Part 27

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A/N I'm sorry for mixing Tae Tee and Forth Beam names. I read and write at the same time, that caused the misunderstanding. Don't worry, it will not make Tee suffer so long.. Yeah, that's all. Thank you for reading.

Earth is giving a cold shoulder to Tae, Sun doesn't talk to him too but he just ignore it. As long as both of them are doing their job well.

Tae is a proud man, for him he is always right. What he do is always the best for him, he thought so.

He finished his job early and go home to Mika, Mika is unwell and need to get some rest at home. He hire a nurse to take care of Mika for the time being.

When he is home he can hear Mika wailing calling for Tee. He takes a deep breath before go to the room. He dismissed the nurse who is trying to feed him food, Mika is being difficult since he can't find Tee.

"Mika, what happened?" ask Tae softly. Mika hugs Tae and crying to see Tee.

"Mika want papa. Papa not home. Papa leaves Mika too?" ask Mika sadly.

Tae sighs again, he doesn't know what to answer to the boy.

"eat your porridge and medicine first. You know papa don't like naughty boy right?"

"Papa will home if Mika eat?" ask Mika hopeful, he is still in tears. Tae nods his head slowly. Now he is lying to the boy.

Mika eats his food and medicine, he can see how much Mika needs Tee right now but his ego is higher than his sympathy.

"Papa is busy now. Mika will go to trip soon right? Papa needs to do that, so Mika can go there"

Mika is a smart kid, when he heard what Tae said he understands. He feels a bit better too. He can see Tee when he go to Kindergarten, but he needs to get healthy first.

"Mika healthy, Mika can see papa?" ask Mika

"Yes" Tae is giving a white lie to Mika.

Earth huffs angrily when he heard that stupid lie. He is still angry with what Tae did to Tee. He wants to punch Tae's ego and face so much. He and Sun left after watching Mika sleeps.

Tae lifts Mika's shirt around the arm slowly, he can see bruises there, he feels guilty because of that. It is a bit too much of him. He can't look at the bruise anymore that make he leave.

He hates himself for the bruise. Mika is a kid to get hurt like that, he is not a good father. He should blame himself, not Tee.


Tee is coming with fever too, he missed school for two days. No one knows what happened, not even his parent. He don't want to tell them anything about that, he don't know how to face the reality where Mika is not with him anymore.

"should I let go of my kindergarten? I can hire one more worker and stay home. I can work from home" Tee coughs badly, he sits up to get a proper breathing.

He keeps vomiting, coughing and sneezing non stop. He is in his worst condition yet he doesn't call anyone to get help, he doesn't eat and shower. Just laying on the bed like corpse all day long.

"Should I hire a lawyer to fight for Mika?" Tee ask himself in the mirror, he looks terrible, even he can't recognise himself in the mirror. He never think he is handsome or good looking but he never thought he is this ugly. He looks bad.

Tee chuckles at himself for thinking he can fight Tae. Tae has money while he has nothing.

"should I sell my kidney to get more money?" Tee looks at himself again and cry for millionth times. It's hurt everywhere in him.

He needs Mika, his life.

"Por, Mae, Mika" calls Tee while looking at their picture on the table beside his bed.

"I'm sorry if I go first. I'm sorry for not fighting for my life."

Tee chuckles slowly, even he can't pity himself. He is really a pitiful man.

"before I got into accident, I have a girl that I like. I don't know if I love her, but I really like her so much" Tee stops and cough some more that he is wheezing and face trouble breathing. He calms himself and continue to talk again.

"You know. That accident, just take half of my life away. I get hurt, coma and doctor said I injured myself in vital organ. I might be infertile. How can I marry my crush if I can't give her kids. I'm useless as a man" Tee cried again, this state makes him remember his bad past. Why his life is so hard?! He never do anything bad before.

"God gives me Mika for a while, I got to be a father but God just lend it to me, now He takes that back. Am I a bad guy?" Tee wipes his tears again. He wants to blame God but he can't, he wants to blame fate but it's already too late. He can't blame anything else except himself.

"Maybe I'm a bad guy in my previous life." mutters Tee sadly, keep blaming himself even though it is not his fault at all.

He needs something to rely and hold into but he keeps himself in the dark, away from all sources of life.


It's been five days, Mika's health getting worst that he was admitted to the hospital. Tee is not at his old house and no one knows where is he now. Even his parent don't know and they are really worried.

Tae stop coming to office because he is focus on Mika's health. He can't leave Mika alone because he still feels guilty, the bruise on Mika's body is still visible.

"Tae, eat something or you will end up on the hospital bed too" said Earth. He can't stay angry at Tae forever, not when Tae is not in his real self like this.

"I'm okay" answer Tae, the same answer since three days ago.

Earth sighs and told Sun to do something about their friend. Sun takes Earth's hand and leave the ward.

Earth lean his head on Sun's chest and cry silently, it's breaking his heart watching his friend like this. He can't do anything, he can't find Tee. He wants to hit himself for being useless.

"where is Tee? What happened to all of them?" ask Earth sadly, Sun rubs his husband's back softly. Earth is not a person that easily cry but he is already crying for few times.

"We need to find Tee" Earth is serious but Sun shakes his head, disagree with Earth.

"Tae will find Tee" said Sun confident.

"No. You forgot what Tae said to Tee? He is too ego to find Tee and apologise"

Sun chuckles and hugs his husband tightly in his embrace.

"trust me, he will. Everything will be good soon" promised Sun to Earth.

"I hope so"

The ward's door opened. Tae walk to the husbands.

"Take care of Mika for me" Tae pats Sun's shoulder and run to the lift.

Earth blinks his eyes, can't understand where Tae is going.


"Where half of his life is" answer Sun with a smile, Earth looks confused but he just let it pass. He needs to be at Mika's side now.

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