Part 34

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Tee still can't accept Tae just like that and he never agree to date that man! He is still stubborn about his stance, he doesn't like Tae!

"Hey, sleeps here Tee" Tae pats the left side of the bed to Tee, Tee reply it by glaring at Tae.

Tae chuckles at how cute Tee act right now. He just start dating Tee but his son already announce that they are getting married, of course he is thankful for his son to make everything easy for him.

"Papa, sleep with daddy. Mika big boy Mika can sleep alone" Mika encourage Tee happily, he heard from Danny that they should let their parent sleep together, so that they can have siblings fast. Whatever kids learning nowadays.

"No Mika, papa miss Mika so much, Papa want to sleep with Mika" reply Tee back, he never wants to sleep on the same bed with Tae, especially when that stolen kiss incident.

"It's okay papa, we will sleep on the big bed together" Mika pulls Tee's hand to the big bed, Tae already smiling because he is winning. His son is the best.

Mika lays in the middle of the bed, Tae take his side, Tee still standing, unwilling to give in just like that.

"Sleep first baby, papa wants to brush teeth" Tee ruffles Mika's hair and walk to the bathroom.

Tae pats Mika's body softly, he still doesn't know how to lull a kid but he can do this much now. He knows Mika likes sleeping while something touch his body.

"Daddy, promise Mika" Mika looks at Mika's face, what kind of promise?

"Yes son?"

"Marry papa only. Only papa, no mama, mommy or mother. Mika wants papa only" Mika is half pleading to Tae, he grips Tae's hand tighter in his small hand. He really want to be together with them forever.

"Daddy can promise you that, daddy will never marry anyone else except papa but, you must know, papa has his own life" Tae can give his promise but he can't make a promise to Tee's side.

"Why?" ask Mika almost crying.

"Papa said Mika his life" Mika is still small to understand everything at this moment and Tae doesn't know any simple way to explain.

"that's true. Mika, before papa become your papa, who is he?" ask Tae, hoping he will not upset Mika more with the truth.

"My teacher" answer Mika, wiping his own tears with his hand. Tae smiles and put a kiss on Mika's forehead.

"that's true, that's means he has a life before he has you. Listen here Mika, if papa wants to marry and give a mama to you, you should accept her because Papa loves that person. He will still be your papa and I will always be your daddy" Mika start crying when he heard that and Tae feels bad for telling the truth.

"No. Papa marry daddy, daddy marry papa" Mika insist with his wants.

Tae pulls Mika into his embrace, he pats his son softly in order to comfort his son. Slowly and slowly Mika become sleepy and sleep.

"I love you son, I will do anything to make you happy. Including marrying your papa" Tae looks up to see Tee, he knows Tee heard everything from the door.

Tae knows he can't force Tee to marry and accept him soon but he plays a bit dirty trick to make Tee make a better choice beside keep rejecting him. He knows Tee loves Mika so much to let that boy become sad but Tae also knows that forcing a marriage will not make Tee happy.

"You use your son right? To make me feels guilty" accused Tee to Tae's face.

Tae smiles and ignore Tee, he close his eyes tight still smiling.

Tee take another side beside Mika and lays his body. He pulls Mika's hand into his and rubbing the smaller hand softly.

"Papa will never leave you baby" mutters Tee before going to sleep.

Tae opens his eyes slowly when he knows both of them are sleeping at the moment. Tae knows Tee will sacrifice anything to make Mika happy, he wants Tee to accept him, sincerely, not because he do it for someone else.

Tae puts on his glasses and leave the room, he needs to do something to let his mind drift away from this thing. Having a heart to love someone is new to him, he can't adapt to it just like that.

Tae opens his laptop after making a cup of coffee for himself, he can finish some work since he can't sleep.

"Tae?" Sun greets Tae who is sitting at the living room in the dark. He wants to take some water for him and Earth.

"Done?" ask Tae to his friend, Tae can clearly see Sun just finished doing something with how messy his hair right now. Shirtless and sweaty.

"You heard us?" ask Sun without feel shame at all, Tae is used to them.

"No. I want it soundproofed for a reason Sun" answer Tae lazily, this couple can be too much sometimes.

"Can't sleep?" ask Sun and take a seat in front if Tae, he is drinking a water bottle.

"Yeah. I don't think I can sleep well now. I need to settle a lot of things" informs Tae and start typing again.

Sun looks at Tae for a moment before he leaves to shower, he can't help Tae with office works but maybe he can do something about the dangers they are facing now.

After some times Tae shut his laptop and go to the window, he opens it and let the wind blow his face and hair. It's been so long since he feels like this.

"I want to protect my family, what should I do?" Tae is asking the god because he almost hit the rock bottom. His father is like untouchable.

"Maybe we should use the dark way too" suggest Sun, he is done showering and change into another clothes.

"No. We've stop doing it when we stop working with my father. I don't want to involve with anything dirty anymore. I have a son now Sun, I love him"

Sun is proud how Tae thinks right now, putting someone else before him.

"The last way Tae, use August"

Tae turns sharp hearing that name. His useless step brother.

"Find him" orders Tae and left. Tae knows what to do now, he has a new plan in his brain that he is sure will be successful.

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