Part 18

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Tee heard a mysterious sound at the living room that awaked him from sleep. He is worry and scared too, what if the sound come from thieves.

He takes a torchlight and vase, in case he needs to hit anyone. He walks to the living room slowly, that's true there are a figure walking like a mad man.

"Sir?" ask Tee, he thought Tae was sleeping in his room.

"So dark!" mutters the voice, sounds slurry like a drunkard.

Tee press the switch when he is sure that was Tae and he is right, Tae was walking like a crazy man.

"Ugh, so bright!" whines Tae and stumbles on the sofa, falls on the carpeted floor.

Tee laughs before come to help the useless man. He can't believe he will see this side of Tae. Unbelievable.

"Gets up, let's go to your room" Tee helps Tae to stand up. It's hard because Tae is heavier and bigger than Tee.

Tee needs to use all of his energy in order to bring Tae to his room. Tee keeps nagging and saying bad things to Tae. Tae really make it difficult for his life.

Tee opens Tae's door, that was the first time he enters and see Tae's room. It's neat and everything look dark even with the light on.

"as dark as his personality huh" mutters Tee. He throws Tae on the bed and Tae sprawls on the bed like a dead starfish.

When Tee wants to go out, Tae wakes up again and try to walk away, trying to go somewhere.

Tee sighs and walks to Tae, he raise his leg and give a kick on Tae's back make Tae fall on the bed again, pass out for good. Tee laughs so hard when he can get revenge to Tae.

Tee take off Tae's socks and put it aside. When he wants to leave something hit his head and when he takes a look, it was Tae's shirt, Tae manages to take it off and throw his shirt away.

Now, the sounds of belt being losing off make Tee gets out from the room fast. He doesn't want to see Tae's naked body. Tae will blame him later on. That old man is really like to create problem with Tee.

The morning come and Tae can feel his head will explode anytime soon. He is a light drinker and commonly he only drinks two to three glass but last night he drink a lot. He hate himself for letting himself drink so much.

"Daddy up?" a small voice ask Tae. Tae groans and take a look. Mika is standing at the end of his bed, look worried.

"Yes" answer Tae short, he thinks he will die if he talks so much.

"pain?" ask Mika again. Tae sighs, kid really can't read the situation. Tae wants to be left alone.

"Mika call papa" after that small thuds sounds, Mika runs to get Tee who is making breakfast in the kitchen. They actually hire maids to clean the house three times a week because Tee is in charge of cooking now.

"Papa! Daddy pain" explains Mika worried, Tee put his lad and looks at Mika. Mika is pulling him to go to Tae.

Tee follows the young boy and they enter Tae's room, it's still dark inside, just a bed lamp open. Tae is in the bathroom taking shower.

Tee decides to open the curtains and tidy the bed a bit, he wants to leave after that but Mika insist they wait. So here both of them sitting on the bed waiting.

Tae gets out from bathroom, looking sexy with only towel on his waist. Tee almost jumps to the ceiling surprised but he act cool, what's so weird watching a man shirtless?

"ugh, Mika, daddy is okay now. No pain" said Tae to Mika.

Mika looks at Tae then to Tee, Tee can't let the pity eyes away so he ask Tae's conditions.

"You are drunk last night. Need something for your hang over?" ask Tee with no emotions at all, he dislike drunkard because it can cause danger if they drive. Like his accident before.

"I rarely get drunk. But this head ache is killing me" mutters Tae while massaging his own head.

"Daddy pain" whines Mika sadly. Tee laughs a bit and holds Mika. Both of them leave the room.

"Come down after you get dress, I will make something for you to eat" with that both of them leaves to the kitchen.

Tee prepares tomato juice and seaweed soup to Tae, it can lessen the headache. Mika is eating his omelette while playing with his robots.

Tae enters the kitchen, still looking not really good. Tee serves Tae and take a seat beside Mika. Tae smiles a bit, the smells of the food is really salivating. He enjoys it so much and he fells better. A lot better after taking a med.

"you are not going anywhere today?" ask Tee, he and Mika wants to go picnic with Godt's family and Mika wants to invite Tae if Tae wants too.

"No. Gonna rest" answer Tae while walking to the living room to watch some news.

"Mika and I will go picnic, join us" Tee is not inviting Tae but forcing the older man, Mika really wants Tae to come too.

Tae glances at Tee, Tee is demanding a 'yes' answer from him. Mika also pleading him to say yes.

"When?" ask Tae


"hmm, okay. I will invite San and Earth too" Tae gets up to his room to take his phone.

Mika jumps happily when Tae said okay. Tee can't help smiling too, his son is happy, that's make him the happiest dad in world.

"They said okay. I'm gonna sleep some more. Wake me up at three" said Tae to Tee, Tee nods his head and start to prepare food for their picnic.

At 2.55 pm, Tee told Mika to wake up Tae but Mika doesn't want to do it, Tee sighs and walks together with Mika to Tae's room. Tae has been sleeping for five hours straight.

"Mr. Tae, Sir, get up" Tee just calls Tae from a distance, he really doesn't want to shake or touch Tae to wake up.

"Mr. Kreepolrek!" Tee raise his voice and Tae stirs in his sleep. He groans and waking up slowly. He looks at Tee and Mika before leaving his bed to take shower. He really like to shower.

"Okay baby, let's go take shower and get ready too" Tee takes Mika in his arm and walk away together.

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