed when we sleep on the floor playing. Mika wants to be strong like daddy. Mika wants to carry papa and daddy too" says Mika really excited. Tee can't help but smiles proudly. Now he knows how he end up on bed when he falls asleep in living room, or anywhere. He thought he sleep walking.

"Daddy is kind too right?" ask Tee to Mika and Mika nods his head fast.

Tee really never knows Tae properly and his mind set really make him stop anything good coming from Tae. For him, Tae is a really good for nothing guy, now he feels guilty for thinking like that.

How long Tee can stay thinking good thing about Tae?

The answer is,

Not too long. 

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