Part 16

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Tee decides to use the same room with Mika and Tae just agree, he is tired of arguing with Tee, he can't win easily. Mika seems happier and brighter than before.

"Papa, can we watch cartoon together?" ask Mika hopeful, he never explore the house because he never like to be here before but now, Tee is living with him, he feels like home.

"Of course baby" answer Tee and continue eating their breakfast.

Tae walks to the kitchen to drink some water before leave for work. He watches Mika and Tee eat breakfast together.

"you don't have to cook, we have a maid to cook and tidy the house" said Tae while drinking the water, he leans on the fridge.

"oh, but I can cook for myself. Want some breakfast?" ask Tee. For him just drinking water in the morning is not enough. Must have a big breakfast, breakfast like a king.

"Daddy, eat with Mika. Papa cook delicious" Mika smiles and Tee is proud for the praise.

Tae sighs and take a seat, Tee smirks and take another plate for Tae. Tee puts the toast and omelette on Tae's plate.

Tae just eat without saying much, he needs to wait for San and Earth to come get him. They just live a few houses away.

"Mika and I will be out this evening. He wants to meet Danny" informs Tee, he is not asking for permission, he just wants to let Tae know. Don't want misunderstanding later on.

"okay. here" Tae gives a credit card to Tee, silver colour. Tee never saw a card like that before.

"use this card for you and Mika. I've already limit it, so don't worry."

"But I has my own money, I still can pay for Mika and myself" retorts Tee back, he doesn't need the money from Tae.

Tae sighs and looks at Mika that watching both of them.

"Don't make it difficult. I'm not showing off my money or trying to buy you or something. If you want to use it, you can use it, if you don't want to then don't. I'm not a person that belittle human being. Human is same after all, they will die eventually" Tae put his utensil and walk away, taking his briefcase leaving his half eaten breakfast.

Tee feels guilty for the first time to Tae, he always thinking badly about Tae. Mika blinks his eyes, he can't understand that Tae is angry.

"Papa, Mika loves you okay?" said Mika and grabs Tee's hand softly.

Tee smiles and nods his head. He takes the card and put it inside his pocket. He will use the card and buy something beneficial for Mika.

Tae slams the door loudly make San and Earth flinch. Both of them just keep quiet and start to move away from the house. Tae is fuming with anger right now.

The silence keep going till they reach the office, Tae is still in bad mood, leaving first without Earth following him like usual. He also didn't respond to any greetings and some even turn their way when they saw how Tae looks today. No one want to be eaten.

"what happened?" ask Earth to San, he is really scared right now.

"I'm sure it's about Tee. Just act like usual. Be strong!" with that San run away, leaving Earth to battle alone.

Earth just can pray Tae will not lash out at him without a solid reason.

When Earth enter the room, Tae already drinking a bottle and half of water. Hopefully he is cooling down enough right now.

"Are you okay? Want me to postpone the meeting this morning?" ask Earth carefully.

Tae sighs and look at Earth, he shakes his head. This is an important meeting, he can't let it postponed.

"I'm okay now. That kid really know how to make me angry" mutters Tae with gritted teeth.

"wanna talk about it?" ask Earth concerns, Tae rarely get irritated without a solid reason. Tee must have done something really bad today.

"Am I arrogant? A snob?" ask Tae serious. Earth blinks a few times before shakes his head.

"Then why he thought I'm buying him with my money? Never once I thought to use money on him. What? Just because I'm rich, I will treat normal people badly? I'm not my parent!" rants Tae angrily and Earth understand the situation already.

Earth sits on front of Tae and nods in understanding, he tries to find a suitable reason for Tee.

"I know you, San know you but not Tee. Remember when he wants to see you then you give him money, you even offer him a blank cheque. Maybe he feels like that because of the past encounter between you guys. I mean, you thought he is that kind of person and he thought you are the person who use money to settle everything" explains Earth carefully.

Tae take a deep breath and leans on his chair. He release a deep sigh before agreeing what Earth said. That's true.

"but he really know how to press my button" Earth laugh a bit, Tee really dislike and detest Tae at all cost.

"He just saw your bad side, get to know him, I'm sure he will treat you better" suggest Earth but Tae rejects it fast, even thinking about him talking nicely with Tee without further fighting make his hair stand up.

"Not gonna happen. He is a bad news." said Tae and Earth laughs again. For him Tee is a nice young man and a hard worker too. Both of them really meet at the wrong side.


Tee walks with Mika at mall, they will watch cartoon at cinema later on.

"Papa, legs hurt" whines Mika cutely, Tee laugh before take the boy into his arm.

"that's because you run so much at playground"

"Not gonna run anymore" reply Mika sadly. Tee laugh again and start walking, he don't think they will be able to watch movie today, Mika is dozing off in his arm

"Baby, wanna go home?" ask Tee softly, worry disturbing the boy.

"cartoon" mutters Mika sleepily.
Still talking about cartoon even though almost asleep.

"next time okay. Let's go home for today" console Tee and Mika nods slowly. Tee walks to the elevator, need to be home now. His baby need to sleep.

On the way home Tee keep replaying the event between he and Tae this morning. He feels guilty but it is not easy for him to apologise, especially to Tae. They are so not in a good relationship. Tee sighs again, he needs to do something.

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