Part 35

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Everyone is ready for a trip, except Tee because he never thought Tae will follow Mika too.

"We are doing this for Mika and your safety" Earth understand what Tee is thinking when all of them are going together.

"how about your room there? I didn't prepare enough" Now Tee is worrying about their stay.

Earth pats Tee's shoulder lightly, Tee always think about others before himself.

"Don't worry, I've arranged everything" the answer enough to make Tee feels relieve.

Tee and Mika use the bus they rent, while others use the car. Tee already inform his friends about thier activities, so that he can focus on taking care of Mika. He can be here as Mika's parent, not as teacher only. They need transportation to go to the airport.

They reach the resort and check in into their room. Tee is taking the key at the lobby and pass it to the parent.

"What number is our room?" Tae out of nowhere stands beside Tee and ask the question.

A lots of eyes are on Tae, they never saw Tae at Kindergarten before and some who involve in business know Tae.

Tee frowns, Earth said their stay already booked. There is no more room left because Tee will be sharing the room with Bbas and Danny. Godt can't join their trip because of his job.

"Phi Earth said he already booked your room" answer Tee.

"I thought parent will stay with their kids"

"Yes. But for single parent will stay together. I already have someone to share our room" explains Tee hoping Tae will find another room to stay. He is rich, Tee sure Tae can find another room easily, maybe in different resort.

"Tee, everyone already get their keys. They can get some rest first right?" ask Peach to Tee. She saw Tae before but never this close, she can't help staring at the handsome face. Tae gives his smile making others melt. Tee scoffs in his head.

"Yeah, we will start our activity this evening. At four."

Peach nods her head, she smiles widely to Tae before leave. Tee rolls his eyes, feels annoying with Tae here.

"Don't try to flirt with the parent or my coworkers" warns Tee seriously.

Tae smirks and look at Tee.

"Jealous much, baby?" tease Tae. Tee shivers hearing that, feels like he needs to throw up.

"Disgusting!" Tee leaves Tae who is laughing with Tee remarks.

Tae walks to Bbas, Danny and Mika. He has a plan on how to stay in the same room with Tee, by giving another room to Bbas and his son.

"Phi Tae" Bbas greets Tae politely. They already see each other a few times after the picnic.

"Bbas, this is they key to my room. Use this one, and I will use yours" Tae gives the key to Bbas, Bbas nods understand what Tae wants. He slips the key card on Tae's hand. He knows Tee will scold him later.

"Thanks" said Tae, he takes Mika into his arms and walk to their room.

Tee brings his luggage to put in his room after finished settling the parents and kids stay. He takes his card and slide it open.

Mika runs to him happy Tee join him in the room.

"Where is Danny?" ask Tee to Mika because he can't detect any presence of Bbas or Danny's.

"His room. Daddy give a card to Uncle." explains Mika with what he saw. Tee grits his teeth tightly, Tae is really too much right now!

Tae gets out from the bathroom, fully refreshed, he stays up late last night to finish his work before he can spend the day with his family.

Tee frowns hard and turns his head away, he never want to see Tae's naked body in front of him.

"Don't be so mad, I do this for us, lucky you we have two beds" said Tae while wearing his new shirt and pants.

"whatever" Tee huffs and go to the bathroom, he also need to refresh himself. Mika already done showering and get ready for their activities.

Their activities are picnic at the river and eat dinner there. They will have barbecues.

Tae was left alone in the room because he is sleeping soundly after taking a shower.

Tee is busy with the mothers settling what they need to do besides the barbecue, like salad, sandwiches and fruits.

"Tee" Tae awakes from his sleep go to Tee's location because he is hungry. He needs sleep and rest but his stomach want something to fill it.

The females absolutely gawking at how gorgeous Tae is, Tae give a small smile and hi, that's enough to make the ladies reds from head to toe.

"Who is this Tee?" ask one of them, he wants to say something bad but he can't, he is a teacher that supposed to show the best manners to the kids.

"Mika's real father" answer Tee.

"Yeah, I'm also Tee's fiancé" The ladies surprised but they are happy too, Tee at last has someone now.

Tee glares hard to Tae for saying nonsense but Tae is not having it at all, Tae puts his hand on Tee's waist while answering questions from the ladies. Tae is really enjoying the moment.

"no wonder Tee rejects everyone, he has the best one here" tease one of them.

Tae is not happy when he heard everyone, how many is his rival? But he keep calms and still maintaining his working smile

Tee pinches Tae's hand to make it let go from his waist but that brave hand moves lower and upper as it like.

"how many Tee, now phi is jealous na" the ladies laugh when Tae act sulky.

"Don't be ridiculous" grits Tee, he wants to push Tae away so much right now.

"Aw, don't be so romantic in front of us. Enjoy your time together, we will finish this work" they push the couple away. Tee wants to object but staying there like this is not his choice. He needs to talk to Tae.

Tee pulls Tae's arm to go away from people so that they can talk properly.

"What are you doing?" ask Tee angry, Tae smirks happily. He is not scared at all.

"Claiming you"

"You just claimed me as your boyfriend few days ago and now fiancé?" ask Tee more.

"Oh, you realised that you have been claimed by me? I don't mind boyfriend or fiancé, as long as you know we are together"

"Together?! You are crazy Phi!" now Tee starts blushing without he knows why.

"Yes Tee, together. Three of us" Tae seems calmer, sincere and serious now without his famous evil smirk. Tee becomes quiet too.

"remember when I told you I will give you more than be in Mika's life?" ask Tae while holding Tee's shoulder


"Be with me, be Mika's real papa too. I'm serious about you Tee, both of you fill my heart and my life. Half of it is Mika's and half of it is you" Tae confession is passing through Tee's brain really slowly right now but he understands, he just don't know how to react to it.

"Take your time to think about it okay?" Tae smiles warmly.

Tae walks away but stop after a while, he looks at Tee back.

"No is not an answer though"

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