Part 4

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

One month passed, Mika is happy with his new family and he seems understand that his mother left him alone in this world but he is happy in Tee's family. His new family spoil him so much.

Tee tries to find about Mika's real dad but he can't find anything. It's like Tae Kreepolrek is not exist, after two weeks trying Tee gives up. He already inform the government about Mika and they let him adopt Mika. It's not easy but with the help from insider, it's easier to Tee. He is legally Mika's guardian.

"Tee, we want to grab dinner together later with our old classmates, wanna join?" ask Peach.

Tee looks at sleeping Mika and shakes his head, he promised to make dinner together with Mika today.

"Please come Tee. You don't want to meet others?" console Peach and Tee sighs. He already rejected their offer a few times, maybe he should go.

"I can't. I promised Mika to cook dinner together today. Next time tell me earlier so that I can make plan"



"okay! Mika is lucky he has you as papa. He looks happier and cheerful"

"Yeah. My parent spoil him so much too. I'm glad I have a chance to be a father" said Tee and Peach smiles.

Peach and Star know Tee faced a lot of things before Tee can stand on his own feet today, they pity and proud of Tee at the same time.

Tee and Mika walk home together like usual and Mika can't stop talking about what he and Danny do today, Tee listens everything Mika want to say.

"Papa, can we go park tomorrow? Danny fathers bring he too" ask Mika hopeful, Tee smiles again and nods his head. He will give everything he can to Mika.

Mika jumps happily and hugs Tee's leg tight. Tee grins and lift Mika into his arm, the boy kiss his cheek and both of them laugh together.

At home, they cook dinner together, they make pizza and pasta, it's really simple and Mika pass out after eating dinner.

Tee decides to text Bbas to ask about their plan. When Bbas said they will be there in the morning Tee packs Mika's stuff in his bag.

Tee go to the toilet to brush his teeth and get ready to sleep, tomorrow will be a long day for them.

Morning come and Mika is super excited to leave, Tee just can chuckles with his son enthusiasm. They take public bus to go there.

"Danny!!!" Mika runs to Danny when they reach the park. Danny left his toys and come running to Mika. Both of them collide and fall to the ground laughing. They just met yesterday.

Tee shakes his head and walk to Godt and Bbas. Tee greets both of them, Godt greet Tee with a hug. They are neighbours before and Godt is like a brother to Tee.

"here, I packed bread" Tee gives the box. Bbas serve it on plate and they catch up about their life.

"so, Mika is your son now?" ask Godt while eating an apple. Bbas already run to play with the kids.

"Yeah" Tee can't stop smiling, hearing people call Mika as his son makes his heart blooms.

"You said about his real father, what is his name?" ask Godt again and Tee frowns, why Godt want to know?

"why? You think I can't take care of him? I legally his guardian now" answer Tee offensive, Godt realise his mistake and touch Tee's shoulder to make Tee calm down.

"that's not what I mean Tee. I asked because you said you try to find him before. Maybe I can help, if you found him and he doesn't want to has Mika, it's easier for you in the future. You can make him gives all the right to you"

Tee digests what Godt said and that's true. Tee sighs and looks at Mika, he is not sure whether he want to see Mika's father or not. He is afraid of losing Mika but what Godt said is true.

"I don't know whether this man is exist or not because I ask my friend from police, he said he can't find it" answer Tee.

"what is his name?" ask Godt again.

"Tae Kreepolrek" answer Tee and Godt looks stunned. Tee frowns because Godt looks surprised.

"wait, Tae Kreepolrek? Are you sure Tee?" ask Godt again while grabbing Tee's shoulder tight.

"Yes. That's the name of father on the birth certificate?" ask Godt more. Tee become anxious and he can't remember the name on the certificate. He just assume the name is Tae Kreepolrek. He never pays detail attention there.

"I'm not sure. Why?"

"do you have it with you now, maybe a picture or something"

"Yeah, I have a soft copy of it in my phone. You wanna see?" ask Tee confuse. Godt nods his head and ask for it.

Tee shows the document and Godt grits his teeth.

"look Tee, it's not Tae Kreepolrek but David Kreepolrek. That's why you can't find him" Tee blinks, he is still in daze, he never knows about it till today, but the letter state another name. He is sure it's Tae not David.

"I know this man. I know Tae David Kreepolrek" state Godt and Tee feels like his soul is flying to the sky. Mika's real father do exist and the chance of Tee to lose Mika is there too. Tee doesn't know what happened to his heart right now. He hopes this is a bad dream or maybe he hopes he didn't come today to see Godt that he doesn't need to know about this.

"are you sure Godt? Maybe they are different" said Tee

"No. Tee, I'm sure. We are friends, Tae is his nickname and people called him Tae. We studied overseas together, we are close because our parent know each other. He stays there, start his own company, he never return to Thailand" tells Godt.

"Is he married?"

"I'm not sure about that because we lost contact after I return to Thailand." answer Godt.

Tee looks at the happy Mika right now, he can't let that boy leave him after all this. Without he realise, tears roll on his cheeks and he is sobbing softly.

Godt moves closer to Tee and hug the smaller man tightly. He regrets asking about Mika's real father, it's been so long since he see Tee cry.

"what if he wants Mika, what should I do?" ask Tee while crying, Godt can't answer that.

Mika comes running while crying, he doesn't know why, maybe because his papa is crying sadly. Of course Danny start to cry too after watching his best friend crying.

Bbas looks at Godt asking for answer, and Godt promised to tell the story later, after everyone has calm down.

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